No route in the VN

>No route in the VN
>Gets brutally murdered without any plot resolution in the anime
>Finally gets her own spinoff
>It gets hijacked halfway through by Shiro anyway

What the fuck were they thinking with Shiro in Prisma Illya?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Magical girls are cool and all, but we need a hotblooded protagonist to rope in all of these feelings and give us a chance to show some bone-breaking combat.

>I know just the guy.

Wait, there's a plotline?
I thought prisma illya was just a series of softcore porn scenes.

Not sure. The same thing that led Kamachi and Fuy to allow Touma to hijack Railgun on three separate occasions, I guess?

Shirou >>> Illya

I wish we were still back to collecting cards and having fun hijinks with the rich whore and her sex slave.


I only saw the first season, but this statement here makes me want to actually watch more.

Get fucked pedofag.

It's not even the same Ilya anyways

>Halfway through

so halfway through 3rei when their is 2 and 1 so 1/6th of the way through. Then it goes right back to her. Are you even reading prisma illya?

Chloe is the same Illya so technically prisma illya still has the original illya in it.


>No route in the VN
Ilya isn't for fug. She is Shirou's sister.

It literally goes HF

Would you turn your back on the world and use the power of your future self to protect the person you love?

There's plot from they very beginning but at some point it increases the seriousness 200% and Shirou becomes the protagonist for a while.
You just fell for the memes.



Only if she's flat.

So was Akiha in Turkeyhandle. Didn't stop Shiki from screwing her.

>implying all parts are equal in length
1 is 2 volumes
2rei is 5 volumes
3rei is 8 volumes and ongoing so 9 is a possibility.
thats a little less than half unless you wanna go page count yourself.

They're going to add an Illya route in the inevitable F/SN remake, right?


Shirou is probably one of the worst mc's ever created.
I literally dropped the VN before any sex scenes because I didn't want Shirou to get any.

Sure, user, right after the Tsukihime remake comes out.

Prisma Illya is Illya's route.

Who /Miyu/ here?

the real question is: how did she go from above to below and how did shiro forget about her?

I can no longer tell if this is bait, or just someone that retarded.

New chapter when?

shiki is a villain without parallel

>I literally dropped the VN before any sex scenes because I didn't want Shirou to get any.

>I literally dropped the VN before any sex scenes because I didn't want Shirou to get any.

I'm talking about the VN. I was tot lazy to go find bad ending screenshots so I used that from the anime.
Chronologically speaking, in fate/zero illya is still "normal" (side character that doesn't make any appearance other than when she's a baby) but then in fate/stay night she's suddenly a sadist, fate kaleid prisma illya should be happening somewhere near the end of fate/zero right? because kiritsugu is still alive and they often say he's out for "work" just like he was in fate/zero.
I have played the vn years ago so I might be missing something and I have only watched fate/zero and fate kaleid series, was it explained in the new series maybe?

Kaleid/liner is its own timeline

Oh boy, user. Okay, "Prisma Illya" isn't REALLY Illya, technically. Irisviel and Kiritsugu stopped the 4th HGW and kept the disaster from happening, then did some magical stuff to let Illya have a normal childhood. If you want to get into the weeds, Kuro is the Illya from Zero and FSN and features her memories from that time, while Illya is an Illya specific to Prisma Illya. She would have never met or seen Shirou and just knows him as her older brother. Don't ask why he lives with them when the disaster didn't happen. Best guess is Kiritsugu likes kidnapping children.

I thought it could be the case, but since I saw so many references it made me doubt about that.

Shirou is a constant in the universe

It's literally one of the best entries in the Fate series, and Illya is one of the best written MCs in recent memory with a consistent characterization throughout all parts (which is rare in Japanese media) and amazing voicing acting, best OST in any Fate anime, and doing multiple genres competently be it the moeshit slice of life or the shounen fights. It's also one of the few mahou shoujo shows that nailed the Power of Friendship bit without it ending up being corny or childish. It's like one of these 'let's write a dream show' discussion actually made in real life.



they really did a good job with the fight scenes, it makes fate/stay night 2006 series look like kindergarten sandbox fights.

Anything makes DEEN/stay night look like shit though.

>it makes fate/stay night 2006 series look like kindergarten sandbox fights.
That doesn't say much.

I mean that the gfx and the fast-paced scenes of fate kaleid aren't any less detailed than fate/zero, which was already on a whole different level than the 2006 series, or at least that's how I remember it.

>It's literally one of the best entries in the Fate series,
poor animation done by the lowest possible bidder
>Illya is one of the best written MCs in recent memory with a consistent characterization throughout all parts
generic imouto with a brocon,yuri tendencies, and "minna nakadayo" befriend everyone mentality ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEEL
>and amazing voicing acting
40 year old woman pretending to be a preteen
>best OST in any Fate anime
character starts doing something besides being generic moeblob loli EMIYA remix plays
>doing multiple genres competently
bland boilerplate phoned-in plot with far-left asspulls and sharkjumps to justify an increasingly irrelevant main plot thread
>It's also one of the few mahou shoujo shows that nailed the Power of Friendship bit without it ending up being corny or childish.
So corny Del Monte wants their royalty cut

I like it


Then just say that, comparing anything to DEEN/Stay Night just detracts form the point as you're basically saying "this is better than dogshit".

unlike FSN, dog poop has useful applications

Stop bullying my favorite show. I'll fight you.

>EMIYA remix
This one is better.


You ready for a 28 page 40010 kuro doujin?

Bring it on

Needs more best girl in this thread.

Yesterday I checked and there are quite a lot Prisma Illya doujins. Care to share your favorites?

Hiroyama loves Sakura x Shirou, it was always going to be this way. Didn't you see that image his assistant made of ghost Sakura hugging Miyuverse Shirou in a parody shot of Irisviel x Kiritsugu?

the newest one with extremely slutty Kuro

>sakura was the true heroine all along
fug, it's gonna be ntr after all? her hole is a nest of worm dicks already.

duh, because Sakura is Shirou's fated one.

Hjukism for Kuro, Lemonmaiden for Illya and a bit of miyu, Sanom for cute yuri and Achromic for cute futa.

Fuck off wormslut

Seems fine to me, Illya is meant for Miyu anyway.

explain this series lore in 5 words because apparently this shit has a extremely complex plot

Is one required to watch everything else in the fate series to enjoy Prisma illya or could you just watch it by itself?

New chapter when is the better question.

It's not, but obviously a spin off helps having knowledge of the original. If you don't wish to read watch Zero and UBW, and if you care about the magical girl stuff then nanoha and cardcaptor sakura is also good to have watched.

You will understand everything alot better if you watch/read alteast a single route before but it is not required since they explain most of it and it's very different from the original VN.

I don't usually watch dubbed anime ( only if dub is really good) but I check what dub sounds like before I start watching.
Prisma Illya probably has the worst dub I ever heard. VAs didn't even have quality gear and Illya's VA is half asleep. What's up with that?

AU dying
imouto is grail

the Holy Grail war, son

> Get introduced to Fate via Illya.
> Try reading the VN, but dropping it due to shitty edginess.
> All I want is cute magic girl antics and the power of friendship.
> Change Prisma to be about autistic sword collector instead of cute girls.
I hope they get Shirou out of the way with the movie and give us more Illya with another season.

gayest shit i've ever seen

Gay loli kisses for mana.


>Turbo lesbos get btfo in their own series

Too bad it's not an actual entry in the fate series

I agree. Its terrible that there is no Prisma season this summer.

>wtf why doesn't my male targeted battle harem franchise have enough shoujou magical girls

>Too bad it's not an actual entry in the fate series

It is but it would be better if it wasn't. If I look at the shit fate releases every year you can only feel sad for it. They should honestly just let it end with the three normal routes.

>male targeted battle harem franchise
Well, the rest of fate might fit that description, but Illya clearly went in another direction from the start. Sure, they still had a bit of lewd loli action to appeal to the lolicons, but at heart is was a cutesy magical girl show.
I only want that part to come back.

Maybe the film will be worth watching despite the Shirou infestation. I'm hoping for the best, but not really expecting much.

Why is Luvia presenting?



Why is she so cute? I can't take it.

Can't wait to get this one, finally we will get all those official drawings that were never scanned.


Non daily reminder.

more like from below to above


I was born ready

I see what you're trying to do.

>b-but muh different rules!
It still has Fate in the name, therefore IT IS an entry in the Fate series.

Assuming you're talking about the sample guy, no wasn't actually my intention, the full version is just too large to post and I'm too lazy to resize it.

We already know she has the genetics, but not that exagerated.

that fucking butt holy fuck

I saw the first season of this show and thought it was incredibly boring and barely got through it.

I'm not a pedo, so is that why I didn't like it?

I wasn't actually, but fair enough.

What type of anime do you like? Because a lot of other anime out there are slow paced too. It's comparable with CCS for example.

>thinking Illya's show would be completely void of her most cherished and beloved thing ever
You know nothing of a loli's heart.

this wouldn't happen by her age her mother already was full grown and had gigantic tits, if she did grow older it would all go into her butt/hips