Hey guys, I'm dumping the first chapter of Back 2 Back thanks to both a translation dumped here by a great Sup Forumsnon and a fellow translator.
The second season is coming in roughly 2 months, so what better time to do this, right?
Sit back and enjoy the ride because this chapter is roughly 90 pages so please bump occasionally.
Kekkai Sensen Back 2 Back Chapter 1 Release
Skipped a blank page here.
Usual volume intro page
Chapter listing
Skipped another blank page
>can't even enjoy a day off
Man Leo has it rough
That he does user, that he does.
I'm surprised they can still feel surreal at the sight of anything anymore
Yeah, but you can kinda tell they're kinda blaze about it.
Like, they look like they find it interesting like how a museum artifact is interesting.
Futurama style
Yeah, it's kinda similar, very episodic.
I meant because of the heads in this one specifically. Especially the head of the president, like Nixon's in Futurama.
Oh yeah, probably inspired by Futurama actually.
Isn't the author a westaboo?
Good lord I hope that's the mob and not the secret service
What's funny is the Lot is so chaotic that who could honestly tell?
As you could see, everyone is going for the president head.
And it's Chain.
Man I forgot how OP everyone in Libra is
Oh yeah, Leo is basically the comedy relief but he has some good powers.
Double page time
Thank you firend, 10 pages to go.
Already uploaded it to batoto, gotta go to work soon, in a time crunch now.
Another spread page
Ok, last page, I hope you guys enjoyed the storytime.
I hope there's more come the second season in Fall.
Thanks for the storytime, fun read
merci pour ta contribution
Thanks OP