You can't deny he is white

If he identifies himself as white. Then he is white.

As being white is just a social construct.

>white skin
>colored eyes
>colored hair
He’s as white as any Southern European. Clearly white

Just because it works like that in Brazil doesn't mean that it works like that everywhere else in the world.

Okay ill identify as black and apply for college and welfare

>If he identifies himself as white. Then he is white.
>As being white is just a social construct.

And Rachel Dolezal is black. Why can't the MSM and liberals accept that?

Me personally, I'm a martian dog and I need to be fed gold every day or I'll scream.

Obvious shill is obvious.

What is it with SJWs, whiteness and fluid? Those two things seem to be their sperg obsession. You can't hear them formulate one sentence without the words "white" and "fluid" being used.

He's like the definition of "le 56% face"

is it meme magic?

>If he identifies himself as white. Then he is white

I identify as an ocelot. Then I am an ocelot.

If he has white skin, he's white.



has anyone made a mutt version yet?

Let's be honest, Enoch would've let this guy into the Ethnostate. So would Alt-H, so would Spencer. Face it. Nick Cruz is white

agree american jews are whiter than southern european but they act like one or not?

>Yes Goy he is very white he obviously isn't mixed race at all, OY VEY you are claiming he isn't white what kind of racist jew murdering monster are you that'll cost you 60 shekels

if he is more than 80% european an identify as such there shouldnt be a problem i would let this guy enter in the etnoestate than the average jew thats for sure

what time does that one show come on?


>"white supremacist" killer
>95% of your victims are white

Armed guards protect our banks

Armed guards protect our failure leaders

NO armed guards protect our children at public schools

"i'm going to be a professional school shooter"
why didn't the fbi follow up on this? lmao

la creatura... dios mio...

Makes sense -_-

So i guess Rachel dolezol is black?

What European ethnic group does it look like he belongs to?

He's adopted and his birth parents named him nikolas. Clearly greek filth.

I still can't get over how he looks almost exactly like it. i bet you guys had a fucking field day when his mugshot first came out

I just think it's fucking hilarious that some little troll boy comes out and exemplifies le 56% face so perfectly that everyone's trying to figure out just what the fuck he is.

I'll tell you this much: he's not welcome in my ideal white ethnostate. He looks like one of those barefoot favela dwellers from South American torture videos.

No, it's just modern day America because yanks didn't protect their heritage and their people. Their democratically elected shabbos goys sold them all out to globalism and diversity instead.
