Your view on bestiality...

Your view on bestiality? They are updating animal protection laws here and the newest draft makes sex with animals illegal and people are protesting Against it.

(Right noe its animal cruelty if the animal is hurt in the process)

Other urls found in this thread:

>people are protesting Against it.
Surely not protesting physically in the streets, because these degenerates would be shot on sight.

I'm fine with people fucking their animals as long as they are reported and it shows on their IDs. I would also do it for coalburners but that's a lot harder to achieve.

Absolutely horendus. People who want to have anything to do eith animal sexually must be put in a mental asylum. You are not mentally fit.

Realistically any woman who has ever owned a dog has willingly let it lick her pussy at some point in her life.

Oooooh. This explains the yeast infection!

its hypocritical that sex with animals is illegal, while sex with niggers is legal.

All that peanut butter and whatnot can't be good for their vaginal flora.

Dog saliva is anti-bacterial.
Trust my flag.
Trust it.

I hate to post an ROK article but women fucking dogs is pretty common.