Not gay

Not gay.

Actually Gay.

Not male.

He wants to fuck a girl, so yes, he is very straight.

Not trying to be a nigger. What anime is this? I'm new.

dumb newnigger

re zero. it's honestly not that good but it's enjoyable. if it gets a second season then that season will be really good because the first three arcs (which is the anime) aren't that great. also that cat is male, and if you attracted to it, you are homosexual. but it doesn't matter since that character is, i assume, straight


What's with all the spamming with this catfaggot lately? Rezero is long finished

ty man

It was great up until episode 18 though.

Wait, meant "including 18". Everything after was just QUALITY.

Is he, dare I say, /our gay/?

If it looks like a girl, it's not gay. Everybody knows that.

what if i look like a girl, too?

Post the feminine benis?

>has a dick
>not gay

>I'll be back lol
>never comes back

>that scene where she kills everyone
Most shameful fap of my life.

>being a trap and fucking girls
>being a girl and fucking traps
>being a trap and fucking guys
>being a guy and fucking traps

Not sure if gay, but he's a loyal servant of Crusch-sama above all.

Felix will never end up with Captain Crunch

>not dedicating your semen to the true catboipussy of the series

Traps are gay. You are gay if you like traps.

t. a faggot that likes traps

Traps aren't gay because they look like girls.
