We've reached a point where your average, most every day person on the street is rabidly...

We've reached a point where your average, most every day person on the street is rabidly, violently leftist and will kill you for wrongthink if you're to the right of authoritarian communism. Those of us who are rational, logical, and believe in the humane, ethical, moderate, centrist idea of things like Hegelian Idealism (later called fascism) or minarcho-capitalism are considered targets.

How do we come back from this mess? How do we fix it, especially in America where nearly every problem known to man is the fault of leftists?

Fascism and Nazism want to kill other human beings based on what they look like or their religion. Fuck you, eat a bullet.

Your kike ideology killed more than both combined and is a form of fascism too (gulags, remember?). Eat s hit and die, commie

We kill based on actions of the individual, you tar individuals with accusations based on stereotyping a group, which is far worse because the people you kill are innocent. You are basing execution based on arbitrary criteria like skin color or geographical location they have no control over. Behavior, morality, there is control. Communists only kill porky oppressors.

Commies kill anyone who isn't communist and communists who aren't communist enough. Communism is also a Jewish supremacist movement. Nazism is but a reaction to that, or did you misunderstand what Karl Marx meant by "reactionary".

Wrong, skin color isn't the only factor but I know you're in denial

You literally stereotype all conservatives as being Nazis. I don’t know who’s Jewing who here.

You guys heil in public and walk arm-in-arm with people who wear swastikas during protests.

Commies exterminate everyone. Homeless activism is group slavery. Grow up and stop pushing fascist masochism in response to fascist masochist society. If you want to become a reflection, at least understand you are only going to do so by canceling out the very energy of human life. i.e. NWO lets you collapse everything, then poisons you all and calls it a plague, human threat extinguished again, God has risen...

>You guys heil in public and walk arm-in-arm with people who wear swastikas
You are wearing a literal hammer and sickle flag right now. You do realize it is legal to shoot you fucks, right?