My new neighbors are black

my new neighbors are black

what can I expect?

I live in an apartment with black neighbors and they are pretty based th. They're older though like 50s. I just hear them fighting sometimes.

It's only a problem if there are young ones around

Poorly cared for household pets. Mainly boxers and pitbulls

Malt liquor bottles and watermelon rinds all over the yard.

Loud shouting and gangster jungle music.

Will probably sacrifice your honkey ass for the glory of Wakanda.

>There goes the neighborhood

will spend the next ten years dressed as wankharda characters fully suited , the stink will be intolarable

Noise at random times

Mostly just noise, nuisance, and theft.

Most actually don't get to the dope slangin, raping, and murdering stage.

Watermelon and booty dancing.

I have black neighbors
They let their dog shit in my patio and it always smells like pot outside and in my house sometimes
I cant understand what theyre saying half the time
They go to a college nearby and I dont know how they got in desu desu

Totally depends. If they are normal then you will have no problems. If they are nogs then — there goes your peace and quiet.

>lots of parties
>late night trap music
>afraid of dogs
>really good smelling chicken
>weed smell
>Random cars in the driveway all the time
>awake at odd hours
>seemingly absent during the day
>no landscaping or yard maintenance whatsoever (this will become apparent by spring)

declining property values

If you weren't racist before. Get ready.

The first time you hear the bass bumping, you'll know Hitler was right

also the best way to get along with them is by having a BBQ.
>white cooked steak+ black cooked chicken = proper feast

Dog shit in the stairwell
Violent fights in the middle of the night during the school/ work week
Drug fueled parties around the 1st of the Month or when Pell grants are dispersed
Loud televangelist music on Sunday mornings.

it's not about race, it's about culture

Some great new neighbors and friends. You will become less racist as time goes by.


Whatever this dude did to you, you need to forgive and move on.

fucken saved for some reason

hell yeah. niggas be barbecuing for dayz

sell off your property asap.

When the first blacks move in you should interpret it as a clear sign that your neighborhood will go to shit within the next 5-10 years. Falling property prices, rising crime rates, less policing, etc.

Get out of there as soon as you can... not only for your own wealth's sake, but also for your life's sake.

>also the best way to get along with them is by having a BBQ.

Nigs call bbqs "cookouts" Better cook dem steaks well done, whitey

>what can I expect?

You can expect to walk out of your house in the morning and find unexplained damage to your property and can't 100% prove who did it. Gas them in their sleep, better to be safe than sorry.

Prepared to get your door smashed in because the niggers got the wrong place.

Do they have jobs? If they have good jobs then you don't have a problem. Unless they have kids, they might become a problem.

the property value to lower.

good bbq, possibly crack, diabetes, ironically good medical advice as a lot of suburban blacks are in the medical field, know just black stuff.

Your property value to collapse

Id just move lol

Property damage and possibly stolen stuff, unless you are lucky enough to have actually civilized negro instead of nigger as neighbor.

You're going to help me make more. Many more. The rules are simple. Just scale it. No rotation. No coloring. Match up the nose lines and you're golden. Do it. Rejoice!

Depends on if they're normal people or niggers. You'll know right away which they are.

Yes you do

The dumbest conspiracies you've ever heard

Hide your daughters, hide you wives

Pitbull with little training
Hole in fence
Shit all over backyard

I hope you own a gun, jk. I used to live in a black neighborhood, no problems except for the occasional patrol car following you (thinking you are buying drugs). The worst neighbors were the wiggers, because they desperately want to be black, so they unnecessarily commit crimes to prove they are gangsta.

Listening to some nigger fuck his white fat girlfriend up the ass on a Saturday night and having her screams keep you up for hours.

Also hope your neighbours don't have any niglets or the main hallway will be blocked with bikes, prams, scooters. God forbid a nigg has to live on the first floor and keep bringing their shit downstairs when it can be left in a public area.

Drugs, most likely crack, but definitely weed. Also, if you have kids, they are going to be over there quite often, especially if they are girls.

I actually approve of this meme you're forcing, namefaggot.
I will be using those eyes as a macro and spreading it

Reduced property value, decreasing at an exponential rate based on proximity and numbers of additional shines

I'm depending on you, man.

lmao fear not mutt, I have your meme-back
I'm on mobile right now can you make me one with pic related

K leaf, a deal made in hell.


god bless nigger

this is actually so great
I cannot stop laughing
You made a leaf cry today user

I have a couple black friends that are really fun to hang out with, but they live 30 minutes away so...

Anyways, we get high and talk shit about politics and culture. I think they are very intellectual for black people though, despite working low-class jobs. Kinda make me second guess my racism.

I'm with you man. We need more. MORE

a lot of KARA BOĞA inside your wife