Well, which one Sup Forums?

Well, which one Sup Forums?


The right one

the loli, of all the girls she needs a good dicking the most


Easiest choice of my life

Dumb frogposter.


Anna-chan, duh.

Anna > loli > Imouto > Kajou

In ascending order, but of course.

But it's a trap

It's not a trap if you fall for it on purpose.

Kelpie-chan or bust.

Probably Anna

The bara guy. Easy.


Beta-kun is kinda cute and has a canon huge cock.

for anal



why are they allowed to show girls cumming on tv?

Japanese don't view sex as a shameful thing like Americans do.


Anna = Fuwa > Kajou > Saotome >>> powergap dickhead

>censors nipples
>censors everything in 2d and 3d pornography by law
>declining birthrate
I think they find sex shameful alright

The first two points were not their own choice.

Yeah. You keep believing that. See you at the olympics.


>Well, which one Sup Forums?
"which one" what?