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thank you for making this user. truly.
do we know any pedo connections to congressional baseball shooter? iirc he like burned his daughter almost to death or some shit
he had the pedo eye in his official picture.
link or pic?
ohhh you mean the weird pupil distortion? forget what it's called. starts with a C
>those subs
did he share his account with younger brother\sister or something like that?
their right eyes are more closed than the left eyes
does podesta have it?
fuck off schizo
tony does
it's these little things that make me super comfy.
.26 seconds between posts.
there's no denying it, boys
woody, yeah?
well met
so it's pretty obvious these actual faggots are being set up to actually die or at minimum be patsies for strategically timed shootings. cooperation with deepstate to avoid pedo charges.
tho i think vegas was intended to be something larger but failed
The pupil issue that soros and maddie mccann have is called colobomo. The droppy eyelid that Weinstein and Tony Podesta have is called ptosis.
Vegas was supposed to be a nuke.
Remember last year's mass shooting involving Broward County, Sherrif Scott Israel, and an incompetent FBI?
thank you for the clarification.
Well, I guess that's a wrap for Tony.
nope but it sure is relevant.
i can't believe how many happenings have been completely memoryholed, even on pol
I guess it's called the high incident project for a reason.
now i feel dumb cuz wtf is the high incident project
It's the only way, my daughter uses my account and I have shit like this all over my youtube
this was ridiculous and the clearest sign to me. all these happenings since trump took office, it's obvious there is a behind the scenes intelligence war with actual violence.
we need to see tribunals NOW
I think we're almost there.
It's scary, I have zero memories of that shooting.
ok now i remember. yeah we're headed for body scanners out the wazoo.
The texas church shooting and the surrounding character involved had all the red flags: meth head ex wives, baptist church, air force, dead little kids. Cville had a huge network of minorities on facebook with lots of single dads with babies. I wonder what ever happen to Amelia
I've already seen posts by shills saying that all schools should have body scanners.
No Problem. Colobomo is caused primarily by mothers drinking heavily during pregnancy. Ptosis, not acquired in old age due to sagging skin, tumor behind the eyes, or the congenital version, is a trauma condition. It can be caused by blunt force trauma like getting hit in the eye really hard with a baseball, but the cases in the Establishment are often the result of child molestation. Basically, the eye is naturally closed and the eye muscles keep the eye open. After straining the eye muscles for a really long time, they just give out and the eyelid starts to droop. If you look closely, you will notice that it is the eye of their handedness. Look at the McCanns. Mom is a lefty verified by news media. Dad is a righty.
i bet if we had a muslim invasion like europe we wouldn't be seeing school shootings. We'd have terrorism. They wouldn't need school shootings anymore.
normalfags are gullible enough to swallow it, even tho half of them bitch about things like the patriot act and think they're W0K3.
fuck this gay earth
so substitute one false flag for another?
Saved this from someone else but it might help
huge list of pedo reports
really great info user. appreciate it, and welcome anything more you have to give about any of this.
also, are you implying mccanns were in on it? like sold their daughter off to elite?
Manchester bombing was famous for all the little kids that vanish with free taxi rides. All it take is a fake bomb, video of people running and a couple photos.
FUCK i just remembered the free taxi rides. FUCK so many events memoryholed thanks user
you just blew my mind. definitely could be a way to smuggle children "in plain sight"
Looks like Chertoff has his eyes on something else atm. OSI seems to be in some legal hot water.
Blood donations after vegas
jfc. again, something i remember seeing but completely forgot till now.
And the event where the shooting took place was called the Harvest festival.
wow, subtle creatures aren't they
I'm not familiar with enough with the case to suggest that, user. In several photos, she has really dark circles under her eyes, but that could be caused by other things.
The elites probably wouldn't buy a child. I would imagine that they would steal a child or blackmail the parents into giving up the child, but they are too self-important to consider buying a child.
nick cruz had a weird youtube acct
James Alefantis (A Rothschild) met with Obama days before Sandy Hook. I think he was part of Sandy Hook and was the procurer of children for the event.
Maybe Elsagate really is tied into pizzagate and the this giant pedo conspiracy. Media hasn't covered it in any decent manner.
oh i definitely remember that. was also some special day on jewish calendar iirc
If he had younger siblings that used his devices to watch YouTube, there's your reason
Vegas was SUPPOSED to be on the 23rd but it got too much attention.
here you go, user
Jim is gay, but I'm not convinced he is a pedo. This is not pol friendly, but the Rothschilds are the least harmful of the elites. They may do things in the name of God sometimes, but as people most of them are not terrible people.
t. Have met a few of them.
Fuck off shill.
What's the deal with the weird YouTube channels? How does that connect to pedo?
we need more info on A. Kline
did he? If so it would explain. Little kids probably always respond to "before you watch this video, like, subscribe!"
none of these correlate in any conceivable way shape or form
literally watch those videos
see this
According to a kike shill. Go suck another foreskin you pedophile apologist.
I'm assuming so because my daughter does this shit, I had to sign into YouTube and her Kindle and her fucking videos show up on my recommendations, and she subbed a fuckton of them, it's a bitch to have to go through and clean it out
Seriously, how could you hate a face like this? Such a cute couple.
definitely not pedophiles nope no way i just can't see it
>These guys are totally fucking 12-4 year olds and you're stupid, click here to find out how
one of the channels is called Sun Media
it has Micky Mouse on it
Micky Mouse is a known trigger for MKUltra
https:// thenarrowgateweb.com/2017/03/01/35-butterflies-and-rabbit-holes/
Q mentions mk in recent drops
micky mouse is a child alter trigger and itself has to do with pedophilia.
think charlottesville, florida, texas, vegas - all connections to pedophilia
Fuck off shill.
wait what
Is Elsagate connected to pedo rings?
I haven't really followed Elsagate but I'm an AI researcher and my suspicion is that it's either industrial sabotage of the dataset or an exploitation of the recommendation model.
So much Rothschild hate.
How about this one?
>Koopsta Knicca
Nice taste.
You're posting about Q, which indicates to me you actually buy into the Q bullshit, but Q never mentions israel, never says anything of value, and always makes people overanalyze trivial things.
question to anybody who buys any Q posts after the original ones back in nov.
why be cryptic? why leak stuff out along with the news? just fucking tell us what's what and we will get what needs to be done, done. simple.
don't give me "he needs plausible deniability". that's such a cop out
Wtf is this about
Vegas did because the Paddocks had CP on their computers(or they were set up), >Charlottesville
has no pedo connection
probably had siblings or little kids use one of his devices which explains the channels
I have no clue what you're on about
Isn't it funny how Lynn De Rothschild's favorite team is the Eagles and the kid was wearing an eagles jersey?
Schizophrenia is a real disease and you should seek professional medical help if you believe you have this disease. PLEASE go to a doctor.
child grooming
she's the one of the worst desu. she kvetches about trump constantly
Oy vey