Jew media lied with false narrative

It was so obvious the Jew media lied with the white nationalist narrative. Just another attack against white people in their ethnic war.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't forget that it's ridiculous that this mutt is being spun as being "white" to begin with.

> unironic Nationalism.
Ok White people are not at fault for anything But neither is anyone else, You should Focus On your personal accomplishments rather than Being prideful for someone else's

White supremacist denial

if this is considered white then the term means nothing anymore

This kid wasn't even the shooter

He's Russian

He is white, But that dosent matter, He's Just a Cuck who wanted attention from the media, That's The real reason shit like this Happens is because People want to be famous that and The Government/corperations Fuck with us.

>hes white
>hes russian

source? he doesnt look white

> wasn't even The shooter.
> caught red handed.
What's your Major malfunction ?

Is Russian whore mother probably fucked a spic by the way his name is.

I asked for the source you double nigger

> fucking white skin.
> last name is cruz.

>white skin

check your eyes you blind faggot, hes darker than me and I'm fucking mexican

He has freckles and He could have a tan,Btw Mexican isnt a race faggot.

Can't give you lads the exact source but here on Sup Forums anons found his brother who's still in Russia and looks about the same

Yes goy. Don’t care about your ethnic group.

There can Be white Colored Mexicans, My Girlfriend is a Spic and she's white as paper.

Just take responsibilities for your Own actions, you are not defined By your race But By your actions.

To call that person white is beyond obscene.

If you people
stop being retards,
and learn
that have


you would have
results in
real world

Democrats party
love to see
using the word
who looks
instead of
since was the
media of
Democrats party
pushed this

He is white, But His race dosnet matter, what matters is that this was his actions He could of been Black he could have been Asian,that shit dosent matter.

>caught red handed
Aren't they all?

de jesus isnt a russian name you faggot cuckold

well yeah it is a High profile Crime Most of them don't try to Hide that fact they are Killing people.

> Spanish
> Italian

if they can get the lie out there then it doesn't matter if they retract later. the lie is out there, they did their job.

His Race does Not matter. like i said He could have been Black,He could have been Asian, stop being proud Of shit you have No part in. This has Nothing To do with race,Guns etc... It has To do with Mental illness and This Modern Generations obsession with Pursuing fame.

many Democrats just want to be good people but they've been jewed their whole lives and don't know up from down. many of our own families have fallen to Jewish tricks. I'm sorry you can't help yourselves from getting holocausted everywhere you go. It's a centuries old phenomenon, hating Jews and like most things that endure through the centuries, there's a damn good reason for it.

And the right totally didn't lie with this commie bullshit. Not even close to the same person, yet the mongs ate their own people bait.


>Sup Forums trolls convince media shooter was a nazi
>media exposed for biased agenda

> jewed.
Why cant you get this through your head Being a race has no effect on your actions You are The only one responsible for your actions.

He was adopted, hes a Slav. The spelling of his name with a k instead of a c should have made it obvious

please stop projecting this on me, I've not implied this.

There are acceptable Jews. Is that good enough for you or do I need to slurp your circumcision to make up for being white some more?

Its The Rich bankers influencing stories like This.
> But bankers are Jews
except the ones who aren't.
> commie
Theres only two choices of anarchist flags, im a mutualist.

Yep. 90% chance this is a false flag.

> acceptable jews.
Again, Race has nothing to do with this.

and i never bashed whites dood, Learn to Judge people By their actions.

I'm not going to ignore the coincidences sir. You can say that shit until your blue in the face.

Right? The uneducated kiddies in this thread. Jews were banished from owning land, forcing them into the cities. They were banned from serving in the military. At that time banking and loaning was seen as second tier work, so effectively, Roman Catholics are their own downfall. These people need to read a book or two.

Fuck off cunt

> coincidences
The majority Of people In The u.s are Caucasian of some sort soooooooo... Yeah theirs Going To be crime Committed But That has nothing to do with race.

he isn't white... look at him...

You're defined by many different groups you're a part of actually. For example as an ancom you get thrown out of a helicopter along with ancaps.

I have eyes he is white, However I do agree this was a false flag.

Stop feeding him you stupid fucking retards

> ancom
Not even an ancom Im a mutualist, and No tard You are defined By your actions and opinions.

>Learn to Judge people By their actions

OK then, you are a nigger because you randomly cap words for no reason

It’s Soros fault

> doesn't have an agruement so he refuses to "feed" me "

and yeah sorry On mobile and I have huge sausage fingers.

It is Tard, too much shit doesn't line up.

We are making hispanics white and it is driving the jews crazy.

Hispanics are usually white.

>On mobile and I have huge sausage fingers
download a new keyboard for large fingers then, there are lots of them

Fuck you, nigger. Go be a commie faggot somewhere else - like wakanda

if your autism's so bad you can't help but feed them then it's as easy as that
do your part to stop making the board such a shitty place


Bc that's not true. Look at crime stats. Look at the percentage of Jews in media, or in finance, or on the Supreme Court. You're being a fag

Please lads. Just look at one post and you know he’s a worthless shill. Don’t feed (You)s

Yeah and I have a white-gold dress to sell you.

*filter and move on

I meant to add that to my post, sorry bout that. But you should filter.

Im not a commie, I'm a mutualist, National socialism is closer to communism ya cunt.

this kind of shit has been happening Even before jews had any form of power.

People Have free will, YOU are The only one responsible for being a cunt.

The black nobiliy are the bankers in charge. They are jooish but have no problems sacrificing lesser joos as they have done historically.

you do Know that the first Germans descend from Middle easterners right? you know Jews and the Aryans were actually Scandinavians.

and again Bankers have been doing shit Like this Since before Jews Took Over the industry right?

I reported that thread to the FBI. Just taking the good advice the president gave us today!

It takes about 2 minutes of your own internet research to figure out that this was clearly a mossad operation. The israeli army desperately needs guns, and mossad was trying to obtain them. gun deal went bad, and this hoax was planted to distract attention.

Cause the internet Never Lies Right?
> the Israeli Military have Their Own weapons manufacturers as well as Importation.

The hypocritial left is judging him by his skin color negating that he has a hispanic last name .


Makes me sad To call myself a lefty fag.

>People think they see some sperm on the painting of Obama and out of nowhere a wild school shooter appears.

Really desegregates my almonds.

For one thing the ruling illuminati go back to babylon and before
Stfu, lurk Moar or gtfb2plebbit

Yo This Thread is Dead Cause White supremacists got bested By facts.


You're an ignorant moron and everyone who spent more than a month on this board can see you glowing

Lying robots must be assassinated. I wanted to reach out to give you my advice on the recent abuse on Internet boards of the robot disinformation engine problem. I suggest that you create an Internet drivers license and force every web citizen human or bot to use the license to obtain verification signatures that identify the exact person taking possession of the Internet. The robot posters have gone way too far this time and if something is not done right now, all hope will be lost.

Jesus fucking Christ do some basic fucking research outside of your hug box you ignorant ass fucking fuck.

He came to America when he was a baby. His Russian parents were shitlords, they did a bunch of fucking tweek. These Cuban immigrant/citizens adopted him and his little brother Zachary when they were babies to get them away from the fucking meth addled Russian squatters. They took on their Cuban adoptive parents last names, kept the first names. His adopted dad died when he was in grade school or some shit. His adopted mom died like a year ago. He was living with a neighbor / friend of the family, trying to get his GED and being weird and aspie as fuck.

His name is Nikolas Cruz not Nicholas de Jesus Cruz. Nicholas de Jesus Cruz is kiiiind of the same age but is a completely different human being.

Nikolas Cruz is a Russian immigrant. He's white as fuck. And a rabid Trump cultist.


Go watch the video or can bots not reply to vids? She was with the "shooter" while there was shooting going on and he had no gun.


Wrong you can smell them. Plus they're greasy.

That's Nikolai Cruz to you vermin

And you think this proves I'm wrong? Try again. Israel needs weapons for the "Greater Isreal" plan. Google it. They were trying to obtain that AR-15.

So where's your proof it's a lie?

>fucked a spic by the way his name is

This is a great sentence.

Source? I sense a big jewish LARP here

Whoa. This is the first time I've seen the photo on the right. I noticed that it was a different guy before I noticed that it wasn't supposed to be a different guy, even without the autism written all over it.

Honestly, being a white supremacist when spics adopted you and basically saved your life would be some savage shit. Apparently the ADL and their servants in the media has zero respect for the public's intelligence.

Plus his adopted mom just died and that prob helped put him over the edge, I doubt he hated his adopted spic parents, and I'm starting to doubt all of the MAGA hat stuff too. Too many shitbags out there spinning shit to fit their agenda.

Apparently the ADL and their servants in the media has zero respect for the public's intelligence.

There's no way this thread is getting anything but slid right now lol


fuck off, this was fake news to discredit people pointing out real news amidst the stream of fake news


Actually, now it seems like this picture was one that someone found to try to say that the shooter was a leftyfag. Did any news outlets use this photo?

You would never see this photo in mainstream media, especially if it was true.

In this case, it isn't. This is some fag named Michael something, different person.

Technically they didn't lie. Some retarded larping militia hick literally lied to the media and told them that he was affiliated with his organization.
