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the fat fuck has been cucked to death and he not learns, he is fucked
Apparently the villain is a SJW and the hero is basically black Trump.
His audience can still be saved
It reminds him when his gf was fucked by jamal
no the villian is hitler and the hero is the alt right
>pic related
I agree. It was fantastic. It had all of my values, such as
>Anti Immigration
>Ethno nationalist
>Anti Democracy
>Strict Trade Restrictions
>Anti Diversity
>Anti Refugees
>Pro Wall
Hopefully people will adore these views and adopt them into their ways of thinking thanks to this movie.
No. The hero isn't an ethnonationalist you fucking kike.
Not your personal army faggot.
If you're not willing to join in on the culture war then you're a disgrace to your ancestors
Must make you guys mad he pulls 6 figures and has an audience far larger than you ever will. It's painfully obvious you resent him for being a fat guy who gets paid to play video games all day, while you can only manage the latter.
No one wants to be boogie, his wife divorced him yesterday
>We Wuz: The Movie(based loosely on actual historical events)
>Gimme mo shit white boi
This is all the average negro is going to take from this movie. All of those fancy concepts you losted will completely blow over their heads. There's nothing good about this movie.
"Affirmative action: The Movie" as well
If you choose to waste time on the internet spamming a shitty video you‘re a disgrace to the entire human race. Also nice try getting adshekels, but I have adblock.
That's heart breaking.
We all have Adblock fucktard
& this is my free time I do what I want
>I don't know how the like/dislike ratio functions on YouTube
That's a bad ratio. I usually dismiss something unless it's political if the ratio is under 10:1. Just quickly clicked on like 5 of his videos and theyre all 25-100:1 like to dislikes.
>has an audience far larger than I ever will
I mean, I guess I do have a real job so an "audience" isn't exactly high on my list of aspirations, memeflag.
I know. It still angers white liberals to put it that way, though.
>The scene where all the blacks dressed as apes start hollering and hooting
Nic Cage, my hero
Good goy.
Now remember to jack off to BLACKED scenes tonight.
You good fat fucking goy.
holy shit thought it was a meme omg
can we send boogie into isis territory so they can make a beheading video of him?
Holy fuckin' shit. Whoever this guy is fucking roasted that fat fuck.
Which one of you posted this?
>oi I wish the queen mum would shit in me mouth
No one wants your help ahmed
All that prepwork that went into that face and that shot all the way down to the probably unnecessary meme glasses and still looking like that much of a butterface
Allah save the queen
Which one of you did this LOL
except he uses the word 'diverse' constantly in a non-marvel context. He literally says 'diverse actor' once when referring to a black actor.
Sick burn
Oh no no no no!!!!
OH SHIT that last line
This thread is getting too spicy, I might have to shut it down
Oy vey that's anti Semitic!
Whenever I see the oxford university it reminds me that the building is older than the entire Aztec civilization
10/10 would lick
He's just a normal idiot. Like most people. Suicidal and sick. So?