Why is no one talking about the fact that almost ALL of these mass shootings are done by white males?

Why is no one talking about the fact that almost ALL of these mass shootings are done by white males?
This is homegrown terrorism.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Last name Cruz
>Family prays in court in Spanish
>Brother speaks with heavy Spanish accent
>Looks Latina


This is a shoop. Nice try with lowering the quality to hide it though. Also, your entire country is infested with rapefugees. Sort your own shit out before coming here and opening your cucked mouth. Oh and sage. Faggot.

He was adopted.
He's white, user.

it's homegrown terrorism vs the (((education system))) that's filled with anti-white propaganda, nig nogs, subhuman lemmings.
Who wouldn't shoot up the school at this age

But why is it exclusively white males doing this?

Yes, but he was not raised by Anglo culture.
Im sure if a white kid was raised in an African tribe he would act black and live by black morals.

>Surely a metizo
>registered Hispanic
>Registered Democratic
>Poses with antifa commy shirt

Not today Sven, go prep someone elses cock somwheres else.

To keep you retarded brown folks out but you’re too low IQ to take a fuckin hint.

Did you not read what he said you stupid nigger?

As you well know Sven, they don't allow you to change your race yet in the United States. He is a registered Hispanic.


>White males are Heroes
makes you think

They are bullied to utter shit, all school shootings have happened because the culprits had shitty lives. Isnt this evidence of white oppression in the education system?

My cousin was punched by a paki, the paki didnt get any punishments, my cousin punched him back a week later and he's being charged with assault.

dindu nuffins have the higher ground. White's practically gave over their entire civilization. Why would blacks shoot up thier golden playground where they monkey around and teachers let them slip grades.

whats the end goal swede?

>hurrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrr hes not white

>A Russian orphan adopted by an old Hispanic couple is not white

So are Russians not white now? If hes not white then what is he?

Please refer to my other post.

Why does place become so abhorrent a happening takes place?

Well said user.

Yah the FBI has an issue with pushing mentally unstable people into killing people.

No joke. They literally groom mentally unstable people into committing crimes. Look it up.

I said the pic was a shoop you shill faggot piece of shit. Kill your kike parents for not aborting you and then livestream your suicide so we have something to masturbate to.

Why do they happen so often in the USA ? Really makes you think ?

This is a shill post. Just say nigger.

It is home grown terrorism, they are being trained to hate people and to defend their use of guns in case they need them to overthrow the government.

Not that hard to figure out.

America is a cursed continent. This has been known for centuries.

>If hes not white then what is he?

Proof that multiculturalism doesn't work?


>almost ALL of these mass shootings
You're gonna have to stop right there and define "mass shooting". The FBIs definition places niggers as the kings of mass shootings.

hispanics are white aniway

>thinking adding brightness to a picture makes someone look more white

I'm ok with you having guns as long as you aren't white males with violent tendencies.

Please this it's going lower and lower, take a second open the window and realize that you can't convince not crazy people that he isn't white.

White people don't have that hairline.

>are russians not white now
Were they ever? Almost as bad as the poles

Whats his motive OP?
Oh wait he was an outcast who sperged on his former classmates like Columbine.

Not a terrorist.

Mexicans are Aztec natives and mudbloods using Spanish names. Real pureblooded Spanish people are White.

Imagine if someone called Jamaicans "Anglos". That's what Americans do with Mexicans and their "Hispanic" meme word.

You libs refuse to accept what it is..... liberal cancer of social media bullying, no school discipline for bullying, media bullying over everything.... your liberal followers think this is normal behavior and copy it. White males who never had power in the first place are the wack-a-mole that pops up when the liberals push down.. it’s not rocket science

In US crime statistics, a mass shooting is classified under a mass shooting and a mass shooting only requires 3 victims so it's not mostly white males doing mass shootings.

But the US is still white majority for now.

To be honest they don't do that unless they are desperate.

You have fallen so far from humanity it's unbelievable. Can't for Swedes to be bred out of existence you self loathing freak

He's registered and self-declared Hispanic, you fucking cis race cunt.

>actually beeing this autistic

Why can’t /pol into trolling?

Hispanic is not a race, this Argie actress qualifies as "Hispanic" in the United States because she speaks Spanish and her last name is Gonzalo.

Stop using that divide-and-conquer meme term, you of all people should know better.

The shooter does look like a mutt, but his Spanish surname has nothing to do with that since was adopted. Probably some Russian tatar or bashkir shit genes in him.

Probably because the NSA has been on their asses all day.

I think I know what I called you, ArgieAnon.

This guy Cruz looks like a Metizo to me. I'd label us as "whites".

el ogro de las americanos ...

Why do they all look like models?

she has that fetal-alcohol-syndrome face going on.

Unlikely. Our peoples have the lowest rate of this.

>But why is it exclusively white males doing this?

It's not. Most mass shootings are perpetrated by black males, but the media only reports on the few shootings perpetrated by white males in order to make us look evil and make everyone hate us.

>that racist.gif
do you have any actual arguments?

Maybe he isn't hispanic at all, have you considered it?

>Niggers killing each other everyday.
>This is okay.

>Sand niggers blowing themselves up and running people down in trucks.
>This is okay.

>White kid shoots up a school.
>This is not okay.

There is a thing called gang violence
While white kids are shooting up schools, niggers are out in the streets shooting each other over a 50$ of weed

>do you have any actual arguments?

You mean like facts and stuff? Sure.

>Maybe he isn't hispanic at all, have you considered it?

That's what they said about Zimmerman

if by nobody you mean every paid propagandist with a press badge than sure yeah.
Sod off and sage.

Yeah but the zim zam actually looked mexican.


Why do white supremacists almost come with these racist pictures like it's supposed to change anyones mind?


This guy looks like a Russian with tatar mixed blood. He was a adopted from Russia so him having tatar, bashkir, or other Turkic blood would explain why he looks so muttish.

>White kid kills 17 people
B-b-but black people ;(
Stfu you inbred cracker, you fucking idiots always deflect.

>Calling me a cracker
How's that welfare treating you?

True, if somebody is so convinced that most shooters are white despite every statistic pointing to contrary, nothing is going to make them believe othervise.

white nigger. Product of Barack Obama`s white father an another nigger in Barack`s village in Nigeria.

Most Americans are still white. Most mass shootings by whites. Statistics faggot

I should ask my white mother if she’s still on it LOL.

>This is homegrown terrorism.
which usually means the FBI was involved

Whites are overepresented in mass shootings.

jew shill post
go suck a cock captain swefag
shooter was clearly hispanic
kill yourself

Too bad you can't ask your black father. He left after the one night stand.

Give me a link to this. You could be correct, but I doubt the evidence is overwhelming. Such as the case of statistics on black murder rates

Nah, is just the americans Sven.

But I lived with him since 2013 ? Dad has a job, white mom homeless. Jokes on you inbred.

Käften Svenhammed!

The problem is that blacks are killing eachother all the time, and it's mostly individual cases. Yes most "mass shooters" are black, but that's simply because there simply has to be one death and three injuries for something to be counted as mass shooting. Most black shooters are just them nigging out, it's very rare for there to be over ten fatalities in shooting caused by a black person.
White shooters on the other hand manage to kill lots of people, in places that are normally deemed safe. News about that are way more interesting than endless stream of "black boy ends up in argument at home over Xbox, shoots a friend and stray bullets injure neighbours".

I saved you time Mohammed



Extreme bullying isn't exclusive to white males. It really is a phenomenon that white men are more apt to commit mass shootings.


The fact is that niggers shoot up motherfuckers all the time and it's always swept under the rug.
>What is a 'mass shooting'?
>One strict definition used in the past by the federal government says at least four victims must be killed. Much broader criteria requires at least four victims be injured, though not necessarily killed. Other definitions land somewhere in the middle.

I'm gonna find a hundred examples of niggers committing mass shootings and make even better infographs and infogifs than pic related. This blatant lie needs to stop, and we need to deal with the black male problem.

Black people kill over 100 white people every day. You don't mention that you traitor.

White Russians are a drink, not a people. Slavs aren't white, though I can see how they might be considered so here in 56% land

No one is talking about the real fact. These killings NEVER happen in private schools
Public schools are cancer and produce cancer,

>mass shootings
*false flags

And they coincidentally always involve an AR-15


Whites are under-represented, blacks are over-represented in mass shootings

>that amerimutt

The shooter was a hispanic Democrat. This is why we need the wall.

Private schools have their own set of problems that are covered up and kept away from the media.

Every once in awhile one of their crazies get loose and murders hobos behind the local walmart or rapes a girl at a party.

The AR-15 is just easy to use. If the AR-15 would be banned that would only result in criminals needing a little more practise but if you want to shoot down a school than little more practise won´t stop you.

Worth noting is that Statistica used Mother Jones as a source, which based the counts on news reports of the shootings, and had kind of weird criteria on what they included.

White males go to school

almost all mass shootings are by blacks and hispanics moron
its just that they are gang members killing each other over drug turf
the media doesnt give a fuck if gangbangers waste each other just as most americans dont
the media has an orgasm over a school shooting though and glorifies it making the next one desperate to beat the record
what do you say about the shootings and grenade attacks in sweden?
are those native swedes?
yeah thats what i thought achmed

Yeah, how mean they are for expelling psychopaths and getting them institutionalized instead of letting them roam free like public schools.

Also, if black kids kill a white person in a public school, they don't identify the white person.


>mother is homeless
>calling me inbred
Nigger alarm is going crazy right now.

Are you implying that he could be literally a caucasian male from Caucasus?

>Every once in awhile one of their crazies get loose and murders hobos behind the local walmart or rapes a girl at a party.

Oh, black kids NEVER do that. Oh, wait, THEY FUCKING DO YOU LYING PIECE OF SHIT!