crushing really hard on a polish girl i work with. we're both 26. she's here from poland on a travel visa.
what do i need to know about polish girls? she seems kinda kurwa-ey but i can't tell if that's just the european flare. never dated a chick from actual europe.
pic VERY related.
Chase Lewis
You take back Constantinople
Nicholas Parker
Talk to her about anime.
Ryder Stewart
just show her your natural big black dick?
Camden Kelly
she doesn't like anime, we actually both love music and we've connected deeply about it.
Jaxon Martinez
Buy real Kielbasa from Polish Store, Cut the kielbasa on top in a hash pattern, put it on grill, grill till a little burned and crispy. Suck her pussy after. You're welcome
Jaxson Cruz
The best thing you can do to get a polish girl is to stop shiting up our board.
Eli Fisher
Polish girls are easy bro, just be relaxed, confident and funny and she'll suck you right up. Theyre dying to get fucked by real white men and rid themselves of half their genes.