As of one week ago we know for 100% FACT: >Carter Page exposed as FBI plant >Russia narrative 100% dead >Obama exposed, lied, knew about mishandling of Clinton investigation >Clinton exposed for Uranium 1, the dossier and Russia collusion >Secret Society confirmed (which one to be ousted? we dont know. illuminati? s&b? freemasons?) >Rothschilds mass selling their properties >Lynn de Rothschild and David Rothschild freaking out on twitter over Trump >Multiple false flag attempts (amtrack train derailments) >Soros went all in, gave 18bill to his own charity >Lots of activity at Guantanamo (including visits by Mattis) >We are now at unprecedented 13,000+ sealed indictments >Obama's FBI/DOJ implicated in far-spread crimes >Record number of pedos arrested & rings busted in the past 13 months, MSM silence >Comey immunity revoked by Mueller, MSM silence >Israeli police chiefs officially recommend indicting Benjamin Netanyahu for corruption >Saudi swamp was drained and Al Waleed bin Talaal was tortured for information on Obama/Clintons >Kissinger sucking Trump's dick on national television
What are we missing and what has happened since? Let’s keep it going.
>Bannon flipped >Gates cooperating with Mueller >Florida shooter was a Trumptard
Bad day for you, huh russian shill?
Dylan Miller
Would be nice to at least have some sources, can't exactly just type shit into jewgle anymore without being...jewgled...
John Morales
Jordan Baker
Fuck off, underage Ivan. The shooting is exactly what it is. If it bleeds, it leads. Few people care about anything, now.
Christopher Taylor
not only was florida shooter a trumptard but he is the first la creatura white nationalist Sup Forums mk ultra "chrysalis" program is going to change the face of race wars as we use la creaturas to attack la goblino
Aiden James
>but he is the first la creatura white nationalist Proof he was white nationalist? Last I checked that was a Sup Forums psyop and has been debunked.
Aiden Scott
Kek. Canada is where the CIA did their best MK work. Unfortunately, shooter was just an angry young man. You are experiencing the psychological repercussions of a traumatic event. Looking for reasons, responsible parties beyond the perp. Classic coping.