How are they gonna actually kill him? Shoot him into space?
How are they gonna actually kill him? Shoot him into space?
But why would you kill him? He's completely helpless if you don't.
amputate all limbs
take out his tongue or gag him, so he can't kill himself by biting his tongue
constantly sprinkle water on him, so he can't use his Stand to kill himself
wait till he dies of old age
or just bury him in a barrel in some remote location so he'll suffocate again the moment he regenerates like he did to the guys who wouldn't join his terrorist group
or run him over with a truck so he'll get isekai'd to a less edgy franchise
cut of his head
I mean they already established that as a pretty big weakness Ajin have
unless something has changed last time I read the manga
They won't, he'll win.
That only works as punishment, not to actually stop someone.
iirc he cut his head off before and it did nothing
It's not a weakness, it's just weird thing since they regrow from the largest part of their body. The head will "die" but the consciousness transfers to the new body
Sato actually had his own head cut off in the latest few chapters for an incredible ruse
What would a lone head do, anyway? This isn't Monkey Island.
okay so I'm behind
the chapter when satou told mc about it I was under the impression he wasn't just trying to scare him but seems I was wrong
>the consciousness transfers to the new body
No, it doesn't. That's the reason it's so scary.
As the other guy said: the consciousness does not transfer over. Satou simply does not care.
the manga cleared up that this isn't possible. cement barrel was my first thought, but in the manga ajin break any area where their body part needs to regenerate, no matter the material
so if a guy is dying in a barrel of suffocation over and over, he probably breaks a tiny tiny area around him every few seconds, at least that's the way i see it
Note that in the anime, sato uses a really scary/uncharacteristic/threatening voice when he tells Nagai about cutting off his head. Both times. Almost every other time he speaks, he sounds cheerful or neutral.
He was trying to scare the shit out of Nagai, to make sure he was playing the game as hard as possible. That's all Sato cares about, his MMR
>has fully and completely accepted death
>views it as a literal new life in a video game
This guy is my favorite manga character probably ever
That's the anime, which is noncanonical. Look at this for an explicit antithetical instance of what you're talking about.
Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.
Oops, forgot what I was doing. This is the last page of it, anyway.
that's with external damage like cut off limbs. If he'd suffocate, he body would remain intact.
Maybe you should consider not being a massive faggot
IBM are weak to water. Just lock him in water tank to prevent an escape with IBM's help.
Give him one-way ticket to the sun. He won't even suffer much because his body will be exploding instantly and repeatedly between regenerations so it's humane.
But if you want him to start experiencing hell long before perma death, send him to Venus. Or just put him in some stable orbit (without space suit or shelter of any kind of course).
The difficulty with this methods is that he may interfere with the rocket before it reaches the destination as this requires some precision maneuvering around planets etc. If Sato manages to take over controls at early stages of flight then the orbit will remain close to Earth and he'll get the chance to return.
>to the sun
>to Venus
Way too expensive to be practical.
>stable orbit
He could easily make it unstable.
If as much as water affects them then led would work even better. Restrain him with steel barrel, dip that in a pool of molten led, cool the thing down.
a. Old age
b. Hax new time powers Ajin ability
c. Kaito and flying Ajin
d. Biker who lost his head gets involved
>a. Old age
Having only watched the anime I am not sure if the following questions have been answered by the manga.
1) What happens if an ajin dies of old age?
If they just get revived they would be stuck in an eternal loop of death and revival, as their bodies would not get any younger.
2) Can ajin even age?
Aging is cell damage. If all damage is regenerated, then so should aging. They could still age if their regeneration only repairs fresh injuries and leaves old ones. Which would lead to
3) Could you make an amputation permanent by keeping the ajin alive for long enough?
Read the manga.
I'm planning to. I'm busy with a long backlog right now.
There are records of some Ajin farmer dying of old age at some point in the manga
Push him down a really big hole.
I could have sworn the show said you stopped ageing after your first death
Well, the show isn't the manga.
Throw him into a volcano
This was actually stupid