Christmas cakes are for

Christmas cakes are for...

Throwing in the trash because they're expired and will make you sick.


Aren't you supposed to eat cake


death to the hag internet defense force

eating on christmas and not after


Christmas cakes are cakes that have gone stale because no-one bought them.

PSA: cakes look tasty but expired caked may be rotten and unsafe to eat.

Is there any instance of the cake actually winning?

no user, we got stuck in the fucking gay timeline.

Scarf & barf

>the entry level for cakes is now younger than you
christmas cakes are for guilt-free lust

i want a christmas cake
where can i find girls like dat


What exactly makes a christmas cake character? Being in a position of power? If there were an anime about university, would the students about 25 be called christmas cakes as well?



Who could want some expired old cake when they could have some fresh, delicious loli?

Practically MC's gf now.

Garden of Words?

In White Album the cake wins for about 20 episodes.

Supreme gentlemen

Kiss x sis

Then maybe I should pick White Album back up. I think I dropped it after 3 episodes. It just didn't hook me like White Album 2 did.

>Christmas cakes are cakes that have gone stale because no-one bought them.
No, the metaphor is that nobody wants to eat a fruit cake after Christmas. It doesn't matter how delicious it was the day before, or that it still tastes good now, nobody wants to eat one after Christmas.

Christmas is December 25th. "Christmas cake" refers to an unmarried woman who is older than 25. She isn't stale. It's just that nobody wants her.

Oh god YES!!!!
Someone please make a Chisato thread please :)

I'd make a cake feel loved for a night.


>le drink bleach meme lol xD
Fuckin summer