Jimmy Kimmel to Trump after school shooting: 'You've literally done nothing'

>An emotional Jimmy Kimmel opened his show Thursday night by speaking to both his audience and President Trump following Wednesday's school shooting that took place in Florida.

what's his end game?

Fuck this faggot.

fucking downy looking spaz

guns prevent these incidents every day

When will Trump do something about the blatant propaganda and collusion in the mainstream media?

cry harder bitch nigga

He's just another (((media dolt))).
The (((media))) has been dumping on President Trump nonstop, and I do mean non fucking stop, since the election in 2016. It's a fucking disgrace.

this guys needs to take his daily dosage of bags of dicks. He is such a fucking faggot, I can't understand why people watch that shit..

Kimmel is a fag, too bad he survived that car accident.

Did he cry too? I bet he cried, they pay him handsomely to let a few boo hoos slip

this faggot cries if his shoe becomes untied

Not true, he eased restrictions that prevented people with mental illnesses from owning firearms.

Checkmate, Jimmy.

>blubbers on camera in front of millions
>calls Trump mentally ill

Yeah okay. Maybe if he had lost somebody close to him, I could possibly understand the tears. But he's just blubbering and appropriating the pain of others while calling TRUMP mentally ill. Jimmy needs meds.


How could you not cry at a time like this? All of America is in mourning. I swear some people on this site are sociopaths.

Emotion-driven virtue signalling.

They don't have facts so they have to resort to crying on television and standing on the graves of the dead in order to advance their agenda.

why that nigger cryin all the dem time time on his sho now?
fuck that pussy ass nigger

Yeah Trump. Go shoot up some school kids you lazy faggot.

The shit is fucking disgusting. We've had two years of this fucking garbage. I will literally never vote democrat again because of these fucking years of absurdity

And what the fuck have you done Jimmy? You fucking mouth breathing simpleton.

nobody gives a fuck about ecelebs

Probably bummed out b/c he didn't get his pre-show dick smoking.

Has Kimmel donated his hundreds of millions of dollars to hire security details for local schools?


17 BLACK children die ever 6 hours in Chicago but nobody mournin baka fucking white people DO SOMERHING

This is why the Dems are so desperate to win a landslide of new voters through a DACA deal. People are sick of this shit.

Jimmy kimmel has really perfected his fake crying. Has everyone forgot about when he was on the Howard stern show and him and that kike Stern making fun of people with severe disabilities and being a pervert?

They literally need to be thrown out onto the streets and replaced

Remember when the whole of the lefties could not stop making fun of righty Glenn Beck for being a crying little bitch?
Now that's all the left does is cry and whine.

What is this guy's problem? I grew up with him on the man show and thought he was funny and edgy, and over the years I would occasionally watch his late night show and I thought it was reasonably decent, but he has just turned insufferable over the last year or 2.

Can't believe I used to like him more than Adam Carolla back in the day

>but he has just turned insufferable over the last year or 2.
Became a parent. Full retard switch flips in weaklings when they become a parent.

Didn't he have Trump on his show once?

Kimmel is a looser propagandist.
Cries for the reduction of liberty.
Shills for Hill.
When it is all over people like him will try to just tell us they are sorry and they were wrong and we will end up letting them back into our tribe so they can betray us again.

Honest question: Why didn't any democrat president ever do anything if that's such a huge deal to them?

This faggot is constantly crying like a fag... surely his viewers have grown tolerant of his emotional tactics by this point. I've even heard lefties talk about how exploitative he is with his show and pet issues. I hope his little prop son FOADs.

Evil republicans, the NRA, Gun lobby, Rural and Suburban retards, white people, men, christians, and so on.

>Elliot Roger

was white you dumb b*tch

Arnt guns banned in schools? How did he get in?

he was asian you mong


And what did Obama do?


Kimmel is a pussy he sure does cry alot

Because that's not within the power of the presidency.

Jimmy who?

cried about it and was black. a true hero.

>some people on this site are sociopaths
that's cute

He is on late night television. He has (((people))) to serve or else he will be out of a job.

The court jester caters to the court, not the king, it's that simple.

Also, a man's tears have weight and resonance because they are rare. Moved by pain or joy beyond endurance, they are shed not for others, but for, and by, the self. This is womanish, maudlin wailing and gnashing of teeth, tears splattered and the whims of the eternal "they", and forgotten on the ride home. Things that make a soul cry echo for a long time. Do you think he even remembered weeping in public, on the national stage, more then a few weeks later?

These tears, along with others, and soft, cheap, and poisoned. Burn the court jesters, as was good and the way of things, for identical reasons as to now.

in the future this excerpt of propaganda will be shown in schools
dehumanizing people who disagree by calling them mentally ill or russian bots, crying, fallacies...
i guess leftists decided taking advantage of kids was easier once they were dead

His audience is tough guy liberal men who go to marches with their feminist wives/gfs then cry along with them watching Jimmy to show muh emotional battle against le ebil Drumpf. They do that or they get no sex.

When did Jimmy turn into a fag?

The NRA.

do sumpting

why does this shooting seem different? Students and parents ignoring situation and immediately asking for gun ban, celebrities and shithole fbi guys crying on tv.. Why is this the shooting that they care even more? It's suspicious

I get it, they don't like Trump but this is getting ridiculous.

Whoa whoa whoa, guys. Can we calm down with the F word? It's not edgy, it's just plain offensive to the homosexual population.

>Cries over a dead lion
>Cries over Don Rickles
>Cries over Obamacare
>Cries over gun control

What the fuck is his problem? He's like a leftist Glenn Beck, except I don't think Kimmel is using Vaseline to produce fake tears like Beck was doing.

If they only knew that 2/3 of the country doesn't give 2 shits. They will never get the guns without a war, and Kimmel would run so fast from a conflict that it would make your head spend. He is a pathetic has been

Why should I lose my rights to defend because of some criminal assholes?

Isn’t trumps fault you dont understand it is a mental health issue. We have people cutting their kids junk off and pumping them full of hormones because they like the movie frozen and shit.

He was literally a 56% amerigoblin.

I'm not a baby

Anyone else a little embarassed by the left about now? As in literal shame, not just an expression of distaste? Hard to explain, but their impotent rage is getting more opaque and its making me a bit uncomfortable to keep hearing them

>stubs toe
>"trump this is your fault"
>cries on TV
>1000x supporting articles about how they owned trump
>"i miss obama, toe stubbing only happens kn trumps america"
>nothing happens
>repeat with something else


He has a older kid though

Funny how fast fucking pols narrative changed overnight

Enlighten me Americans, what can the President possibly do to prevent this shootings to happen? I was under the impression that the power of the Potus is very limited.

Pretty embarrassed he was a part of anything called "the man show"

he was asian/jewish

Good thing I'm already banned from Twitter

leave him alone. hes just a mouth piece . not worth any ones time focusing on

You need to start writing his comedy.

if your gonna open your mouth then defend it

Did he cry when obama didn't do anything after school shootings?

>All of America is in mourning.
Bull. Shit. No one gives a fuck. This is just another game of political hot potato. If you can't see that then fuck off.

Ahh yes mister grab my crotch wants to be the countries moral compass again please this joker is more pathetic than colbert

Hey school shooters, can you target a late night program next please.



He got more intelligent and became a late night host

Not a mass shooter. He was a good cop going after some crooked fucks, the only innocents harmed were by the dumbass cops blindly firing at a truck during the manhunt.

Jimmy's such an odd looking kike

Do comedians try to be funny anymore? I find the random user on here much funnier than anything I've seen out of Hollywood lately.

When chuck schumer started writing his monologue talking points

To tear down trump of course, all of the entertainment biz is after that. It's all a Democrat-front.

He never did this with Obama who also did NOTHING.

He is a #pizzagater. He fucks kids.


fucking soy boy faggot.

Why does this fag keep crying on national TV.

What can Trump fucking do? Raise the fucking dead?

Views and ratings so the seals will clap

Same day the nsa had a shooting at the entrance gate, the school shooting happened in the district of one debbie wasserman schultz, its fishy for sure

Nothing more annoying than emotional arguments.

When the bait is so delish you just cant resist

And it was the second time men dressed as women were killed at the NSA gate.
What the hell is up with that?

'You've literally done nothing wrong`


There's nothing you can do about it. It's freedom of the press. Therein lies the Paradox. Everything that we're seeing right now we have to endure and put up with. The only thing we can do is work on things from our side. And that means exposing these cocksucking disgusting pedophiles as much as we can. So in this example we have Jimmy Kimmel and what you do is you show everyone the pizza delivery boy video that was on his fucking show. Show it to them. Spread that shit far and wide. If someone has the audacity to talk to you and say "awwww did you watch Jimmy Kimmel? He broke my heart." Then you send that idiot the video. And also send them the pedophile symbol list from the FBI. Tell them to watch it and look at that shit and suck it up. They're being lied to by satanic pedophiles.

This faggot is always crying when something happens. Why this faggot never said anything when Obama was the head Nigger?

Do you have said video? It might help

No way, is he crying again???

Because unlike americucks we canadians are a evolved species of not caring about foreign massacres
