What exactly is the reason why European politicians want so many Muslim refugees?

What exactly is the reason why European politicians want so many Muslim refugees?

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>muh drowning poor refugees! let's help them!!
>diversity is good! diversity is strength!

>EU started the wars in Africa and Syria

overageing population that doesn't want to overthink their way of living

they want to drive working class wages down or something similar I guess

European inferiority complex

They don't want them, they just want to help existing refugees, who are, because of the areas they're fleeing from, majority muslim.

Large pool of extra workers and consumers for the eternal jew.

That's a bullshit reason though. Because the aging population is only a financial problem for the governments budget. And the refugees only cost money because they can't get a job here. And the lower half of society doesn't even bring in money in a progressive tax system.

the eu wishes to destroy national identities so we can be part of one big soulless european superstate

the leadership wants the lower classes to fight among themselves because it makes them easier to control

Yes, but it would be racist to aknowledge that. So they just keep believing their own lies.

muslims tend to have strong religious fervor therefore easier to flimflamed into dictatorship

low fertility rate

This is the most likely reason desu. They want Europeans to become more tolerant to differences to become more like the USA. Because the European nations are fairly nationalistic.

But it seems their ideas are only backfiring. Because you can't force a society into a mold.

It's part of it. Lowering wages and cheap labor are likely motivators as well.

this. elites don't give a fuck about the damage immigrants will do to the masses since they already possess the ability to outmaneuver and control them

Well, in the Netherlands we are fairly open about statistics.
Blue is economic migrants. Red is asylum seekers who got accepted.
The left is what percentage has a job. The bottom axis how many years they have been in the Netherlands, since they got allowed in.

After 15 years only 35% of the refugees has a job.

What he said does make sense though.
>welfare state with pensions and healthcare
>aging population while low amount of kids
>money won't be enough once the current babyboomers get old enough and want the social benefits they paid for their entire life
One solution is more migration. Problem being here that those people won't integrate very well and cost in the end far more than they pay back to the system. And we should not forget the multicultural ideology of the EU.

Cheap labour is a meme.
People from places like Syria or Afghanistan are for the most part unemployable here, even in the most simple of jobs. Most of these people lack basic skills western people learn in elementary school.

They actually don't.
If you had two brain cells to rub together you would realize that the refugee crisis sparked a huge controversy regarding the problem of poorly regulated and controlled extra-EU migrations. And outside of Germany's chancellor there wasn't a single head of state (or government in fact) that expressed wish to take refugees because of how huge the burden they are (or would be) considering their numbers which not a single state was prepared for.

But unlike USA and corporate-controlled US government, European governments don't treat people like a product that needs to be exploited before the "best use before" date runs out so the product can simply be discarded as waste and replaced with another one.

I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be the "smarter" version of Sup Forums.

They seek to create an even more violent creatura than America is making.

then what the fuck is it?

Only the top half society is a net tax payer. The average Dutch person is not a net tax payer.

So they would have to earn more than the average Dutch person. Which is simply not the case.

They literally want to turn Europe into a mutt goblino hellhole so they can undermine the nationalism of the members and create a United Europe

EU mutt. When Sup Forums is still around in 50 years then this will be a new hot fresh meme.

Dedication to human rights and the need to bring the birth rate up in these countries.

The postwar liberal world order was a mistake, and I apologize for the fact that we imposed it on all of you.

Keep in mind I these people see humans as all interchangeable lego blocks. They might not have forseen that these people were genuine subhumans.

I think it's simply because our politicians are idiots. They didn't want to look bad in front of the leftist media and so they decide to let them all in. They generally don't think ahead more than a few months.

Who says they do?
Oh wait... It's abother"it's all a conspiracy perpetuated by the elites to exterminate the white race" retard.

I think it is no coincidence that the traditional family is being attacked.

>They didn't want to look bad in front of the leftist
media and so they decide to let them all in
>They generally don't think ahead more than a few months.
ah yes, neoliberals

Well, I think you can make refugees productive. But that would require a lot of changes that our politicians aren't willing to make.

When you move to America you either get a job and work or starve. And you probably believe in the American dream.
When you move to Germany and Sweden, after having passed all the safe countries, you only know that you get let in their and get a fairly comfy life.

What exactly is the reason OP wants to have sex with ladyboys?

kalergi plan

I think that's down to the fact that your politicians are just incompetent. I wouldn't want any immigrants even if they were productive If I were you personally. You aren't immigrant countries and never were.

We had some succesful waves of immigration. But those were from Dutch colonies. Indonesians and Surinamese people who already spoke Dutch. Germans who are culturally similar. But random people from Islamic countries with no ties to the Netherlands were a mistake.

If we need people we could also just let in people from South Africa in with ties to our country and that speak Afrikaans, but those people have to go through the normal immigration procedure.

Destabilize each nation state and make the populations more easy to control.

Non-Europeans just don't belong on the continent. Like the other poster said you have way better options. There is plenty of Dutch diaspora around if you need more people that badly.

A bunch of countries got destabalized.
Due to a lack of foresight and initiative politicians in europe were completely unprepared.
So a big wave of people splashed toward Europe.
Naturally every country in the way of those people had less of a reason to keep them out then to let them through.
After all stopping the wave risked backlash and more importantly required doing something, which we all know is more difficult then doing.
Eventually the wave reached it's destination, where the focils in power again chose the path of least resistance which was to virtue signal that this was totally ok, refugees welcome and so on.
If you think there was any plan you obviously haven't followed the awequard and late effort of politicians to send back the reffos, to stop new ones from coming and to distance themselfs from the low hanging fruit of virtue signaling they plucked in the heat of the crisys.

White mans burden

After 9/11 there were also refugee waves here. But the EU didn't want to make policies about it because the feared that would draw terrorism to Europe. It's not really a new issue.

>..then doing
then doing nothing

>be american
>help defeat the nazis
>create the declaration of human rights
>bomb the shit out of the middle east for no reason
>refugees go to europe
>europe has to take them in because of the aforementioned declaration of human rights
Americans are worse than jews

A lot of European politicians just don't want to be 'that guy' who gets rid of the human rights treaties.

Jews were the ones in control of America the whole time though.

So spineless incompetent cowards? I can believe that.

They see how successful multiracial society in the US in destroying the political scene and they are trying to accomplish the same thing in Europe.

I'm pretty sure the majority of Dutch parliament doesn't want refugees here desu. Our government even proposed leaven the Schengen area with Germany, Austria and the Benelux. But in the end we need a European solution, because we all have common borders. And in the EU you have to deal with politicians from the entire political spectrum, from Greek commies, to Dutch liberals, to Swedish progressives, to Polish conservatives, so them agreeing on something is nearly impossible.

Sounds like the EU was a terrible idea than.

It's not that they want muslim migrants per ce, it's that they want to destroy the European nation states in order to create a European national identity and thus create the United States of Europe, the muslim world just happens to be closest.
The muslim world has
>wars meaning you can get these people in with asylum
>limitless amounts of people
>close to Europe
>people who "arr rook alike" meaning you can trick europeans into believing north africans from peacefull nations like Morocco are Syrians refugeees for example

"The final goal," Helmut Schlesinger, the head of the German Bundesbank, explained in 1994, "is a political one … to reach any type of political unification in Europe, a federation of states, an association of states or even a stronger form of union." In this agenda, "the economic union is [merely] an important vehicle to reach this target."

or it's just human trafficking

All with the blessing of the authorities.

Well, the EU is just too big.

they want to compete with America in retardation. If America is blacked than Europe must be at least tree times so.

EU politicians don't dabble in human trafficking, they make more than enough money in Brussels. They use human trafickers though for their goal of a federal Europe as I explained in the post above. That is their main goal. Remove Polish, Swedish, British, German national identities with Schengen and mass immigration and after that create a "European" identity.

I saw a show about a EU youth program where they let UNI students from erasmus travel around Europe to schools and tell them about the good things about the EU. There were 3 girls doing this, a german, a spaniard and a pole.
They were asked by the inteiewer if they identified more as European or with their nation states.
The polish girls said she identified as a pole, the spanish girl said she was 50/50, the German girl said she identified as European not as a german.


meant for

>What exactly is the reason why European politicians want so many Muslim refugees?
exterminate the white race.
Is isn't a meme btw...

kalergi plan

No, otherwise they would take white South Africans or try to encourage more Eastern European immigrants. They have specifically encouraged migrants from a hostile non assimilating culture and are blaming existing Europeans for the fact they aren’t assimilating



The real reason is to get rid of national states that divide Europe and replace them with the EU super state. And this is a good thing.

Britain knows. This has always been the goal, always will be the goal and if you think the goal is otherwise you are completely naive.


>self-appointed and self-elected group of ex-commies, ex-soviets, zionists and childless burocreats
>why do they want to collapse the ethnic and political makeup of europe?

I'm pretty sure it's counter-productive though. Because Polish migrants cause a lot less nationalist sentiment than having African ghettos.

really makes you think

kalergi plan

Kalergi plan.

This half kike whore has no children of her own. So she doesn't have a stake in her country's future. She doesn't give a shit...Yet germans elected this traitor 3 times in a row.

That should've been their first red flag....no children...a woman who has no children+ who's very emotional = irrational and selfish decision making.

If that ever comes to pass I will literally start fucking killing every EU stooge I can get my fucking hands on.
Finland for Finns, Finland forever!

They hope to create citizens loyal to the idea of the EU (market neo liberalist globalism) to undermine our nation-states.

It's working.

Only Italy's election can turn the tide.

Fuck i completetly forgot he was an MEP

Because the Pro-Refugee lobby is focused, direct and persuasive, and the anti-refugee lobby simply doesn't exist. Because why would corporations ever want fewer consumers, wage-slaves and debtors? Refugees literally break windows. That's capitalism.

money and it justifies an over-reach of power by throwing the continent in chaos

You'll take your diversity quota and like it Goyim.


what is the reason freemasons, EU, globalists etc. even act? its a cult thing, all is needed to people openly speak about them and question, where ever you are

That's what a lot of people think/know, but "new workers" was honestly one way this was marketed in Finland.

>locals wont work for minimum wage
>disable borders and import people from Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Turkey, Albania, etc.
>newcomers happy with wages triple of what they would get at home, get benefits, govt funded housing
>locals bitch about shit foreigners taking muh jerbs
>wages stay as they were, newcomers move up in the world, get better wages
>newcomers live here comfortably for a decade, build communities but integrate somewhat and make a good percentage of the GDP
>wages stay the same, but housing and living costs shoot up
>Albanians, Croats, Serbs, Hungarians, Turks, etc. demand more money and wont work for "scraps" anymore
>EU makes deal with more shithole countries
>Macedonians, Romanians, Pakis, Palestinians, Africans and others come over and are happy with wages triple of what they would get at home, get benefits, govt funded housing
>Albanians, Croats, Serbs, Hungarians, Turks, etc. wont work for min wage anymore, bitch about shit foreigners taking muh jerbs
>employers wont pay over min wage because fuck you, there are enough people that WILL work for min wage
>Albanians, Croats, Serbs, Hungarians, Turks, etc. angery
>locals still bitching about shit foreigners taking muh jerbs
>rinse and repeat every few years when the workers get comfortable with their income or start compaining about increased living costs

tl;dr work force is cheap, the minimum wage will either get abolished, or the living costs will make min wage marginal

The endgame of the jew is to pit islam against the goyim and vice versa. It's quite genius when you think of it.

It's not good at all. If you are a EU commissioner/high-ranking bureaucrat, or a business man whispering in their ear, then maybe.

It is all about money and power. If you read some post here that says its because politicians want to help people in need, want to fix what they caused, doing it for greater good, doing it to improve economy... it is written by retard (much economy - right wing normie, muh solidarity - left wing tard, muh because they caused it - russian propaganda fed idiot etc).

Real reasons are MONEY and POWER : funneling more taxpayer money into pockets of eu politicians corporate overlords through eu grants and budgets, while also filling their own pockets, replacing white voters with easily controlled subhumans that always vote for current agenda and ultimately erode power of nation states so they can create united states of europe nwo bonanza.

It is not working well and if eu elites manage to accomplish it, it will turn europe to shit for another 100 years. Thank gercucks, like always.


This is what the higher powers want.

* They push for destabilizing these shitholes.
* The sponsor terrorists
* They setup dictators

Once the horde floods come, we open our borders wide open. It's not exclusively an European problem. It's an American problem as well. There's a reason why we can't control the borders like the Asians. There's a reason why Asians don't go to shithole countries and start wars.

We have only ourselves to blame. Or rather, the motherfuckers who run the show.

the influx of people is so big that you can not stop it. its like a natural disaster.

there are to ways europe can solve this solution.

1. gas them as soon as they enter european main land.

2. let them in and hope for the best. and at least try to be humane

If the european union chooses method 1 it wil clash with its core values and its main constitution.

in my opinion we cannot stop the influx just like we cannot stop a hurricane.

eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:12012P/TXT See the constitution

A lot of solutions have already been proposed (and rejected) though. Like putting them in refugee camps outside of the EU borders. And rejecting the refugee status of everyone who enters Europe illegally (removing the incentive to do so).

They’ll divide nations and push United States of EU on the premise of safety

Charlemagne recipients also: Merkel, Juncker, Macron, Tusk, Martin Schulz.

Capitalism. Conservatives will disagree but real niggas know this is the only and one true answer

The "refugees" have no credit debt burden. The EU (((banks))) can print several tens of thousands of dollars in credit in their names and charge it to the native Europeans in taxes. You see the real problem was and is people aren't good enough debt slaves for the banks tastes. So they import debt and charge the people who work at gunpoint. What is so hard to understand about this. They make money on both ends of the migrants now and who gives a fuck about later. That's the goyims problem when they expect to collect their pensions. The reason they ketvch so hard about (((equality))) is that they figured out how to force charge interest on it. It's debt they can sign the goyim up for without their permission. Debt = slavery bankers = slave traders. The end.

Ethnic replacement. It's possible that they know the Muslims will inevitably start a war and they want this so they can bring about "order out of chaos" (the new order being the European super state). There's so many sources of ethnic-replacement they could use ,it's very suspicious the way they insist on using Muslims.

Oy vey! If you don't want your women raped by niggers and Arabs, your little girls and boys sodomized by muslims, and your country forcibly converted to Islam... then you're a racist Islamphope.

coudenhove kalergi plan

This guy knows.

The real question is; Why does the USA want to flood the EU with refugees?

Because of depopulaton, they know Europe will get fucked up in a nuclear war so they want alot of people from M.E./Africa to move there to die

>the influx of people is so big that you can not stop it. its like a natural disaster
Hungary stopped it. Didnt even need wall, fence was enough. Even if it was 100 million people, it is trivial to stop them with todays technical capabilities. Maybe for start it would be enought not to invite them to eu and not to deliver them here on frontex boats.

>b-but we must act according to laws
Except the laws like the ones merkel blatanly ignored, or the ones frontex ignores on daily basis, right?

>b-but muh human rights
Right of free speech is human right and eu completely ignores it and suppresses people that are against immigration agenda. Coming to the country of your choice and getting fat gibs is not human right.