Kumiko thread

Kumiko thread

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yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas KUmiko!!1

Slay queen Kumiko


thanks for the rare kumiko my dude



based kumiGOD

testing to see if im still banned

More like Kum in my kunny co

Cuddles with kumiko

I want to pet her fluffy hair.

I miss the hibikes so goddamn much ;_;

Nice thread gents

Kumiko belongs to Asuka

She blows her every night

two movies next year at least

Kumiko is the cutest

I wish I were Asuka

a cute

tfw dead thread


Hibike is on my list next to watch
I get the feeling this is going to be my favorite girl

if you reply only once per hour, your thread could last up to three weeks
if you immediately delete your posts, it could last forever

sleepy kumiko

I don't remember this Kumiko

Kumiko's hair is a gift to this world


such is the nature of Kumiko threads
or threads about hibike in general for that matter

if you post one more kumiko i will SHAVE HER HEAD

a fucking octopus



These have gotten more autistic than Gochiusa threads

Is Kumiko canonically the strongest Hibike, I don't think anyone is a match for her.

she could definitely beat the shit out of shoe

Imagine gently patting Kumiko's anus with your tongue


Stop shitposting, Shuuichi

having almost daily Kumiko threads will do that
preferred it when these would surface very rarely, as at this point they might as well be on /c/


I could need a fluffy Kumiko hug right now


Kill yourself spic.

i refuse
also im not spic

Next movie when?

Great taste mate.

I liked it more back when this was known as "le dabbing anime girl".

Kum in Kumiko's kunny!

Stop, thats lewd