seems fishy
Why is it always an ar 15?
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why not an ak47?
No AKs cause Russian sanctions and VEPR bans. And ARs are cheap because no competition in this price range.
Because every time it happens the media hypes up "assault rifles."
If you were going to do a shooting you would probably try to copy what other successful shooters do and weapons they use.
It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
Only the most recent ones, because they noticed that no one used them in mass shootings. I heard some cakeboi NPR host claim an AR15 was used in sandy hook, they found the thing in the guy's trunk without a single round having ever been so much as chambered. Kind of like all the other guns "used" in sandy hook.
Modern musket, simple and reliable
Extremely common among American gun owners, and are not terribly expensive.
Because its the most widely available and one of the cheapest semi automatic rifles on the market.
Its like watching a western and asking why its always a Colt Single Action Army or a Winchester lever action. The AR-15 is the most prevalent rifle right now.
yes, everything is fishy.
call trump and ask him what is going on.
>seems fishy
It is. If it were a wooden furniture Mini-14, or M1 Carbine, or hell even AK, I wonder if the MSM would even give the weapon used a second thought.