Hey Celtius, I thought Trump wasn't gonna cut these

Calk another broken promise for the Koch brothers puppet.

Doesn't really matter so long as the gibs medats suffer more. Hopefully living in the states with no gibs becomes so nightmarish all you faggots leave.

Yo I'm starting to think Trump voters aren't very bright yo

>Doesn't really matter

New Deal that kept our country stable after the economic crash of capitalism doesn't really matter? Hmm WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED PRIOR TO THESE PROGRAMS BEING ENACTGED FAGGOT?

Oh no, the poor lazy immigrants will not want to move here with policies like that!

>o long as the gibs medats suffer more.




That economic crash would have never happened without the Federal Reserve act forcing a Rothschild Jew bank upon us. Crashes are planned and don't happen without them.

You fucking cocksucking faggots have no respect

I agree only the Kochs, Mercers, and Sheldon Adelson should have any wealth. The rest should work at walmart and death con factories.

>That economic crash would have never happened without the Federal Reserve act

HAHAHAHHAHA someone never opened a fucking history book

There was economic crashes and panics every couple of years prior to the FED you libtaridans faggot.


Fake news. Cutting some board of retards and ending things that were gonna end already per ACA is not a big deal.

>things are more complicated after the man is elected.
>thinks we will ever be made he cut gibs for niggers/spic/degenerate single moms on the cock carousel.

Still brighter than libs. They elected a king nigger based on the color of his skin. Who then spent 8 years driving away democrats from the party by manipulating numbers to make it look like he was working, while doing Jack shit, and winning a nobel peace prize and then bombing the shit out of places.

The next crash won't be a recession, it will be total economic collapse.

>Hurt myself
>implying I'm a jobless leach sucking off the government's tit.

The average Trump voter must have a IQ below room temperature water. He can piss in your mouth and shit in your face and you will ask for even more. But hey keep voting Republican as the stock markets plunge.

>HAHAHAHHAHA someone never opened a fucking history book
>There was economic crashes and panics every couple of years prior to the FED you libtaridans faggot.

And there are economic crashes and panics every couple of years with the Fed.... so why do we need and cabal of Jews in charge of our printing press?

Wow user didn't know social security, Medicare, and Medicaid don't apply to you now. hmmm seem to remember those being universal programs.

>And there are economic crashes and panics every couple of years with the Fed.

1929 to 1970s we have the most stable and longest lasting economic growth in this country when the top tax rate was 90-80% range.

The 1929 crash was caused by Harding admistration reducing the top tax rate Wilson estabolished from 90% to 20%.

way to move the goalposts. The fed is full of shit, but trying to pin the blame of every crash on the fed planning it is impossible just by looking at any history of the economy before the fed

Tax rates don't cause crashes, that is retarded

>Wow user didn't know social security, Medicare, and Medicaid don't apply to you now. hmmm seem to remember those being universal programs.

How can you claim that everyone else is stupid when you don't even know what an actual budget cut is?

>people on welfare can get better jobs.
>look at all those stories of strong people achieving success in welfare states.
>look at how illegals don't flock to them and take gibs from Americans.
>Look at how nigs definitely don't use it more than any other race to live off of permanently.
>Look at how degenerate and single moms haven't risen in numbers due to amazing care to support their shit life choices.
>gibs certainly have no creation to shit welfare ststes

My brother moved to a high nigger population state and asked for help getting a job. They had a shit job program. Only hand outs. He baffled them when he complained the program that is meant to help people get a job hadn't found him a job in two years.

>when you don't even know what an actual budget cut is?

You are right user we should defend the people admistrating it so people get upset at why government isn't working so Mr. Goldestein from wallstreet can come in and turn social security over to wallstreet. That will be real fun during the next crash. Bush already tried to do this in 2005 faggot.


There is THAT term again. I don't think you know what that term means.

How much are you getting paid hourly to shill? Or is it per post?

>1929 to 1970s we have the most stable and longest lasting economic growth in this country when the top tax rate was 90-80% range.

You mean during the Great Depression. Nice example.....

No one ever, ever... paid 80 or 90% in taxes. If you dont 'know this, you just might be a liberal.

>The 1929 crash was caused by Harding admistration reducing the top tax rate Wilson estabolished from 90% to 20%.

The crash of '29 was caused by cheap money, over-buying and over-production. Not to mention a lot of margin calls. The depression was caused not by banks making margin calls, but by countries defaulting on debt.

Your Antifa talking points are just some made-up bullshit

I don't know what he promised, but if he did lower those things, it's good. Hopefully he'll get around to the rest of welfare as well.


All of those programs are welfare handouts and should be eliminated immediately.

Knowing the media it's probably something good spun to be bad

>You are right user we should defend the people admistrating it so people get upset at why government isn't working so Mr. Goldestein from wallstreet can come in and turn social security over to wallstreet. That will be real fun during the next crash. Bush already tried to do this in 2005 faggot.

The market will always outperform government management. SSI should be invested in the market.

You probably don't know...because you are stupid... but there are a number of Unions in the US that get to opt of of SSI. They take that money from its members and invest it in the market. The performance of these funds has always eclipsed whatever they would have gotten form SSI.


All of those increased for 2018 over previous years. "Cuts" are bullshit innuendo about getting a smaller share not actual dollar figure. Its a lie like all other liberal bullshit.

Very good he does. Otherwise the US will very soon go full Venecuela.

That has to do with the shitskins not money. Cutting all the ones who aren't US citizen(white) fat will save a lot more.

>fake news
>it's literally Trump's budget

misleading headline to say the least
more like an outright lie

There's a difference between not increasing funding by at least 4% and actual reducing the budget. This is really fake news.

The market crashes every decade or two. Investing it all in the market is guaranteed to gamble it away

Hey retard either kill yourself or recognize how shitty your side is.

>cutting medicare
fucking FINALLY someone has the balls to go against these fucking self entitled grandmas

The New Deal was a failure and prolonged the depression by 5-10 years.
>economic crash of capitalism

Who cares what you think?

>Koch brothers puppet

literally everyone agrees that
1. the main cause was overspeculation caused by lying to and misleading consumers
2. the Fed fucked it up too, especially when they contracted the currency by 1/3rd

the average Trump voter is still richer and more successful than the average HRC welfare commie

I'm glad he's cutting them. I'm working class, can't afford health insurance, but I have to pay massive taxes to support boomer gibs (social security and medicare) for people who make more in their fucking pension from having worked as a secretary or social worker than I do working in something that required a degree and will never, ever, ever, ever, ever give me any pension gibs. It's fucked. Pay for your own shit you boomer fuckstains. They worked in the golden age of prosperity, managed to save nothing, spent like a madman, enjoyed luxuries I can only dream of, and now I have to pay for their retirement off my back, when I can't even afford my own studio apartment in some suburb an hour away from a shitty second rate city? Fuck you, fuck them, fuck that. Cut it all.


Thank goodness he saw the light and is starting to cut some of that fat.

This has been shilled here for a little bit. It's our way of getting back at boomers for fucking us millennials over.

Or so the meme goes

Good. Its about time niggers figured out, we're broke. Time to gore some sacred cows. Military lard asses should be impaled next.

>core campaign promise

>that tldr meme

are you serious?
the fuck is wrong with lefties

Trump was just clued in to the fact that they can take money out of the “locked box” at will and money will be appropriated later to make up the theft no question about it. It’s just like those “cost control measures” that would reduce payments to doctors to fight healthcare cost increases. Literally every year since those measures were put in place, Congress has voted not to reduce payments. Even if Trump wanted to “reform” entitlements, not a single penny would be cut after all the DC dog and pony bullshit was over. The only thing that might curtail SS & Medicare is foreigners refusing to lend the USG more money in a debt crisis, but that will never happen in your lifetime and it’s why deficits don’t matter as Paul Krugman has always said.