Refute this without resorting to "muh constitution"
Refute this without resorting to "muh constitution"
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the last number of
>gun violence
includes suicides.
refute what? they're all factual statements. if you mean "why don't you do something to change this" it's because fuck you i like my 5.56 nato.
Muh constitution fucker. Now eat a dick.
Your army was beaten up by birds.
He's right, gun control would be as stupid, symbolic and useless as all of those other restrictions.
>implying there are no restrictions on the purchase, storage and use of guns
Every year they force or try to force stricter and stricter gun laws. I'm from Commiefornia which prides itself on how strict their gun laws are and yet continually has some of the highest violent crime rates in the country. It's almost like violent criminals don't care about laws.
guns are supposed to kill people
there isn't a design flaw
>1,516,863 people have died from guns on American soil
How many were non-whites?
I find it so funny how the only cucks shilling for gun control aren't even in America. Are you guys insecure? Or is this just envy that you don't have the right to defend yourself
This. You fucking limp dicked numbat. Post a photo of yourself, I've got 100:1 odds you're a shit skinned NEET soyboi faggot from Newtown or some saracen ghetto in Melbourne.
Day of the long neck bottle approaches cunt.
From these 1.5 millions almost 70% are suicides. Funny how libtards never mention this
Don’t fucking have to you quavering pile of rancid rectal discharge. That’s why the Bill of Rights was created in the first place: no not have to respond to cock-breathed faggotry like this.
1. Did we outlaw trucks and cars? No? We added a piece if metal to them that doesn't bother anyone? Oh.... yeah same thing here right?
2. Literally a lie. You push down slightly and twist to open bottles... are you retarded?
3. There were alternatives that not only were better but were cheaper. Is it the same here?
4. What are you even suggesting with this one? We scan every single student every single day before school? Jesus.
5. That number probably includes suicide and justified shootings. It's way too high for what we are actually talking about here. Try again sweetie
We made a decision in this country to have guns. It's a trade off.
We will never be ruled over by a tyrannical government. It's impossible. Furthermore no invading force would ever stand a snowballs chance in hell of taking this place over. It's impossible. We are literally invincible to everything but total nuclear annihilation and in reality we probably could block that shit too.
Your faggot ass country and most others could be put on notice for weeks on end by a literal retard with a sharp spoon. Yeah. You have no gun deaths, but your also pussies.
so wait, to clarify, America has imposed zero restrictions on gun acquisition, handling and access over the duration of its existence?
Are you retarded? Or do you assume we are? The gun is not responsible for the death, the nigger on the trigger is.
There are many ( too many ) laws in place to deal with that, how about effectively enforcing those?
>In the evening of 1 March 2014, a terrorist attack occurred inside the Kunming Railway Station in Kunming, Yunnan, China. At around 21:20, a group of eight knife-wielding men and women attacked passengers at the city's railway station. Both male and female attackers pulled out long-bladed knives and stabbed and slashed passengers. At the scene, police killed four assailants and captured one injured female. The incident, targeted against civilians, left 31 civilians and 4 perpetrators dead with more than 140 others injured. In the afternoon of 3 March, police announced that the six-man, two-woman group had been neutralized after the arrest of three remaining suspects.
Guys, guys! This guy wants to ban knives.
RIP cooking.
and most of the rest are done with illegal guns
regardless, guns are meant to kill people and we have guns specifically to kill people that try to take them away from us
Because removal of guns leaves us at the mercy of our government, and any fucking chunk of shit out there who wants to hurt us or invade our homes.
None of that other stuff matters.
And once the guns go, like the UK, so does the free speech, and basic rights, and sovereignty.
You give up a lot more than just guns when you give up just your guns.
Muh constitution
Just like most of these crimes are done by black people but no one wants to ban niggers for some reason
>Refute this without resorting to "muh constitution"
will you risk your life to take my guns? If no, then stfu
if yes, bring it.
Yeah, they fall into three categories:
- ones that were overturned by SCOTUS
- ones that haven’t been heard by SCOTUS yet
- ones that look like “bans” but actually aren’t if you get a Class III license and pay the transfer fees/taxes
Banning niggers would go a long way.
All of the previous laws are retarded.
If you need to change hundreds of millions of people's lives because 100 or even 1000 died you failed math.
You aren't even serving.01% of people. Stop letting feelings make you bad at math.
You're a fucking moron.
>Since then, it takes a PhD, channel locks, and a sharp object to get into a bottle of pills
Mouth breathing, democratic voting retard confirmed. Refuted.
>doesn't know shit about how institutions work or how political power inevitably become tyrannical.
The founding fathers of USA were legit geniuses. The 2nd amendment is one of the greatest points in the entire constitution because it is a built in valve for the ultimate rule that the state is the sole monopolist for the legitimate use of violence.
The state will one day come tyrannical and that day is approaching fast in every western nation.
Trailers: not banned, but mandatory safety features.
Tylenol: not banned, but restrictions and mandatory safety features.
Fertilizer: not banned, but restricted
Shoes: not banned, but inspected
Gun: not banned, mandatory safety features, restricted access and not allowed on planes.
What the FUCK is your point?
Give this Aussie 15% more niggers 30% more spics and 20% more bogans and he will have his answer.
Tell that to DC, New York, and California. Then you can tell it to all those places in Vegas where you can shoot automatic weapons and fire RPGs. Then, maybe you can work the rest out for yourself you 50lb bag of decayed dick drainage.
Fuck you emu nigger.
Dude you know, America has land borders? Makes it a helluva lot easier to smuggle in black market goods.
except for the truck thing those were all ridiculous government overreactions to lone wolf attacks by the mentally disturbed
these examples do nothing to justify another overreaction
Shoe bombs can be stopped by banning shoes. Guns can only be stopped with other guns, not by banning them.
I have guns, and you can't take them....
Yes, fucks like you use tragedies to take away people's freedoms, what's your point?
How many people have been killed by cars and cigarettes that despite some modifications overtime, none of which change their core function or potential lethality, are still freely available for sale and use?
You rooty toot fucking nigger.
Sounds like the government overreached and overreacted on a bunch of shit they shouldn't have.
Now you die right away from slamming into the DOT steel bar - stupid government
Thousands die not being able to get into their pill bottles, a hundred million plus take the pills and supply the industry with lots of extra money for all the fussy bottles that don't work
Oklahoma city fishy as it gets, but now because of it the Government has demanded more and more and more information from Farmers and now it's everything - all info must be delivered to long forms thanks so much fed gov !
TSA, stinky feet, and an epidemic of foot diseases and fungus all across the nation and now the world - thanks gov!
niggers and spics are the cause of 95% of gun violence, clearly we need to outlaw gun ownership for niggers and spics
Refute what? You presented facts. How you interpret them is entirely up to your fragile emotional state.
Muh constitution isn't even a bad argument though, why would you ever accept having your rights reduced or taken away?
Since 1968, millions of faggot have died from AIDS, yet homos haven't been outlawed.
>1 post by this ID
that's coo ... the lib murder 6 million babies every year .. 36x6 wow only 216 million murdered by the whining cunts ... gun owners have some catching up to do
Also includes niggers.
>No further refutation required.
ohh.. ohh man... you fuckin killed him...
/totally destroyed
>niggers and spics are the cause of 95% of gun violence, clearly we need to outlaw gun ownership for niggers and spics
this, so much this, it would be a glorious day indeed
Yeah its almost a little too easy, what are the Jews plotting in this thread
Car accident kills woman, cars not banned
Millions of car deaths since then too, fucktard.
>Since 1968, millions of faggot have died from AIDS, yet homos haven't been outlawed.
this needs to be addressed, we used to have laws everywhere that made homos illegal...then the shitstains like OP repealed and ass squealed
it's a big planet. What if the solution is to fuck off to some other place? it's a win/win
No, they just haven't done this set of common sense gun restrictions that we are pushing for right now as a kneejerk reaction to a tragic event. Sure, it won't stop the next shooting, but I'm sure they'll have a new list of common sense restrictions after that.
we should ban trucks from using the freeway, too; amirite tho?
The analogy isn't flawed--you're just stupid.
Gun control is not limited to the false dichotomy of "lol no restrictions" and "lol ban all duh gunz."
>shooting a rocket in a controlled environment for a premium rate is the same as having one in your closet in NY
Save your moronic lies for the kikes and bolsheviks, Satan
>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
With a professional army, a well-regulated militia is no-longer necessary for the security of a free State. It was a reasonable measure at the time. It no-longer is. I'd be fine with saying it covered all weapons made in the eighteenth century or earlier though, if you like.
What is there to refute? Are you asking the people to remove blacks from the country in order to eliminate gun violence? Contact your politicians and let them know that you want gun violence to stop and remind them that the only way to do that is to remove blacks from the country.
Removing men from the country would end gun violence. Removing just black men would not.
Sure, if you can defend mass-importing immigrants into US and Europe, without resorting to “MUH D I V E R S I T Y”
There are already gun laws and restrictions.
Wow, that was easy.
Countries with more homicides are more free.
Easy: native birthrates are not producing enough children to replace retiring workers and pay enough taxes to cover their benefits. You must have significantly more workers than retirees, in order to maintain those benefits, so we must import workers if native replacement rates are not high enough.
There isn't any conspiracy. It's simple economics.
Why all the shilling for abortions then?
They already use illegal guns, don’t think that law can do shit bout it
Because forcing people to have children is an insane thing to do. There are people who want to come to our countries and work. Our countries need more workers. So, instead of forcing women to bear children, we let people buy plane tickets. It's a much better solution.
Also Id like to add that banning guns in the us wont do shit for anyone when you have cartels living right at your front door. They bring in their automatic weapons from europe. I can easily acquire an ak 47 for 500 bucks here
Environment don’t enter into it you ball gargling jizz burgler. It’s a license. Nothing more.
yep, I'm not even american and I fully apreciate the ideas of your founding fathers, you are the youngest nation to become the superpower of the world, that is not just by chance or luck.
simpler to give tax breaks to people having children then import people
sounds like it's just the economics you like better
Those European cartels living on the USA's front door?
I think you might have failed a geography class, or two.
It's not, actually. Children have to be born, raised and educated, and choose to do the specific work that needs doing. That all takes decades. Saying "hey, I need this job filled" then letting someone come fill it? Maybe a month.
Lots of rural areas where gun violence is literally zero even though most people have guns. Chicago, which is run by libshits and has the strictest gun control in the US, is also one of the most dangerous areas in the country.
You cut off the top of the sentence. Don't know why you're trying to pass that off as being about gun deaths. We have about 30,000 gun deaths, per year.
See how retarded you are?
There you go--that's a little more honest.
Well no. I see that the things you said don't make a lick of sense, though. You straight up said that we can't prevent French people from bringing Russian guns across the border into the USA. That's a stupid thing to say on so many levels.
Frome these 30k you have 65% suicides. Just kys retard
over 2/3rds of which are suicides.
out of the 1/3rd remaining you have justified shootings, and groids chimping out on eachother.
just stop dude.
You're right, we should keep taking liberties away until none are left.
Many people die in car accidents, so no more cars.
Too many drownings, close all pools and beaches.
Lots of deadly STDs out there. Sorry faggot but sex is now heavily restricted.
>mexicans dont know what boats are
Accurate. The other 11,000 are homicides. What's your point?
Nope. Over 10,000 are homicides. Not "justified shootings."
So now the Mexicans are buying Russian guns from the European cartels, then coming into the USA? Honestly, your scenario is convoluted as fuck. Why wouldn't the Mexican cartels just buy guns in Mexico?
Where are those guns manufactured? You're either incredibly dense or trolling
>Many people die in car accidents, so no more cars.
Or just regulate cars.
Mostly the USA. So are we now going with the scenario that Mexicans are buying American guns from the European cartels that they bring into the USA? Why wouldn't they just buy the guns in the USA?
But this is a fact. Cartels are an international business. They bring in tons of cocaine by boats into europe. What makes you believe they are too stupid to just bring back some weapons? Automatic weapons seem to be easier and cheaper to get in europe than in the states. Also you should know thats its easy as shit to legally buy semi automatic handguns and rifles even in luxembourg.
Most of those are hood nogs shooting each other with illegally obtained pistols and suicides. Barely a few hundred deaths per year with rifles.
a justified shooting is a justified homicide dumb-ass. do you seriously not know how this shit words or are you willfully being a retard?
every single time a gun goes off for any reason and it kills someone they put it on that list regardless of the circumstances.
this would be the same as someone committing suicide by starting a car in their garage and suffocating on the exhaust, and then counting it as an auto accident.
False. A large percentage of their guns are Russian, such as the entire AK family.
And the US produces guns. Cartels purchase these guns legally through traffickers and send them to Mexico to get modified and unlabeled, where those cartels then use the guns for whatever purpose.
Why doesn't America stop producing guns? Because we need guns for our military, and Russia and China would be all too happy to fill in the market gap the Americans left behind. Gun manufacturing is one of the few industry jobs in the US that isn't getting fully replaced because Americans make good guns.
Easy, taking guns from upstanding citizens isn't going to change what niggers and spics do in their ghetto.
Aside from that, ever notice how the majority of gun """massacres""" tend to happen in precisely those areas/states where most people DON'T have guns?
Muh acceptable amount of homicide
what’s your major malfunction op
Take that Kantian horseshit, grow a kiwi fruit in it, feed that kiwi fruit to a kiwi bird, then push that kiwi bird’s kiwi fruit shit up your kiwi excuse for a cock.