One piece

jaimini box in two hours+ or less

>Shoves his shit into another country claiming he's the good guy that's helping them, when he's actually just mooching off its people and treating the territory as a personal stomping ground
Sounds pretty german to me.

Reminder that Sanji is based on Steve Buscemi.

Sounds like Europe is general.

>We need Zor....

The fans want Hancock, but Oda wants Vivi.

Who will win the Luffybowl?

>That very likely wasn't even close to Linlins strongest attack
Just how powerful is this beast of a woman?


Pretty good pics. Colorspread was awesome. Sapu got confirmed, and luffy and nami are looking more and more like a couple each passing chapter. 8.5/10

Reposting for new thread:


No. Mihawk said "I want to measure the distance between myself and that man", and then his slash couldn't even reach Whitebeard.

Oda was very clearly implying here that the distance between Whitebeard and Mihawk was vast. Whitebeard was both literally and metaphorically out of Mihawk's reach.

It was actually quite a well done scene, and its meaning is obvious.

I don't quite get why people take Jozu blocking Mihawk's air slash as meaning he's weak. I feel like in general an air slash isn't gonna be as strong as actually hitting with the sword itself.


Fuck off.


10/10 user.


Fuck shipping, Nami was really cute in this chapter.

I want a fucking OVA with younger Yonkous fighting each other.

Oda made that decision tho, just like he made the decision to make the rest of the BM pirates basically worthless bystanders during the tea party.

Shippers are cancer. The only acceptable ship is SaNa. LuNa and SaPu tards need to fuck off.

>Kaido is stronger than BM
I'll believe it when I see it. For now I'm assuming BM was one of the people who have defeated Kaido already.

Even zoro said flying slash's power will diminish after certain length.
Point blank powerful slash by mihawk will split jozu into 2

Didn't Vista also block Mihawk's sword too?

>Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping
Jesus fuck, is that the only thing that passes for your heads?

Oda clearly wants Hancok as well and made it clear. That's why the fans like her so much.

zoro not being able to cut birdcage isn't bad writing, it's just how he wants the powers to stack up
having a clusterfuck of characters introduced and then discarded is bad writing

Take your own advice, waste of space

Just don' reply faggot

One Piece is a wholesome family manga. Oda wouldn't have two married people hook up.

He is propably around her level.

It's not that Mihawk is weak, or even that he couldn't beat Jozu in a fight. But the scene did imply that Whitebeard himself is beyond Mihawk.

Mihawk ain't Yonko level.

Well, Kaido is probably younger than her so, yeah very likely. But Kaido has to be currently the strongest tho.


>in a 1v1 bet on kaido
no way

Mihawk is "current" yonkou level.
Just because whitebeard is abnormally powerful among his peer doesn't mean mihawk is below kaido, shanks, BM, and blackbeard.

mihawk wasnt sure about that is why he wanted to test himself, whgat was implied wasnt the distance between mihawks and whitebears, it was the distatn between him and a yonkou since one yonkou commander Jozu appeared and did his counterattack

Reminder that Kaidou was beaten back by Shanks during Marineford.

I'm pretty sure he is. Maybe not Shanks.

do you have the little linlin version? Also she kinda looks like an admiral there. Caramels dream for her

Did Cavendish always wear heels

Are you saying that shanks is the weakest yonkou?

Come on. Shut the fuck up with that. They din't fight, it's obvious.

>Shippers are cancer
>The only acceptable ship is SaNa

Yes. I believe he's the weakest.

Okay, we're done talking here.

will Luffy rubber up the boat?

>All those delusional ships when the endgame is right here


his sense of style is based on the mr pink character of buscemi but that doesnt mean he would look like him

Now where's the chapter?

Probably tomorrow. All the fast raw suppliers stopped.


>LuNa colorspreads getting btfos

How canSanjifags even recover?

I think Kaido was made immortal by the previous Op-Op user out of spite because they knew he wanted to die.
His strength is that he is unkillable. He is probably really strong as well. But Linlin probably has more raw destructive power.

Sounds more like the US that occupied Germany.

Why is there no manga this week ? REEEEEEE

Big Mom > STR
Shanks > DEX
Kaidou > CON

sounds like every 1st world country to every 3rd world country

>just had the Year of Sanji
>Sanji's backstory recently revealed
>arc with heavy Sanji focus
>STILL can't beat Zoro in the poll

t. Primitive shitskin

Hmm that picture has the goku chichi vibe

well she is copying giant moves according to spoilers

then how is the korean chapter out already?

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

>wow, so strong
>p-power creep!
>Dorry and Brogy can do the literally fucking same thing with half broken weapons

Except the slash went through the fucking island and on a way longer distance.

Korea gets the raws earlier directly from Japan, in order to be able to release the chapter on the same day as in Japan.

Ddue, Dorry and Broggy are both fucking legends and the most well known giant pirates in the world - maybe no point in comparing them?

Now that's a couple

That actually looks MORE impressive than Big Mom's. Look at the size of the Merry compared to that whale.

Where's the gookanon?

Does anybody have full pic?

Remnder that Oda drew all the non Strawhat members in the top 20 of the popularity poll (except Luffy since he's the MC) for this spread and it was a sutble way to confirm Jinbe.

They are also some of the strongest giants with gigantic weapons. And did it as a combo.

The 3rd part hasn't been released, wait next week.

Big Mom killed Dorry and Broggy tier opponents when she was 6.
That swing to clip King Baum (she wasn't aiming for the Strawhats because she thinks they have cake) was surely not her most powerful.


What? That makes no sense. You could use that for Blackbeard, maybe. Since despite looking and acting goofy, he's been the man with a plan so far.

This thread is blessed

Uh oh! Big Mom's got her eyes on you! A new member of the Charlotte family is needed!

Roll 1-3 and you have to impregnate a 28 year old Linlin.
Roll 4-6 and you have to impregnate a 48 year old Linlin.
Roll 7-9 and you have to impregnate 68 year old Linlin.
Roll 0 and you have to impregnate Brûlée.
Roll 66 and you get to choose whichever daughter you want as your bride.

lel, just you wait.
When yurop, murika and easy-a get fucked up by WW3, the niggers you laugh at so much will be free to take control.
I'll probably be dead by then but I'll die happy knowing of the sheer asspain and crying wojaks from beyond the grave because of everyone's bloodlines being sullied by Takum Bakun the big jungle nig.

Rolling but why no 6 years and 10 years old Big Mom?

She is too big 4u

I can do whatever

66 for praline desu


Dunno why though, I usually end up with a ~78.

Have you ever tried getting a ten year old pregnant? Doesn't work.

Stop posting these

you mean next two weeks

>Oda wants Vivi


Lifu or treato?

Magazine is different with shounen jump

I wish this meme would end At no point has Hawkshit been made our to be Yonko level

She nicked a stump? That's impressive, I guess.

Strange how nobody say that when the Sanafags are here?

>luffy and nami are looking more and more like a couple each passing chapter

do you not like SBS?

i can live with 48 but i would like 28

1. Luffy: 11,737 votes.
2. Zoro: 10,442 votes.
3. Sanji: 10,215 votes.
4. Law: 7,997 votes.
5. Ace: 4,605 votes.
6. Jinbe: 3,884 votes.
7. Chopper: 3,301 votes.
8. Nami: 3,269 votes.
9. Sabo: 2,967 votes.
10. Hancock: 2,452 votes.
11. Shanks: 2,010 votes.
12. Robin: 1,952 votes.
13. Cavendish: 1,742 votes.
14. Reiju: 1,665 votes.
15. Usopp: 1,409 votes.
16. Rocinante: 1,230 votes.
17. Doflamingo: 1,125 votes.
18. Crocodile: 1,050 votes.
19. Brook: 936 votes.
20. Franky: 861 votes.
20. Marco: 861 votes.
22. Perhona.
23. Vivi.
24. Bon Kure.
25. Kuzan.
26. Carrot.
27. Shirohige.
28. Pudding.
29. Bartolomeo.
30. Nekomamushi.
31. Shirahoshi.
32. Smoker.
32. Tashigi.
34. Buggy.
35. Koala.
36. Eustass "Captain" Kid.
37. Rayleigh.
38. Gol D. Roger.
39. Eiichiro Oda.
40. Rebecca.
41. Bepo.
42. Rob Rucchi.
43. Enel.
44. Ain (Film Z).
45. Katakuri.
46. Señor Pink.
47. Farafra.
48. Kurohige.
49. Urouge.
50. Pandaman.
51. Bege
52. Fujitora
53. Ceasar
54. Benn Beckman, Carue
56. Pell
57. Coby, Vinsmoke Ichiji
59. Going Merry, Carina
61. Kalifa
62. Pedro, Gaimon, Don Creek
65. Gild Tesoro, Vinsmoke Sola
67. Jewelry Bonney, Laki
69. Big Mom, Penguin, Baby 5, Akainu, Kaku
74. Hawkins
75. Hiluluk
76. Kumashi, Kizaru, Bell-mère, Ivankov
80. Izo, Monet, Zephyr, Rika
84. Dragon
85. Spandam, Makino, Kung-Fu Dugongs, Miss Valentine
89. Pekoms, X Drake, Yonji, Zeff
93. Leo, Niji, Kuina
96. Kaidou, Leo (again?), Chouchou
99. Thousand Sunny, Shachi, Pauly, Laboon

So the Whitebeard one is just a joke, right?