fate/apocrypha thread
Hopefully it will be possible to avoid posting lewd this time.
What do you think is going on with Doris and Hippolyta? It's being implied that *something* shady is going on with them. The former won't even respond to Faldeus, as I recall.
Why do people like Jeanne Alter?
The only reason to even remotely like Fate.
Killya the Illya!!
Probably raging feminists who don't bow to no man
But that's Prelati. He was so pissed that he *actually* became the little girl.
Jeanne Alter is beast Jeanne
Tiné or qtwolf?
Herc (evil)
Wrong; the answer was qtwolf.
Did you steal this rhyme from yesterday's rapping thread on /r9k/?
Why didnt she have sex with him?
I don't remember spoilering this post.
No, I saw it in the archive once and thought it was catchy enough to post repeatedly. Also dead Illya a cute.
I willed it to be so. The force of will is greater than can be known.
The card game?
so she didnt want to put his dick inside of her pussy?
shes a cuck girl like Bizon
Jeanne Alter on the front page!
Those french fries are burnt. I want a refund.
I love this gif because she looks so silly happy, it's adorable.
Jack is a jackass!
Crispy French are the best.
There's crispy and there's burnt. She tastes disgusting.