Romans and Orthodox both allowed, brothers in christ
>The Basics of Christianity
Romans and Orthodox both allowed, brothers in christ
>The Basics of Christianity
Sorry about the formatting guys, am phone postin
Keeping this bumped
Orthodox checking in. How’s your Lent going? Im on day 4 of nofap and honestly I’m already feeling like a new person. I’m hoping this is the turning point for me.
Lord have mercy, holy Theotokos pray for us!
Hey fellow orthobro
Same goal for lent. I have so much more energy, I took a shower, had friends over, read 5 books of the Bible (Paul's Epistles are admittedly short)
I feel like a whole new person
Great argument, because all Catholics are unswervingly loyal to Francis...
Also, take off the flag
Staying busy and social is actually a huge part of it. I’m generally at work all the time, but now that I’m rooming with a bro I’ve noticed there’s far less opportunity for temptation. I don’t know your living/working situation but try your best to stay occupied with productive things. Also sleeping in the same room unironically helps.
They have a nofap app that really helps too.
Ive basically been half-hesychasming this whole afternoon
I’ll check it out, thanks.
On a side note are these threads usually this quiet? I haven’t been on Sup Forums in like 6 months and I remember more activity.