The Black Panther film was incredible

It has done more for the African American community than 1) The 15th Amendment, 2) The Civil Rights Act and 3) The Election of Obama COMBINED!!!


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Requesting a Hitler edit

I preferred Pootie Tang

Holy Shit. Sometimes I really believe (((they))) are trying to get use to kill each other.

I don't get how this absolutely generic not political marvel movie is making so many headlines.
The reviews are going to get slammed on release day and everyone knows it.

You can tell by the hype this movie is either going to bomb in reviews, or bomb in the theatre after week one

Uhuru y'all

Get source image and I'll do it.
Also suggestion on which hitler image?

The most important event in black pride and empowerment of the last 50 years is a capeshit movie made by white people & jews

Really makes me think
