Why are so many young males subscribing to an ideology promoting the shunning of women and the embracement of childish computer games?
The "MGTOW" Movement
>There are so many young whores choosing to not be responsible human beings
Ftfy slut
MGTOW has nothing to do with video games. The movement is wrong about women except to the extent that for many of those involved it's temporary or hyperbole. But it was always about bettering yourself. Not wallowing in degeneracy.
MGTOW has nothing to do with computer games.
I'm MGTOW and I'm a straight-A law student. I study, work out, read books on history and politics, and play with my dog. I am very close with my family, including my mother and other females in my family.
But modern women are stupid sluts and I want nothing to do with them. In fact, I hate them with every core of my being.
And there's nothing you can do or say to change that, you miserable fucking faggot.
because you shitpost
Maybe there is something wrong with women
>But modern women are stupid sluts and I want nothing to do with them. In fact, I hate them with every core of my being.
Still virgin in your 30s, yeah?
Like what?!?!
No ones subscribing to your pathetic movement, men are unconsciously realising that risks outweigh the rewards of ltr with women.
Honestly a step closer. At with this affirmation you can pitch:
>Toxic masculinity
>Man children
Pick one, as a means to force the issue in debate.
You can't just blame only men for this, though.
>feminists are not bad
stopped reading
back to /r/gloriasteinem
I would fuck this woman into the stratosphere, no meme
lou dobbs turn you on there goy
I fucked 40 women before I was 25. Abstinent for two years now.
What do you have to say now that you know I've fucked more women than you?
This thread... Again by another possible roastie. Have you had enough attempts at being ridiculed or are you fucking masochistic here? Do you honestly get off when we insult your sorry microchimerically riddled box?
enjoy laying on your bed of undefiled monies by the way. top shelf living right there
Because women are annoying as shit sometimes
>t.4 year relationship
faggots join the movement
men just go their own whey.
I’m not foreveralone, I’ve had girlfriends and have a girlfriend right now that’s I’m considering leaving. I’m just sick of women’s bullshit. Pol and r9k are so into women cause they’ve never had them or have just had one night stands, so they don’t realize that they’re not worth it
I wish I was a fag like you. Women are the fucking worst. I wish being gay was a choice because I'd choose it in an instant.
ok whey
>Women blaming men for their own decisions.
This has never happened before.
>I’m just sick of women’s bullshit
What do you mean?
>saying something completely inaccurate is different than saying something that is widely accepted by even most women
*CLAPS EXCITEDLY FOR YOU* You did it buddy!!! *CLAPPING HARDER AND HARDER* Great job! Go you!
I'm MGTOW and I still have casual sex and I'm fairly successful in life.
If you aren't MGTOW, you're just getting a bad deal.
It's like suckers who got roped into getting huge college loans. You think you're all special because you got a degree, or a girlfriend, but the dark truth is that you got scammed and now you're paying for it.
Double standards and deception, not too hard to figure out what he means.
no worries bello. nobody's got to say shit. i learned a while ago there's no sense in selling cow if milk might be made freely. you do whatever you want. remember freud is a shithead. and if you ever wanna discuss bible or hand egg and chill im down to listen and to cook for ya. merp. but you a soon to be high flying lawyer. what a brilliant life ahead of you worth living though my brother
Get some experience with women and you'll see it's just a big scam.
Women are parasites only capable of taking from you, never actually providing anything of real value to your life. Like a great drug, they make you feel good and then waste your time, money and energy on nothing.
Numales and soybois play video games. I'm focused on personal development, producing wealth and taking care of family. Once I have the opportunity, I'm leaving this country. Most people with resources are thinking just like me, so you are stuck with PUA retards and beta computer nerds who are basically paying you for companionship. Once your worth as an employee becomes worthless as a result of robotics and AI, all of you cunts can kill yourselves. When you do, please do it on Facebook live so I have something to look forward to watching with my morning coffee.
>OP singling out a group
>"2 posts by this ID"
God, this board has gone downhill. Let's see if this works, shall we?
Seems the most appropriate.
Brother, it IS ALL men’s fault. We were weak and believed the shit about the soft male. We thought effeminacy and passiveness were, not only what women want, but what makes a civilized man a success. Our culture lies to us. Men became weak and immoral. The state of women always follows the state of men and so they became weak and immoral as well. MGTOW isn’t the answer. Men reclaiming their balls and their testosterone and their sense of right and power is the answer. Work on self improvement. Don’t accept whores as lovers. Don’t sleep around. Don’t even WANT to sleep around because it makes women, who are passive by nature, adapt to hyper sexualized culture.
If you want women who are worthy of your love and time and money, make the change in yourself. Weakness and effeminacy have turned men into beaten and broken slaves. Don’t accept it. Take back true masculinity. And don’t give up. There is a woman for everyone. Find the one who’s worthy of you.
I'm 31 and honestly don't give a shit anymore. Fuck relationships. By the time you get my age, 95% of single women are not worth wasting your time on. They are either 1) single moms or 2) been with so many guys - even but a few will fuck them up - that they have baggage that is unbelievably hard to deal with.
Meanwhile, I have a good job, my own place, savings.. why tf would I want a woman? Getting laid isn't hard. Bitches be easy.
Because it's easy when you are a beta bitch. I was considering the same a few years back, but choose against it.
Go to a rave with a bunch of fags high on xtc. You'll suck a dick, I'm sure of it.
Scarily accurate
no no no no. you need to be a man and fuck the entire thesis bud. right in the trash
you shouldn't be dating women over the age of 23 when you're 31. Unless you're average looking...
No idea how they came up with this conclusion, but a lot of guys can't get married because they're too poor. So they end up playing video games instead because what the fuck else are you gonna do?
>Unless you're average looking...
Half of the population is average looking or below.
You'd be surprised how many think that 31 is too old.
I agree with you though. I just don't give a shit.
ive been breaking my ass and make almost $30/hour but benefits outstrip the cost of full time jobs so im on call for like 20 years to start
OK, did a bad job of saving that one. Try this instead.
>Daily reminder that anyone infighting because a bait thread told them too is a faggot, and that sage goes in all fields
I was just thinking this the other day after realizing women were broken
MGTOW requires one to be a top 10% earner in their area. One cannot be a wage slave and say they're MGTOW, because they can economically benefit from having a partner.
A true MGTOW simply does not need nor want a female partner. There is -zero- benefit to having her. None. Sex is easily obtainable. Children can be adopted if desired. A companion? It's called a dog.
But if you're some faggot, living in one of these tiny house things, making less money than the median, you're not MGTOW. You're just a loser.
Then you cannot be choosy on who your partner is, gotta take what you can get.
MGTOW is precisely the answer. I can hire someone to do my laundry and clean my house, go to the bar if I want to bullshit with people, and bang a hooker when I feel a strong desire for sex.
I keep my money and don't become a slave to the justice system. Keep telling yourself that we have the power to change these cunts. They will eventually become useless like they are now in China.
how about. dont shit out kids and have shot gun weddings when you cant even afford the shells
women are fat and feminist
So if you’re MGTOW and have sex, what even is MGTOW? Just not getting married? Do we need a meme name for that?
"Let's wait until we have stable established careers and a house before we take on the commitment of having a kid"
-- this sentiment is childish? That's why young couples usually hold off having kids.
correct, 99% of them are losers. Even funnier is when they claim they get casual sex easy, sure thing stud.
Why are men checking out?
Let's see, does it have to do with the legal system in which men can lose everything they own and a portion of what they earn in the future if their wife divorces them? The same system that will almost always give the mother full custody?
Or does it have anything to do with women raising their standards from hyper-inflated egos thanks to social media? Or women no longer respecting tradition values and being massive whores?
What about the fact that men can be charged with rape because a woman changes her mind after sex?
When this is reality and porn exists as an alternative, can you really blame men?
The majority aren't getting any sex. They're low status men with no good looks or high status career job.
Life is easy when you stop giving a fucking shit about sex. That's literally all men want out of women anyhow. Get a fucking dog if you want a "companion".
No relationships. If you have to put effort into sex, you are playing with fire.
Just go to an Asian Massage Parlor or Backpage. Even hookers say no black men in their ads, which makes them more desirable than white feminist women.
Heh yeah. I've got zero job security and I end up making very little money (sometimes in the red) for months at a time sometimes.
I couldn't imagine having to deal with this on top of having a wife and children. It would be too much.
You can also not bother. And get a 2D waifu.
then it's a win win
lol silly girls just have a child and then find a man to step up to the plate
Sad times indeed.
less competition for guys like me I guess
>Very close with my mother
Ed Gein was close with his mother too faggot.
Your mommy issues are clearly showing
We already answered this question 100 times now. Fuck off, faggot.
>they become
Exactly. The state of women depends on the state of men and you know it’s true in your heart of hearts. Men are the prime movers of culture and morality. If you can provide for yourself then you can provide for others too and once you grow out of that autistic reductionist worldview you’ll realize that a family and a companion are worlds above hollers and cleaning ladies.
You didn’t want this kind of a life. It’s our fucked up culture that made you pessimistic and bitter and I don’t blame you. But I still say that it’s in the power of men to shape the world, culture, and our collective morality.
My first time was 13, you dumb bitch, and the chick was 15. I've had zero trouble getting chicks.
I can't wait to watch this all play out over the next twenty years while I pursue my plan of wealth accumulation and vanishing to the wilderness.
Cunts like you will probably host group suicides once you realize the jobs aren't there. You can't even perform basic arithmetic and thank you'll have some use when everything functions using complex algorithms and robotics.
Makes me kek just thinking about it.
because men want nothing to do with the current generation of sluts
I don’t need to go to a Asian massage parlor when I have an Asian fwb. I’m also planning on teaching English in Asia actually. I don’t plan on getting married unless I can get a harem.
I can go to a brothel instead. Plenty around the city and pretty cheap. Usually around $150 an hour to $300.
Casual sex is easy to obtain.
Problem is that these low energy losers, who make $13.50/hr and drive an old Tercel think they're suddenly a MGTOW because they've accepted their loser life and that they won't get anywhere. When in reality, these guys NEED a woman for the economic benefits of being partnered.
They're not MGTOW.
Name one thing women will take responsibility and not blame for.
you're not the king of MGTOW
woman are gay, fagot
its easy to obtain if you're attractive and have a good job, which disqualifies 99.9% of MGTOW
Women are a species of imbecile. They are no better than wild beasts we have domesticated. Worse, in some cases. Dogs are better than women, for example. I am under no obligation to play this clown world game of pretending these irrationalist, deceitful, conniving, precocious, simple idiots are anything but third in line after dogs.
found the $13.50 tiny house living loser.
>these guys NEED a woman for the economic benefits of being partnered
You don’t need that much money if you’re single. I’ve lived on basically nothing in a tent in Eastern Europe before.
Hookers, user. Porn is useless and fucks up your mental state.
Cost of an Asian massage with happy ending: approx. $120.
Cost of full service sex with rimjob and everything else: Between $200 and $300.
Cost of average prostitute: Between $300 and $500
Cost of pornstar escort: Between $750 and $2,000.
Cost of a relationship: Your life and future.
By the way, stop watching porn. The only time you should be watching porn is when you are trying to get a drunk girl turned on.
Here's how it works. You can see love and marriage as some kind of deal. Women cost too much and you don't get enough for your investment. As long as women won't change they won't get the men they like. It's the same for men btw, there's countless men that would want a girlfriend or wife but no woman wants to take them because it would be a bad deal for them aswell. If you lower your standards you'll most likely find a partner, but that's not what women want to do.
You don't know shit about shit, you cunt. Why don't you go roast a black dick and fuck off.
found the faggot
>I’ve lived on basically nothing in a tent in Eastern Europe before
And what a shit life that is. A real MGTOW makes enough money to have this stuff called "disposable income"
So basically the Leaf TradCons are trying a two prong approach now. They are running their Stock Photo thread and then also a Pro-MGTOW thread that they can try to co-opt.
The new batch of graphics were dreamed up by their design department. Otherwise it's the usual "Man Up" shaming language.
umm.. getting laid is not hard at all. too easy actually, its why we have no interest in a relationship with them other than a pump and dump. Nobody wants to marry a cum dumpster
idk wtf MGTOW movement is -- but my theories on why millennial men are falling behind in life: >video game addiction is mainstream normalized
>porn addiction is mainstream normalized
>God awful public school system
>the college student loan jew
>neo-feminism blaming evil white men for everything
What do real MGTOWs spend their shekels on? Just prostitutes?
I'm a gambler and I don't play lotto. What you are proposing is me gambling my life instead of a dollar.
Not interested.
The only way this changes is when nature corrects these cunts and perverts through a major tragedy.
Good boy.
w/e they want
I mean whatever you can do to rationalize your failure with women so you can sleep at night is understandable. About 99% of MGTOW men are incels.
If I was to actually "Man Up" and Be the Strong Man that a woman needs, I would literally Whip The Fucking Shit Out of Her until all the Liberal was gone and she was feminine and submissive again.
Then she would call the State on me and I would go to jail to get butt fucked by Tyrone and his buddies.
>No co-habitation
>No Marriage
>Reclaim your sovereignty.
A guy at my trade school turned out to have a 4 year law degree. He can’t read electric schematic tho.
>economic benefits of being partnered
um you mean having a 60% chance of losing half your shit.
this is why guys who aren't mgtow aren't even men. they literally cant into math and place terrible bets and base their life goals on feefees instead of logic "awww she makes me feel are warmy and giggllyy xD" grow up you fag, that shit gets old fast. when you actually get your first gf you will understand