Why is russian propaganda so effective?

why is russian propaganda so effective?

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Literally nothing wrong with open defication if you live in a rural area.


go nuts

did dvatch or krautchan come up with this





Fuck this meme

better ?

Because they have T-I-G-E-R-S and S-P-A-C-E

and K-R-O-K-O-D-I-L

hahahaha holyshit good memes russiabros

fixed for you slavgol

Someone paid money for this

much appreciate it
can't do that on my YugoPC

edit this into russia




Cucktin is a cryptojewish scumbag.


It’s not in Eastern Europe and frozen Europe.

America is a much more diverse place that Europe and that brings benefits and challenges.
Norwiegans trust each other because they all look the same and have similar backgrounds, Russia also isn’t a far off fantasy land to them, they are used to Russians trying to divide them. Racism is a natural state of humans, no great ape likes outsiders.

Americans do not trust each other, which makes us easily exploitable through confirmation bias

Siege mentality

Yeah under siege by polish white niggers.

That's all you can tell?