If race mixing isn't natural then why am i attracted to Asian girls?
If race mixing isn't natural then why am i attracted to Asian girls?
it is natural. it's just not natural to breed with niggers and (((THEM)))
because its natural throughout our history but its usually just been neighboring tribes
Not politics and current events you racebaiting kike
You keep eating Asian soy, you tell me.
Same reason why some people like naked kids. Or some like camels. Some like horses. Some like cartoon horses.
They're (and you) and mentally sick.
Your children will look nothing like you, OP
I feel your pain mix fag...
I intend to track down a high yellow honey some day.
am i mentally sick for liking old women?
Your kids will look nothing like you
because it's human nature to be attracted to the superior
i'm talking 65+
knowing the neckbeards around here, thats probably the best possible scenario.
Because you're a degenerate
Once you realize three things they suddenly are not that attractive.
- Scientifically, Asian women have very wide set vaginas. It means they're looser. Enjoy.
- They usually look outright disgusting without make up
- Any child you have with one is going to look completely 100% chink. Your children will look nothing like you.
Asians are White. Hitler even said so. We need an Axis alliance.
>- Any child you have with one is going to look completely 100% chink
Kek bless thee!
> Asians are White
They have different biology, brain structure, and health risks. And no those slanty as fuck eyes are not white. Fuck off with this bullshit.
Thats not even his child.
Hapas look White af.
quads (checked)
Furthermore if you fucks want to call another race white, then do it to Mexicans. But oh I don't see any of you losers doing that.
But all Mexicans are around 50% white. So they're hell of a lot whiter than any chink.
You can fuck a Mexican girl, have babies, and your kids will look 100% white. No one will be able to tell they're 25% Aztec.
So that's as good as it gets.
Chinks are chinks, little chipmuck cheeked squinty eyed hot tempered low empathy retards.
Full blooded looks like a tranny twink.
>They have different biology, brain structure, and health risks. And no those slanty as fuck eyes are not white. Fuck off with this bullshit.
Yet they have same high IQ and peaceful civilisation as Europeans as well as same values and ancient history.
kek confirms: Asians are just white people with squinting eyes
It's your natural instinct to produce the Hapa master race.
High IQ desu
You're a weaboo
because they have more neanderthal dna
neanderthal = the real master race
the project of human civilization should be directed breeding aimed at maximizing neanderthal proportion of DNA.
Do people seriously just not read the stickies?
>what is the appeal to nature fallacy?
Just because it's natural doesn't make it fucking good.
>cure your yellow fever and strive for something wholesome!
> Yet they have same high IQ and peaceful civilisation
You mean the industrial wasteland that is China with workers leaping out of buildings and children getting run over in the street and left there? The nation where they pull sewage out of the sewers and use it as cooking oil?
That place? Fuck off. Chinese are nigger tier Asians. And stupid as all fucking hell.
>Like a damn fiddle.
You fetishized them somewhere down the line. That said it's not abnormal to find other races' women at least a little attractive.
Incest is best, put your daughter to the test
I would like the insert my penis into the vagina of the girl in that picture, if you know what I mean.
Because you are a literal virgin that could never get a decent white woman
Once all the niggers and jews are dead we can finally live out anime and build space colonies like in gundam. Race wont even matter once all the niggers and jews are dead. We'll all be white!
It is completely natural, to say otherwise is to be a genuine retard. The problem is when people don't use their intellect and breed with low IQ races and produce low IQ children, or children with low IQ genetics. Mixing with asians is fine.
Because you are a mutt
Use Japan for your example instead of a communist nightmare country.
Looks like a faggot.
Yo, the horsefuckers over at /mlpol/ are all right, you can't fault them for sticking to 2D because of 3D degeneracy on Sup Forums, of all places. And those who aren't physically capable of having a girl shouldn't reproduce in the first place.
That's what eugenics are all about.
Imagine how tight those tiny Asian girls are! They're designed for 2inch rice dicks. White man would tear them apart!
Yes. I'd thoroughly enjoy getting pleasure by inserting my penis into an Asian girl's oral cavity too, if you understand what I am implying with this.
>tries to be sarcastic
>picture doesn't prove his point
say no to race mixing
Why am I attracted to Pepe?
Because you're a low self esteem beta male and your instincts are telling you that the only way to pass on your genes is to move to different land to take advantage of the traveling male mating prospect embedded in women.
A man who knows his own sexual success wouldn't take a second look at anyone but his own.
Asian women are BASED because of high IQ. They can connect to White men in ways stupid White THOTs cant!
Cargo shorts
sunglasses on head
V-neck tshirt
These guys need to be gassed
>Women of other countries aren't women
This is how retarded you guys are. Hating on people solely because of their physical appearance is cartoon tier retarded racist level. I dont' dislike blacks because they are brown. I dislike them because they cause a lot of crime in my country and don't work. I don't dislike arabs because they look swarthy, I dislike them because they spread their crap religion, commit crime and don't work (and are entitled as fuck). I also acknowledge that both of these races have a low racial IQ and thus are not suitable to breed with.
Asians have none of these problems, they have many historically important civilizations, their countries aren't completely fucked up and are on the whole actually quite nice (some are even western level, see Japan, Singapore). They don't commit violent crime, they have a high racial IQ and they are hard working.
Going "But dey dont look like muy" is like a phrase a Hillary supporter would use to caricaturize right-wingers, and is naturally beyond retarded.
hahah autism
who is this sanpaku eyed qt?
>Asians are White.
I honestly these threads are meant to make asians hate whites. You're all acting like niggers.
Mixing with asians has produced:
* Coudenhove-Kalergi
* Kelly Baltazar
* Katie Pladl
* Elliot Rodger
Do we need more?
yes, we need more heroes
She had a child with her white father and was then arrested... stay away.
At the most primordial human level everything is superficially physical. We can think of a bunch of logical reasons to justify it but take a step back and realize the genetic war of natural selection taking fold.
There is no natural process to human mating, some people seek to replicate themselves, others feel the needs to try their genes in something different and see what happens. In the end, tribalism will always find a way and discrimination and violence will always occur in between.
That is human nature.
neck dimensions
Is it truly wrong to want to raise the average IQ of the black race?
no, it just means you have patrician taste
Where have you been this past week? Incest girl had a baby with her white father to create the master race quappa
I hope they find a cure for yellow fever soon.
As if.
so they are horrible roasties who crave white cock but at the same time they are faithful tradfu
>tfw the White race is so feared by non-Whites that they desperately try to convince White males to breed outside of their race on a Mongolian model train customer support web forum
I hope that doesnt happen honestly. I am joking mostly. I do like East Asians and respect them. We could do a deal where we exchange our women so everyone is happy.
damn. that's pretty fucked up
Fucking love this Swedish guy, only few left who are rational at things.
It is the most natural thing. White men are conquerors by nature. All these WN saying mixing is bad are the low t homeboys who are content to never leave their lawn. The true Aryan looks to the frontier to conquer and subdue it. In this age the frontier is no longer the American west and not yet mars. The only frontier left is the Asian womb. Asians are uniquely suited for white cock and yet these autistic manlets would deny them it. Follow your instincts user. Hail Victory.
Imagine niggers posting pics of white girls in 1 million threads every day. Of course this makes them hate us.
Actual story is that the father didn't know he had a daughter. She found him anyways, and because women are retarded emotionally her asian pussy fell in love with white cock just like her mom did and she seduced him.
Something something about being attracted to people who are physically similar to you and there being no pre existing father daughter bond etc.
How does that make them roasties? They just know white is right.
Then why is racemixing extremely prevalent historically?
I fully agree that multiculturalism doesn't work, and that you can not take in massive amount of refugees, even based on a visual level. But to deny people to freely choose their partner that is when the stupidity comes in. People are never going to marry "out" in such numbers that it is any kind of threat to the racial makeup of a country. The only threat is government policies, the overwhelming amount of people are NOT going to go through the hassle it is to marry a foreigner, but to deride those that do is just low and lessens this board.
You dont want a harem of fair skinned East Aryans? Are you even a National Conanist?
Elliot is the most famous hapa for a reason.
by that logic they'll leave you when they find more high quality white guy
He had poor, and I mean really poor parenting.
Learn this lesson well for your own children may end up attention starved retards.
so she did know and did it deliberately, without letting him know she's his daughter?
>He had poor, and I mean really poor parenting.
can you explain good fren
A true Fingol race warrior. Patron Saint of WHITE SHARIA.