BEARS NOT ALLOWED! Support your champ, win the nationals, wait for the next chapter
ACE support thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Im looking forward to seeing you cry more, ACE
Tears of joy soon.
Happy ACE keeps the bear away.
Not today.
Yes today.
You can't keep me away from these threads.
ACE's victory in a few days can.
This except with ACE and Koyori.
New chapter when?
>25 days since last chapter
I'd say ACE wins this week.
I wish i was ACE's daddy so i can tell her how proud i am.
No men allowed. Maybe you can be her mom but she's a bit of a bitch.
>you will never date the ACE
>you will never be ACE
why live?
You can date the ACE if you become the doge. Start ping pong now and you can do it in 2-3 years.
>Kumami will never bully you to tears
Why do I even keep going?
where's my sasorida nationals post
He probably got killed by a truck.
>implying he's not training right now to beat everyone
In heaven
Every thread until I hoku hoku.
He's dead?
>Thread five hours ago
There are 3 possibilities: he died, he still haven't seen the thread so he needs you to keep it alive so he doesn't break his promise or he won the nationals
If Scorp can't make it to this thread, he wont make it to the nationals. It's over for him, leave it to someone more talented.
Hanabi has the best pits.
Any second now.
The OST was uploaded in flac if anyone who wants it missed it:
Someone post the Spurdo edit.
Every thread until I win nationals!
Like music to my ears.
Sweaty hand holding is music to mine.
>I can read dead people's posts.
holy fuck, I love sweaty anime girls
They love you too.
There is nothing better in this world.
I hope they have Nationals in the afterlife.
Me too. I've been seeing A-chanposting for a while, long after A-chanfags went extinct.
I don't know who are you talking about, but check this HAPPY ACE
Tanpopo-chan is cute.
What about 3D Ace?
The arrow goes on the other side
not sweaty, would not even give directions
She fixed it.
>would not even give directions
There's only one direction for ACE.
The picture's reversed because of her phone cameras, you fucking dinguses
That's a compass on her head.
It points to whatever she wants most in this world.
>There's only one direction for ACE.
You mean the second plACE?
What does this ACE wants?
To dethrone God
Koyori is underneath her giving her analingus.
stop changing her you ruffian
Why is Hokuto's mouth so sexy?
>removing koyori
>not just giving her a kitty hair pin
I actually like ECA. And it's not the first time ACE changed anyway.
>not replacing Koyori with Kumami
Literally an evil version
We naturally sexualize that which is hidden from us.
Doujins can't come soon enough
Neither can I.
These threads have really gone to shit.
When can we get off Kumami's wild ride? It's been almost 9 months, and we have literally nothing to talk about
user that's one too many.
You've failed worse than Hanabi.
Ace? more like second plACE
Because she tries to hide it!
Why is Kumami so shit? She ruined the whole discussion!
What do you want to talk about, user?
This show looks kinda sweaty.
>What do you want to talk about, user?
What do the black things on her twintails symbolize?
ACE goes in last plACE.
It's okay when we're on Kumami's wild ride, it's the wait that kills me. almost half of the manga soon
Why is Homura so handsome?
How does Fubuki not have a waterfall in her pants every time she sees her?
The more you sweat, the more your heart races and the higher powerlevel you have. That's how you can improve at sports and other stuff.
Aiming for the top
People called the final boss "homura" so much I forget which girl is actually Homura.
>How does Fubuki not have a waterfall in her pants every time she sees her?
[Citation needed]
>it's a "Koyori steals the spotlight of what was clearly intended to be an ACE picture just by being cute at the corner" episode
Maybe this second place meme is true after all.
So who's the best fuck?
Koyori looks like she has a big head.
>Hanabi would finish you too fast, fucking jobber
>Hokuto would accurately replicate what she saw in porn
>Captain would just give you a footjob while you lick the other foot, only opening her eyes for the climax
>ACE would do the dead fish at first and try hard after she gets comfortable, not the greatest but cute
>Munemune would refuse at first but you could convince her to do a titjob
>Bear would make you to keep going until you came at least thrice, might scratch you or do femdom
>Koyori would be like a wild animal with near-infinite stamina and sweat, yells a lot and bites your ear for some reason, might film it
So it's a tie between Bear and Dog?
I can get down with this.
I want to see her sweaty and frustrated.
Sadly, I don't think this one cries after losing at ping pong.
Who's the sweatiest ping pong?