>hentaikino doesn't exi-
Hentaikino doesn't exi-
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oh look! its this thread again!
edgy =/= kino
Why bump, faggot
Worst meme Sup Forums has come up with, and they've had many doozies
It's really powerful but I don't think its healthy to read and REALLY unhealthy to fap to.
Bitch deserved it.
Sex is one hell of a drug
It's almost as if there isn't a board for hentai or anything.
po po po po
Emergence was just shindol's way of actually following through with all the shit that goes down in the third act of his works. It's literally styled in the same way Cultural Anthology and TSF go down in which the heroine has a downward spiral of degeneracy, but in those works they have a cop-out happy ending.
Because in those works they are actually enjoying the sex, in Emergence she hardly is, and it's just bad decision one after another.
ShindoL is hentaiflick.
TK is hentaikino.
IS this junji ito ?
Seriously fuck off.
You know, I was just thinking about this, and how many people are retarded enough to feel any emotion from it despite Shindol pulling actual fucking years of the same sort of overly edgy cynical shit.
I spit on this thread.
Literally babby's first mindbreak corruption doujin, and the plot isn't even noteworthy or unique at all
Fuck off Sup Forums
This is pretty fucking funny
The porn boards are mostly filled with people who only want picture dumps and to masturbate.
I'm sad to say Sup Forums is a better forum for discussion.
I bought this at AX not knowing what it was. How fucked am I?
It's no magnus opum for sure, but it's still Shindol's most matured work yet.
Depression, from a day to a week depending on how edgy you are
inb4 some edgelord claims she did enjoy the sex
Most if not all of it was drugs. I think Emergence reflects on Japan's fear and general distrust of drugs in general. If there's anything to take away from it, it's "drugs will fuck you up"
This was a good read but also very painful, Erika's suicide scene fucking killed me.
>I spit on this thread.
>feeling bad for roasties
single mothers should be outlawed
That means nothing when he has the maturity of a teenager.
This is driving me crazy, where is this from
You should only expect depression if you're a faggot who doesn't know da hootch and never has.
Nah, "mature" as in "hentai artist maturity" you dumb assburger
>reflects on Japan's fear and general distrust of drugs in general.
saucenao, dipshit
install saucenao
Then why not say artistic skill, you dumbfuck?
Because that's one of the common meaning of the word "mature", ESL-kun.
Jesus fuck, don't be a hypocrite. You used a word improperly in this context and you're seriously trying to pretend you didn't? Motherfucker didn't mention shit about art.
Shindol is a fucking American! He was raised in New York!
>Shindol is a fucking American! He was raised in New York!
He's also a Bernie bro IIRC
>Shindol is a fucking American! He was raised in New York!
Heh, not only are you an ESL, you are new too.
Newfag, please. No really, please. I bet you weren't even here when we corresponded with him through emails. You disgust me.
Shindol is half Eleven and he's been living in Elevenland long enough to get what the society feels about drugs.
>no anal
I'm aware of his present status but I really don't think any of his work is strongly culturally Japanese. It's definitely American, though. The way native nips touch drugs even in fiction tends to be with a ten foot poll and magical aphrodisiac properties. Shindol, however, obviously watched Requiem for a Dream far too much.
>implying Americans approve of drugs
Lel, for each "DUDE LMAO" there are like five "drugs are bad mmkay". For drugs other than weed the ratio is probably 1:15.
Ironic weebs ruined ShindoL.
Yes, I'm not here when some random user sent him the email because I've no longer been a regular on this board since 2012. Because I've been here since the 08 when Shindol was still a fucking nobody.
That doujin plot was pretty shit. He just got a bunch of famous scenes together and pretended it was gritty and edgy.
dropped this after 60 pages because i didn't like the art that much . does it get better ?
Haven't seen this and I'm curious about it. Is this worth the time?
After 25 episodes it does
Nice grammatical structure there, ESL-kun. I honestly can barely read this post.
When we corresponded with him it was a big deal. People didn't shut up about it for a while. You missing it or not knowing what I'm talking about really just says it all. And he kind of was never a nobody. He made himself quite clearly known with Four Leaf Lover and he's been in Sup Forums consciousness ever since.
No, not unless you're unused to shindol I suppose. Then you, too, can say that it's emotional and depressing.
Four Leaf Lover was in 2010 though. He was a nobody in 2008.
that's how he does, he's a failure after all
Can we just rename Sup Forums to Anime/Random and be done with it?
All the more reason you ought to know what I'm talking about but apparently nope.
If junji Ito Drew sexy women. Then yes.
Could've done without the cuckoldry, but otherwise the artist's countryside home idolmaster doujin is actual kino.
I mean, porn cannot surpass that. It's just awe-inspiring.
This is Kino. She's not some stupid Sup Forums meme.
That's /qa/. Mods won't make a real 2D/random board, they're too busy creating Sup Forums spinoffs.
Honestly just read the last chapter and you'll get the gist of it without having to suffer.
The word that destroyed Sup Forums, don't bring that garbage in Sup Forums faggot.
It means "English as a Second Language", implying someone can't speak English well, or type it well.
Ironically as we can see here, the poster's grasp on the English language is tenuous at best
Ok, I got mixed up with Four Leaf Lover 2, but Four Leaf Lover was still in 2009 wasn't it? I'm quite sure that no one gave a shit about Shindol before that though.
Electronic Sports League.
He upset a lot of people with Four Leaf Lover. People did know about him, but Yotsuba IS Sup Forums's mascot. That was the main drive behind the eventual emails, too.
Also what is the name of that one with a succumbus loli that fell in love with a guy or the guy that fell in love with the doll
>Yotsuba IS Sup Forums's mascot
Don't remind me.
No, that's Sup Forums right now. 99% of thread is Sup Forumsshit. Mods don't ever ban you for shitposting here so how the fuck isn't Sup Forums the 2D/random board?
Yeah I know it was a massive shitstorm, but neither did I give a shit about Shindol then nor I do give a shit about him now, so no, it was fucking annoying at best and I just filtered all threads with yotsuba, four leaf and shindol for a while and honestly I wasn't aware of any email from Sup Forums to him til now.
True hentaikino right here:
Well that's when we learned he's American. Although it also just says it straight up on his Patreon now. Raised in Queens of all places, so no wonder he's fucked up.
It would be ironic if the non-ESL user wrote his post in bad english. This word doesn't really apply in this context.
That's what I'm saying. I guess you didn't follow the quote chain.
= unless you really think that first..."sentence" is good, and "I've been here since the 08" is also alright
Doesn't matter what girl is on the frontpage for that. In fact, before Sachi, the s4s-tan was there.
>Raised in Queens of all places, so no wonder he's fucked up.
Doesn't take an artist to be fucked up to make fucked up stuff.
>but neither did I give a shit about Shindol then nor I do give a shit about him now,
I had given a shit about him way before 4LL and Emergence, and I still do.
>>Doesn't take an artist to be fucked up to make fucked up stuff.
actually, it totally often does and has been that way throughout history
That said yeah, it's no absolute case.
I was flustered so somehow I typed the word "the". The first sentence in the other post is grammatical if you don't mind the lack of "but also", and again you just demonstrated you ESL status before the whole thread. Omedetou, ESL-kun.
>you just demonstrated you ESL status
the irony does not fucking stop with you
*your. I'm sorry, are typos considered ungrammatical now? What a fucking sore loser you are, ESL-kun.
>actually, it totally often does and has been that way throughout history
You're refuting yourself in that sentence.
Either it "does", then it's a necessary requirement,
or it does "often", then it doesn't "always", in which case it'd be not necessary,
It might be sufficient for fucked up stuff to occur, but then it still wouldn't be necessary, but I even disagree that it'd sufficient. There are people that have gone through some fucked up stuff and are still able to make tame art.
It's not "refuting". I just said it often does, unless this is some semantic argument on word order which is pointless. I never claimed it was necessary.
And I never claimed fucked things had to happen to you. Hell, Look at Poe. His life was mostly pretty normal. Fucked in the head doesn't mean you needed fucked experience.
Nigger, if you fucked up that many times and I haven't made a single actual error (I even explained why you were wrong to use "mature" originally, to which you just ignored me because I assume you figured "oh shit, he's right") you need to drop it. Don't take some grammatical high ground when you keep acting like the "insult" you yourself are hurling around.
For the record, I'm American and would never claim to have grammatical mastery, but that's why I don't bring it up. You, however, are content to shit yourself and roll about in the resulting pool.
I'm a "DUDE LMAO" myself and I think people who traffic harder stuff into the country are vermin who deserve nothing but death.
Then you were just talking about something different, because I addressed , which implied that living in Queens is causally related to becoming fucked up, unless he meant that, for some reason, only people that already are fucked up end up being raised in Queens, in which case I'm wondering why you'd even reply, if you aren't addressing what I actually say.
>implying I used the phrase "most matured work" wrong
>implying it was even ambiguous
>implying anyone ever used the phrase "most matured work" to mean "the work is for older and matured audience such as myself"
Again, nigger, context. You were replying to someone talking about its plot.
Also what the fuck is the point of saying "oh, one of the artist's latest works was also coincidentally one of the ones where his art was really good"? What's the point of bringing that up in reply to someone mentioning plot, in a thread about plot and themes?
You really are caught up in semantics.
This image might clear your head a bit.
Lord Byron was a privileged man, but also a bit of an incestuous man, but otherwise wrote some twisty and depressing garbage because that's who he was, not exactly because of what happened to.
On the other hand World War I was a horror show, granting PTSD to many a youth and forging much in the way of twisted poetry and literature.
Then there's HP Lovecraft, who is pretty much fairly normal and wrote a lot about impossible abominations.
The fact is, a lot of twisted artwork has arose from twisted minds, whether they were naturally or made twisted, I said that. That's all. You put words in my mouth, saying I thought it was necessary, even though I initially said "you're right that it isn't an absolute case" first and foremost.
>While this isn't anything that great like you said, it's still his best work so far.
Easier to understand now? Jesus fucking christ.
But to be honest I'm having a bad headache and getting invigorated by being mad over a weeb image board with you did actually help a lot
Why, because it has a bad ending? No, the entire story was contrived to make the protagonist suffer not a single person in the entire story acted like a real human would given the circumstances they were in.
Its hot porn, don't get me wrong, but its hardly thought provoking enough to be kino.
Also why the fuck do you insist that I meant "the art was really good"? Professional maturity as a hentai artist just amounts to "dude's art is really good" for you?
What's hentai without the art? Context means a lot but Shindol is no Aomizuan. Frankly, he's far from top tier and scenario is the last thing I'd praise him for with porn. So art is of course what I'd assume you mean, as most people complain about his scenarios. Emergence is only even good for 3 chapters before the dumbass starts getting edgy as he always does.
Is it bad I want a Heavy Metal-esque fantasy series based on this setting starring the brother?
What did he mean by this?
Lovecraft wasn't normal at all. Read about his personal life and how he lived.
Well now you just have to keep in mind that the common Sup Forums browser can't into slightly """weird""" proses and phrases like "most matured work yet" and "magnus opum"
>magnus opum
Jesus, did he say that instead of magnum opus?
Swing and a miss for that on my part, though actually also supporting my other claims.
I also just realized google gives little over 300 results for "most matured work", and immediately suggests you fucked up since it wants to correct to "most mature work"
This is all quite funny.