lmao can you guys do anything right?
Troll aside, is she /ourgirl/?
lmao can you guys do anything right?
Troll aside, is she /ourgirl/?
It’s a fat neck beard larper no doubt
White hoe?
She is based as fuck. I never even knew it was possible for women to reach that level
I wonder if she has a university education or has accomplished anything, why do stupid white people act like accomplished something because a random ass white person who has no connection to them did?
Her Twitter is gold
>nigger spotted
Wakanda isn't real, Jamal
She’s not taking credit for other white people’s accomplishments. As a group, she is taking pride in whites have achieved a lot. If your team wins but you didn’t score a goal, your team is still good and you can be proud
she seems awesome.
insectoids were a mistake.
this .. these pathetic pol fake accounts are so embarssing
There is literally nothing wrong with being proundof your ancestors and their achievements.
Lmao, master level troll
I feel bad for the chick whose picture they're using though
*proud of
Of course...but is he wrong?
You know this one hurts.
There's already a bunch of branch monkeys saying they want to dox her.
Sadly doxing can only be accomplished by those with a 3 digit IQ
But I'm sure some literal white knight will come in to save the day
They're calling OP a Russian now, mission accomplished? Thanks Goyette
>black people invented traffic lights, lights, roads, the blues, rock, the pyramids, irrigation, showers, diamonds, and too many other inventions
hahaha, to be that deluded
Why would you post a fucking picture of "black nigger"? This is a beautiful white woman who is redpilled, and is now getting attacked by charcoal burquet... you know how many slide threads look like this? Repost
The people who are saying they’re going to get “her” fired are retarded.
Long story short, whites are ashamed to come from albinism, the disease that created them. So ashamed they made up this whole race thing. They larp collectively in an artificial matrix to coddle their fragile deficient egos. They will rage at this but deep down they will know I am right. The brown birthmarks scattered on their bodies is whats known as checkmate. They are our bipedal great ape brothers who have become disillusioned by a disease. Blinded by their own vanity like Narcissus. Unfortunately, for them the truth is just too hard to swallow, because it comes with a steep cosmic cost. Their Pride(hubris).
Race has never and will never exist. You are a slave Neo. English is your slave language.
How do explain coloured hair and eyes?
You are the inbred ones, that's why you all have the exact same hair texture, the exact same hair colour and the exact same eye colour - no genetic diversity!
Whites skin color changed over the course of 10,000’s of years. Someone born albino is a rare genetic mutation that isn’t passed on. Everything you wrote is nigger garbage.
This is a real albino
Asians descended from the subsaharan Khoisan. It was albinism that made their hair straight. A missing hair protein, a side affect of the deficiency disease.
lol /ourgirl/ confirmed for now.
if it's a disease why did whiteness get us to the moon and penicillin you dumb fucking nigger retard?
Its all from albinism. School told you albinos have red eyes and white hair. That is true for the albino children of white people. Not so much for brown and black people. Albinos can have blue, green, and even purple eyes. Red, brown, blond, even black hair. You have been lied to. Youve never even dared to look under Europe on a map I would guess. Where your ancestors migrated from the middle east. As albinos.
You have no argument. Only denial.
coolest fuckin super saiyan hair
We wuz sciences an shiet
Truth hurts doesnt it. Thats karma punishing your hubris against mankind. Shouldnt have pissed off mother nature. This is her at work. Now you know.
Being albino is a recessive trait. Unless you have two albino parents, you would go back to the same skin color. When you look at skin color on a map, you will see as you get further from the equator, skin colors lighten. I get you’re trying to troll, but this is just retarded. Really, I’m embarassed that I took the bait.
What about skull shapes? And torso - limb ratio? Did albanism alter our skull shape too?
No you wouldnt. This is why you can tan. Its nice of you to try but go ahead and explain your birthmark. Dont try to act dumb and oblivious to the tiny brown spots hidden among your skin. Its okay if you do though. Wouldnt be the first time.
Why do they keep telling her that blacks have accomplished so much and never mention any specifics? ::thinking::
Phrenology has long proven to be fake. People have been mating for aesthetics for thousands of years.
Oi cunt I live in Australia, I know first hand we have differently shaped skulls.
Try again dickhead.
>Not all historical accomplishments are white but none worth noting are black
Savage brehs
No, the reason people from north have lighter skin is because it absorbs more sunlight and helps them get more vitamin D. If a nigger was born albino in sub Sahara Africa, he would fry. Over time, lighter skin naturally selects. It’s not hard to understand. If your theory was right, when a white girl fucked a black, instead of the melanin in the skin meeting somewhere in between the two of them, the baby would just be full black. I get you probably never even made it into 6th grade biology, but come on. Surely you have to know this is concentrated retardation.
hack my elections up
here we go
fucking albino poster incoming
>76 posts by this ID
Go on...
>get pillaged, ravaged, and enslaved by people with a disease
free bumps
don't forget the autismo that's on track to reply to all 76
This is one of the single best instances of bantz in human history.
So fucking simple. So fierce.
Fake account putting the roast on high
everything is basically the same
Lefties call everyone they don't agree with a russian, Sup Forums calls everyone a shill or the cia
You don't have to be on the payroll to be a shill.
This, the left cant meme and the left can't tell when they're being banted into oblivion.
Heh, niggers are so fucking jealous they can never have what we have.
Even when dicking down white girls their children can never have our genius, that makes them ultra-hostile knowing they are inferior shitskins who can never achieve anything.
The funny part is they are too stupid to actually realize why they are inferior so their default argument becomes "muh dick".
The literal white knights get upset because they are subconsciously jealous of her candor.
more like she ass blasted them
I feel bad for the nogs when it comes to this shit. They think they are being accurate, but nobody ever corrects them except for the anime (((nazis))) on tweeter. This just reinforces their false belief system but they are too scared and ashamed to just look any of it up. It's gotta feel bad for any normie naggers to know that their entire genetic history has contributed fuckall to society. Oh well.
Wrong. You are saying people change colors. They dont. Your ancestors were albinos, went north to get out of the sun. Mated with swarthy meds, had your great great great great grand fathers etc etc. I know what they teach in biology but its just fake bs like the concept of race itself. It was created by Charles Darwin who was a white supremacist who never even mentioned albinism.
I know it must hurt. Growing up in your artificial world being told your the apex predator. Some God-like diety ruling above all animals. Nearly supernatural you begin to think. TALL WHITE NORDICS. Kek.
Suddenly. The truth teleports directly infront of you. You are bipedal great apes blinded by the illusion of a disease.
This, it looks like shes strong enough to btfo them herself.
niggers have never accomplished anything
Still can't explain the skulls.
Most of them have the literacy rate of a 5th grader.
They genuinely retarded and nothing is ever going to change that.
Youre assuming Im black but Im not. I just know the truth. Stranger than fiction.
tldr race isnt real. Satanists rule the world. This is all a test. Be happy with your simian vessel. Enjoy the ride.
Have no regrets. Everything happens for a reason. Karma spins tenfold, seasons constantly change.
You know the truth yet think "white" is based on skin color.
Funny how east Asians don't fall under the same category since they are white skinned too.
Then again, it seems to me people with white skin are objectively superior to niggers, even if they are east asians.
>the Albanio poster is back in white
Already have. "Google. Is phrenology real?"
But before that "Google, whats phrenology?"
>its the autistic albino poster
But they do and I mentioned them as well. We are all niggers now. Don't hate yourself user.
oh wow look at this its a albino with European parents.
I'm not talking about phrenology, I'm talking about human skull shapes.
Whites have different skulls - is that a result of albanism? How?
i would be honored if she had my babies
So, a group of albinos fled civilization? Did they all happen to be born albino then left at once? Was it a single albino who did this? I mean, I heard a lot of autistic things on here before, but you’re definitely fighting to be in the top 10
East Asians are not white, rich south Koreans and K-pop stars just bleach their skin and wear make up to have lighter skin tone.
Black people literally invented everything, but they lost it all in the great Wakanda war. Have some respect.
You are retarded friendo.
Agreed but the bell curve has plenty of them in the not retarded range. There has to be great shame in the realization that your race blows. Pretty much all other races can be proud of a great deal of their history but shines just have to larp about it. I'm sure plenty of them know that what they are saying is bullshit. Hopefully they wake up.
really makes you think maybe albinisim is a condition that affects all races.
Looks like a straight up Jewess, that schnozz
>imagine look at this face in the mirror everyday
>"i do and i thank god i'm white"
Damn she has more balls than most here.
Yeah I'll admit that really tickled my jewdar but now that I think about it I seem to recall a thread about this same person long ago - perhaps it's some anons troll acc I dno.
Asking this while blacks are clinging to a fucking superhero movie.
>anti nigger
no matter what you say is always right
Why are niggers so bad at arguing or debating?
Phrenology is not the same as ethnic skeletal morphology. Forensic experts can identify the race, gender, age, and myriad other traits from mere skeletal remains.
Phrenology, by contrast, attempted to link behavioural traits directly to facial morphology, typically within a race rather than between them
85 IQ
Probably not really her, seems like a troll account the more you look through it.
the pander to wogs comment go a chuckle out me.
Even if whites came from albinism, what does that change exactly? Since we're diseased, we're sexier, more accomplished, have better IQs, and actually have semblances of empathy for our fellow man?
Also, if that's true, then how do you explain mexicans, sicilians, cubans, indians, and the like?
>Confounding Phrenology and Anthropology
Get keked you dishonest lefty loser.
Remind every nigger that this movie wasn't even filmed in Africa once!
This shit is funny
It comes from Natural selection. Long ago, in the ancient past. When your ancestors first left Africa to escape persecution and the heat. In such ancient times, there was no fire. That happened as cavemen. in caves.
In those dismal times, when your ancestors were locked away in an iceage, natural selection took place. The only surivors were those with narrow noses to heat up the cold air before it entered the nostrils. Thin lips to not get frost bite on them. This is where your features originate from but no school textbook will tell you this.
Why does that matter, the cheddarman is black.
She's going to get fired anyway.
Black people treated jews like slaves and made them build the pyramids... don't worry though, jews got their revenge on the black Egyptians.
So if natural selection can alter skull shape why can't it alter skin tone?
It does affect all races. It affects all life on earth. What greater explanation than rational logic and truth itself. Whites are not albinos. But whites did descend from albinism.