How do we stop mass shootings without resorting to gun control or increased physical security?
How do we stop mass shootings without resorting to gun control or increased physical security?
I wanted to reach out to give you my advice on the recent abuse on Internet boards of the robot disinformation engine problem. I suggest that you create an Internet drivers license and force every web citizen human or bot to use the license to obtain verification signatures that identify the exact person taking possession of the Internet. The robot posters have gone way too far this time and if something is not done right now, all hope will be lost.
allow bullies to start beating the creepiness out of weird kids like they did back when america was great
Bring back the looney wards
Bullying is a part of the social immune system. It fights against deviant and unnatural behavior. Attempting to remove it from the equation results in trannies, bugmen, shot up schools, and a lack of hierarchy in general.
Don't sell guns to mentally ill kids who were expelled from their high schools
1 (one) phone call
If someone violates any sort of code of conduct or is mentally ill at a school/ workplace, force them to resort to homeschooling or working from home
Genuinely hoping to see a decent response to this...
easiest way is to gas all the kikes