Why dont you have a girlfriend, pol?

Why dont you have a girlfriend, pol?

I’m not a lesbian

Having a girlfriend is boring. Thats why i always have 2 or 3. Faggot.

My man. Keep it up. Although it’s sometimes tiresome to fuck a couple of bitches in one day. One has to have a good ass, the other has to have a bj black belt and the third should be something exotic

This guy is a total cosplay faggot.

First he paints his face like Marilyn Manson and goes on to murder someone, whilst enciting his "fans" to dig up the bodies of the dead (which they did)... now he wears a stupid hat like Gandalf because he saw it in a movie.

Fuck off back to /r9k/ you faggot

i did but she was a fat whore so i dumped her, then i met another woman who was a skinnier whore and pathological liar, dumped her, then i dated another woman who was a fat whore and a lying cheater so i dumped her, now ive been single for about a year and I'm honestly much happier.

The "find a woman to marry so you can make babies and live the traditional lifestyle" is a meme, at this point I'd guess the percentage of "good, decent, honest, traditional, loyal women" are probably in the single digits at best, maybe less than 5% of the female population, its sad

plot twist: I was the girlfriend the entire time.

>Why dont you have a girlfriend, pol?

My wife wouldn't like it.

I do.