What is your opinion on this and the upcoming anime adaptation?
What is your opinion on this and the upcoming anime adaptation?
I don't have an opinion.
Someone please givd me a quick rundown on shieldbro
Typical Isekai. I really don't get why people like it so much around here. I thought it would be a cool story about a guy doing cool shit with his shield, but it's your typical MC gets wronged so now he has an edgy streak about him and gets edgy powers.
Everything started going downhill after the island arc in the WN.
People are saying the LN is different, but it still seems that it will be bitch goddess end with retarded hyper edge tact arc.
linkin park frontman died just in time to be spared from the crawlin
isekai where everyone shits on the tank player so you watch him shit on everyone
Probably low budget and will be ruined.
You can have this back.
>Tell us a story, Grandpa
This is the story of THE SHIELD JEW. Man becomes financially solvent by using guile and his beast slaves to corner the market in jewelry, baubles and the the crepe industry...
Then throws it all away for edgey shit.
...he expands his empire by extorting local government figures while becoming a successful traveling salesman of cheaply manufactured goods for a sensible markup.
I don't like how quickly beargirl gets forgotten and shoved to the back as a side character
Using cheap and available beast slave labor, he eventually becomes powerful enough to buy even MORE SLAVES that he exploits. Soon, thereafter, this gives him a sales force capable of profits from the land, sea and even the air...
Feminism and hand rubbing.
The Shield Jew is then besieged by false rape accusations. The Shield Jew acts as his own attorney and actually wins the case!
Punishments and reparations ensue.
I like the manga so far.
So cute
Look at this slave that I bought for a good price! Soon I will clean it up, teach it basic salesmanship and eventually sell for a tidy profit...
And now I am off to the market
Slave need to eat. But rather than pay for food, The Shield Jew cooks it all himself. This literally eats into the Shield Jews profits.
Do you guys think they'll make him softer and more kind in the anime? His edginess and paranoia is what made him such a great MC.
>He draws a hard line, but settles for a name change rather than holding an exection
I really wish that he would've tortured the bitch to death
nah, him being edgy is what made the material fun, and is the whole essence of the series. if anything they're gonna turn up the crazy like with tanya.
It'll flop and kill the isekai genre
He does, twice
The whole Tact Arc ruined the series.
They went full hyper edge.
>Raped by pig king, we always send noble girls for him to rape to death
>lol he is sending snuff videos to nao how funny
>oh look this country has cars and planes suddenly
>time to kill off the deus ex queen cause we gottta edge up the series for the finale
>killed 3 more characters for edgyness
>yeah im an obvious parody of an Isekai MC with all the super powers and 100+ bitches, but im going to be written so poorly the parody will lose all luster, also this marks the 3rd complete tonal shift of the entire series.
>Time to execute the 100+ Harem in front of the Isekai guy cause yeah.
>Oh bitch, she didnt die, she was the final boss all along
How much can we expect to see adapted? Up to the island arc?
I dropped it a few chapters ago and I don't want to hear about it anymore.
It's not very good.
likely all leading up to shieldbro's name being cleared and getting his revenge on whatshername
Has the manga gone beyond chapter 35?
I dont think you know what this word means
> also called a spoof, send-up, take-off, or lampoon) is a work created to imitate, make fun of, or comment on an original work—its subject, author, style, or some other target—by means of satiric or ironic imitation
The series is okay at best. The only real draw was the first couple of chapters and the main character getting a false rape accusation and that initial Edge. Aside from that there's really nothing notable about it. It also hurts me that despite being the shield hero he's more of a mage cast. He does block things don't get me wrong, but maybe tanking means something differently in Japanese MMO's because there's no excuse for him having such a low physical stat given his weapon.
How about searching the archives?
very helpful, thanks
There're too many plot twists, but overall it's a story about getting teleported in a magic book with heroes, princesses and magic and then you start raging out at retarded people and hating retarded people, on the way you meet a cute loyal girl that would never betray or doubt you and then the rest of the story is pretty much trying to get back the life you could have lived in this fantasy world, with a lot of shit happening and emotional triggers, or at least that's what the story tries to convey to the reader. I liked it, no regrets.
The story stops being interesting after the very first arc. I mean, the setup isn't bad, and everything up to the duel is a little edgy, but it's not the bad kind of edgy.
But then he starts the Infinite Isekai Loop: Trading, wandering, getting increasingly batshit skills, and the story just shits itself. Everyone else is revealed to be retarded in contrast to the hero, and he ends up having to fix everyone's messes. This is basically where the writer puts his hand on his cock and his thumb up his asshole, and jerks off to his own writing.
>just started reading the manga because people recommended it on one of those "if you like this then you might like that" websites
>nothing but overdone tropes
>not a single original idea
Why is japanese western style fantasy always unoriginal, suspension of disbelief straining, videogame-esque trash?
4 people are summoned from different versions of japan to serve as the heroes who defend the world against the so called "waves of destruction", Naofumi iwatani, the young man appointed as the shield hero, the weakest of them all, is betrayed 3 days after his summoning. Having been robbed of his belongings and his reputation dragged through the dirt, now he must find away to survive the wirld and the waves, and so his journey begins.
>>not a single original idea
Nihil novi sub sol
>muh platitudes
Just because people say things doesn't make them true.
Why are beast people always subjugated to racism and slavery in EVERY fucking isekai?
They aren't in InuYasha.
>from different versions of japan
That's pretty spoilerish
Because they are literally subhumans.
I read it when it was a WN. Then again as a LN and manga. Watching the same story for the fourth time as an anime sure will be fun.
I agree. But the trope is always the same, "muh poor innocent humans with cute ears are being discriminated for no reason by the evil humans"
They all discuss it in the first chapters. it gets more exposition in later chapters
Exactly so you need to stop spouting bullshit.
Humanity has enslaved animals and eachother since the dawn of time. How is it not apt that they enslave beast people.
You guys do know that there's also countries where the reverse is true right?
>How is it not apt that they enslave beast people.
Don't justify the altmer tyranny.
The altmer are trying to lead mankind into a post-human perception of the universe where everyone is their own god.
How are they doing anything wrong?
There's no elves, nor dwarves, or other humanoid races. In another planet however there are, as you can read in Vol 8
Agreed. Furry dindus are the worst dindus.
I also agree. A beastman's place is at the end of a human/merric whip
Fuck off lorkhan lover
I guess that's why they all disagree with each other about the games they were playing? I've only read the manga
Can't wait until he finally meets the animal guys who respect him.
That was when it was good. Then it turned into a shitty, generic isekai with occasional torture porn chapters so the author can work out his issues with women.
There're demi-humans though.
I hope they won't fuck it up like they did with Smartphone.
Of course, but that isn't the point.
Only distinguishing feature is that the government shits on him in the beginning. Once it stops shitting on him it becaomes typical isekai fare.
Smartphone is fun. It's as if a bot was programmed to write an isekai and it just threw in every fucking trope there is.
I'm happy to see Raphtalia animated.
I wasn't following, just wanted to point that out.
Why are the other three heroes such terrible characters?
They're normalfags.
Yes, they're each using the system of a different game. The reason the previous heroes were so powerful is because they shared their knowledge and gained access to each others systems boosting their strength tenfold.
>all three of them are confirmed otaku
There are loads of normalfags playing games and being "nerdy" even in real life. MC-kun is /our guy/ and he knows what it's like not being able to trust a single word or action from other people, not even those you love the most.
>/our guy/
Fuck off, Sup Forums.
I can give you motoyasu, the other two? not sure. Ren is too young and itsuki has sort of an inferiority/hero complex
Actually I'm mainly spending time on Sup Forums and /k/. Why the fuck would I visit a shitty hollywood board?
Their interactions with other characters proves that they aren't as far gone as the MC.
i guess.
Can't wait for the threads to be once again ruined by animeonly fags.
ruined again huh, ow where they ruined in the first place again?
I just meant as a whole ruined. I've seen too many good threads here absolutely turned to shit once an anime was made.
Well, at least we have each other user.
Why won't he have sex with his cute slave?
He actually states this is the LN. He doesn't want them getting pregnant on the battlefield.
Now that just adds a whole new layer of suffering to shield-kun. Poor guy.
what's worse is that he's seeing raphtalia as more of a woman and less of a daughter.
He really likes that Miko dress.
She's the only one who has been there for him since the start, and the only one who has been anchoring him to the few nice things in the world and preventing him from succumbing to his overwhelming wrath and hatred.
Another nice thing was the chapter where they meet the queen of the birds and she tells him of the hero that raised her and of the wish that the hero left her. And when the MC starts thinking about what will become of Firo once he dies or disappears from the world, that was really good and emotional.
All in all the LN is an improvement overall. It gave us therese, l'arc and this miracle of the universe
I just recently went from anime to manga after having watched about 600 series. I'm not sure if I'm ready to enter the LN and WN territory yet.
Starts solid, then peters out into harem shit shenanigans and escalates the chuuniness. As expected of the elevens.
Go LN first if you want to know what's next that the manga will take time to cover. But if you want to read the spear hero spinoff you'll have to do the wn fisrt.
Oh and yeah no hurry go at your own pace.
If you want to spoon feed, where can I find the translated LN? I didn't see it on Baka-Tsuki
If I do start reading the LN, should I start from the beginning or right at the start of the island arc where the manga is at right now?
Madokami, or just use one of them nyaa successors, there should be a torrent with the e-pubs there.
Even though the manga changes a few things due to it being a manga adaptation, it follows the LN quite faithfully. Though i would encourage reading it if you like hearing about naofumi's thoughts, there's also a few extra chapters in the LN not covered in the manga.
Nice one
Thanks user
Not that user, but should I re-read if I was following the WN?
Start from vol 5 .
From volume three, even then there's about two extra events in vol 1 and two. The twin headed dog(in vol 1) and the filorial race (in vol 2).