It reached chapter 1000, still enjoying the series Sup Forums?
Meitantei Conan
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Eh. I'm still waiting for somebody to upload those missing chapters to secretclub.
When will it end? I hate the sharper art style and the cases are starting to blur. At this point the fucker is continuing this just for the sake of it.
I recently read through the whole series. If I see one more college club with a former member they don't like to talk about for some reason I might actually kill myself.
>it's not over yet
might as well turn it into a gag manga at this point
There comes a time where we reach the words "Too far." This is one of those times. That aside Aoyama sure hit the jackpot, having his meal ticket for a lifetime eternally going around. Only other author I know who got it nice like him is Kazuki from YGO.
Detective conanxDagashi kashi collab when?
Most detective stories are episodic, why do people want this to end?
Because the formula is stale and the "less than a year" time frame is getting silly.
Is-is that Oreki?
So has the plot progressed yet
So what kind of wine Aoyama hasn't introduced yet?
83? Yes
Order fucked up, but here we go
hold the fuck.. .they have SMARTPHONES now?
Underwhelming chapter, especially for number 1000
Stop caring about the decimal system. It's boring and useless.
Sera is an overrated smelly boy.
I have never read or watched Detective Conan. mainly because its too long. Same with Ippo
You've been gone a long time, Conan is basically running on comic book logic where everything evolves except the characters
Thank you very much.
It's definitely worth it if you like murder mysteries, skipping the 300+ filler episodes helps as well.
translation is out
>it's a shinran chapter
Hype utterly deflated
So uhhh, is this a flashback or did Shinichi start growing while I wasn't looking?
So he's switching in for him
An antidote that lasts for one day was invented by Haibara like 700 chapters ago
Ai gave him some growing drugs for his schooltrip.
Well isn't that convenient. Thanks a bunch.
It's shit.
There are some drawbacks like using more doses consecutively has diminishing returns and the risk he develops a resistance
Also the main thing that keeps his friends and family safe is that the Black Organization is convinced they already killed him
Seconding this
It's like saying Sherlock Holmes went on too long
Shut up and read endless mysteries you plebs
Is 89 the bone expert lady from that show awhile back?
Yea, it's Sakurako
Did they discover the identity of the boss yet?
This is a romcom now they don't need to do that
>tfw stopped reading somewhere around chapter 550
>too lazy and unmotivated to catch up
Read the chapter anyways but I'm not sure if I missed any context. Shinichi looked way too blushy in this chapter for my taste though.
It got silly 10 years ago
I actually just watched the first episode of that when I saw her picture there, I enjoyed it enough to watch more
Can't stand the Shinran (heikazu) but otherwise it's still good.
>It's like saying Sherlock Holmes went on too long
Sherlock didn't have nearly as many cases as Conan did.
60 cases to be exact, but they were much more fleshed out than the usual 3 manga chapters a case takes in Conan.
And that's precisely the difference, and why the comparison is bad.
It has, just very slowly. There's supposedly an ending planned, but it's still a long ways off.
>but it's still a long ways off
Give me a fucking break. I'm glad I dropped this shit 15 years ago.
I'm not. Don't know who you're trying to convert to your side.
I see you're still salty about something you dropped 15 years ago.
It's just mediocre detective stories revolving around a young boy.
>Onihei was number 15
Damn son.
It's one of rare series when it's unclear which version is better - anime or manga.
Is the manga a clusterfuck of filler like the anime? Or is the Black Organization actually relevant
what's wrong with the anime?
Having more than 1/3 filler can't be good.
I honestly prefer it over the constant remasters.
I am. I used to love this series, but Gosho ruined it by turning it into the Simpsons.
Who's 71? Gregory House?
>by turning it into the Simpsons.
you clearly do not know what you're talking about
still pertinent as the show was an investigative one much more than about medicine and the character itself was explicitly based on Sherlock Holmes
wtf? I like conan now
Anybody who hasn't watched up to either 345 or 504 (depending on their opinion) definitely does not.
I'm not trying to pull the
>You have to 860+ ep rule it before you consider dropping it
card, but you honestly have to.
Unless you flat out do not like the case formula, and how the plot is lightly sprinkled throughout then yes expect that shit all the way through.
And if someone is complaining about filler, the manga has a bit of its own padding too.
So are Haibara and Shinichi going to bang or what
What's with people caring about time frame in Conan? You'd think no one would care after the technology evolved two decades.