Why does media like to say spics are white?

why does media like to say spics are white?

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Mummy giv milkies.


It's Ted Cruz's son

Why is she so upset? What can i do to put smile back on her face?


be a good boy

To attack Whites. Jews want to strip Whites of their identity. It's all about jews' agenda to destroy Whites.

It's click bait, faggot!

wtf delet that right now

>Why is she so upset?
Because Holodomor 2.0 ;_;
>What can i do to put smile back on her face?
Send her a canned burger.

I wanna cum in her ass and make you watch beta faggot

Cops do it too.

Maybe people doesn't cares about that this much.

mum is not thicc she petite

She WAS petite back then. Now she is skinny and unhealthy.

Gotta pad them stats bruh.


Apparently everyone on my kikebook thinks he's white

One of the white fags I know irl said "whites are horrible people" to me when I started challenging the fact that he is indeed Spanish

White guilt at its finest , already instilled in out generation baka

Nah man. Fuck the skeletors.

Jews are white.

mum is not a skeleton

your attacks against mam is futile

They don't understand that mum always knows what's best.

whhoeever thas something wrigh is latino or jewish when the same group the behave badly are white simply as that

mum is very smart lady

Mum doing some sit-ups.

She should promote "feed the starving" UN commercials, kek.

I don't get it



thats aunty elena

Saw that pic of her on the beach. Feet are monstrosities. Haven’t been that disappointed since I saw Christina Hendricks’s mangled tree-grabbers.

mummys feet are pretty your just gay

you have no idea how bad things really are

What’s her name ?


I think I’m in love. user, what’s her name?


mum (natalia pokolonskaaya)

>set your soul on fire

so what exactly did mum mean by this?

She is lovely.

mum is loveliest lady in the world