Russia: We will stand with Israel if Iran attacks

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If Israel false flags itself that won't count.

Based Russia

>Based Russia

He is a kike puppet like Trump. Russia and America are two most jewed zionist puppet countries.

mad indonesian

>t.Putin shill

Putin is a pizzagate-tier shill for the jews.

Russiaboos are the insufferable fags

Wait until Merkel has her way with you polksi ;)

Great picture thanks. Putinstein is gay pedophile.


Maybe the whole Zionist thing is a sperg fantasy?

(((Moldbug))) put it really well: Yeah, no shit, zionist businessmen lobby/bribe US politicians to advance Israeli interests. -- that's a sign of *weakness* not a sign of strength. If Israel was as strong as people think, zionists wouldn't have to bribe politicians.

So the Zionist influence on the US is like "dental floss." Meanwhile the Palestinian interest is like "arm-thick Iron rope." Now people may think this is a fantasy. But no! The Palestinians basically have Harvard on their side plus the liberal courts where policy is decided. So they don't have to bribe politicians.

Wait until Zulu and his 5 brothers sneak in through your window at night



Happened already, shot the kaffir

You putinist trolls started pushing jewtin's line after he has been exposed as a kike.


Putin is just playing 4d chess to make Israel stfu because he knows Iran is disciplined and that Iran will never attack first; the kikes always attack first because of their insecure aggressive nature. In reality Putin hates Israel as much as Iran hates Israel.


> always attack first because of their insecure aggressive nature

Every major war Israel has been involved in has been of a defensive nature in response to an attack.You're talking absolute shit

They attacked palestinians first.

based pole




No big deal they just constantly send our men off to die. Israel also has nuclear weapons and aggressively expands its territory.

That’s not weakness. It’s Jewish paranoia, greed, and traitorous subversion

weimar republic had shittons of jews doing disgusting things like saying that homosexuality was normal

would you know about tigers?
russia has tigers
>this one is coming in hot for landing

safe landing

Lol, why do the lying kike shill always give themselves away so easily with the rebbit spacing? It's like they literally never learn.

US and Russia are two sides of the same shekel



I suggest you start reading up from the 1936 Arab revolt in Mandatory Palestine onwards as you clearly have very little knowledge on the subject apart from what you've seen in a few Sup Forums memes and Youtube videos


What in the world is rabbit spacing?


Britbongs and jews were occupying their country so they attacked first.

>Nation still recovering from the damages of Communism
Why aren't they a utopia overnight? It's not like England isn't still repaying WW2 debt

No shit it's real

I suggest you fuck off with your deception kike.

>A first-hand glimpse of the pioneering Zionist settlers came from the Jewish essayist Asher Zvi Ginzberg. Visiting Palestine in 1891, he reported that the settlers “behave towards the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, trespass unjustly upon their boundaries, beat them shamefully without reason and even brag about it”.[1] The situation had become more dismal still two decades later when Dr. Paul Nathan, a prominent Jewish leader in Berlin, went to Palestine on behalf of the German Jewish National Relief Association. In a pamphlet published in January, 1914, he charged that the Zionist settlers were carrying on “a campaign of terror [against Palestinians] modelled almost on Russian pogrom models”. But there was a seductive attraction to Zionism: Dr. Nathan’s friend, the political theorist Eduard Bernstein, described the ethno-nationalist movement thus: Zionism is “a kind of intoxication which acts like an epidemic”.[2] The ‘epidemic’ was displacing its host. Intensively cultivated Palestinian lands, such as one described by a visitor in 1882 as “a huge green lake of waving wheat”, were acquired by the Jewish National Fund (JNF), usually from absentee (or alleged) landlords living abroad who began registering land as theirs to take advantage of the high prices being offered. Such sales, even when ‘legal’, violated the historic norms of Palestine in which land use and occupancy rights were intertwined, and violated modern norms in that these sales were for the purpose of racially segregating the land in perpetuum. The displaced Palestinians were reduced to living in caves or in a “filthy tin-can settlement where the evicted Arab peasants huddle under the orange trees”, as one British official described their fate.

1. Asher Zvi Ginzberg (pen-name Ahad Ha‘Am), see Menuhin, Decadence, 63-64; and others.

2. Nathan, see NYT, 18 Jan 1914

>Jews attacked first
>Palestinians attacked first
Make your mind up pls

I'm never going to see a nuke being used in my lifetime

I liked "Jewtin" more

Jews attacked first by occupying Palestine.



>Jews attacked first by occupying Palestine.
and the polish government trained them and supported them

Never thought Russia was this bad

oh shit based leaf bro youre right

Polish government was always a jewish puppet and I doubt anything will change after polish death camps conflict with Israel.

I meant the pre-war government moron. They supported and armed Zionists from Betar

I don't get your butthurt desu. The Jews were disliked and Zionism was the only way for both sides to come to an agreement

Makes sense since they are both Jewish States.

Pre-war was because they wanted to get of jews by sending them to Palestine.

post more redpilled things about russia

True of huge. Russia, USA, and Israel allied against the Muslim hordes. E P I C.


don't show this to far right autists who worship Putin

wtf i love Russia now

This is one of pols great flaws, not understanding the blessing that is Israel

This is my shocked face.

This is the only article that has ever lowered my opinion of Putin



>suck chechen dick

aha that s he basicly erased grozny am i right ? not to say he drops bombs daily in syria ,killing muzzies

Do what? Jews already unified them ages ago.

>aha that s he basicly erased grozny am i right ?
he gives them welfare and let them to kill the few russians who live there

No one should have any respect for this KGB-raised animal, especially if you care about Russians who have to live in the hellhole he created.

Here's the article to read:

Midgets stand with the children

Can’t stop laughing at “sucks Chechen dick”

He's important for people that like fascism, same as Israel.

Fascism is nationalist. Putin is antinationalist.

>based putin
Another overused t_d tier meme dies

Putin is very corrupt and Russia sucks really bad


tripus dubus confirmus

post more

the neo-tripartite pact of USA(+UK), Russia, and Israel will rule the world