Vatican Kiseki Chousakan

What next mystery are they going to solve? How can they top frozen Hitler and drug dealing nazis with Vatican bank support?

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>How can they top frozen Hitler and drug dealing nazis with Vatican bank support?
With their secret hitler clones the satanists hid in their secret underwater bases the vatican miracle examiners carelessly stumble upon. Nothing of this will have anything to do with christanity, of course.

That was hilarious as fuck. It's so over the top but tries to take itself seriously anyways (much like religion itself when you think about it) I love it.
Only Ramzan Kadirov offering the gays he attracted with orgiac summer camps in the wood as human sacrifices for an azteq deity could top this.

Let's ask google translate

>Volume 2 Vatican Miracle Investigator Satan's Judgment
>A prophecy of death that attacks Roberto!? >Challenge the mystery of corrupt corpses and prophecy poetry.
>Scientist Hiraga, beautiful scientist, ancient documents and experts on cryptanalysis · Roberto is the Vatican 's "miracle investigator". The two people challenge this time is the mystery of an uncorrupted corpse of a prophet who died a year and a half ago. Two people who went to Africa 's Republic of the Soviet Republic at the moment encountered the site where the woman was killed in the local magical ceremony. Also in the disturbing air, the deceased prophet also prophesied Roberto's visit and its death!? "I will not let you die" The accident book of Combination of Genius Family Combo, 2nd!

Look like if we go to book 2 we're going to Africa 's Republic of the Soviet Republic.

Wait what.

>>Scientist Hiraga, beautiful scientist

>Scientist Hiraga, beautiful scientist
> ancient documents and experts on cryptanalysis · Roberto

Heck here's book 3:
>A good-looking genius scientist · Hiraga and ancient document · cryptanalysis expert Roberto who went to the survey of "miracle" declared from the church of Komura in Italy. What they encountered was the mysterious "miracle" in which the horn sounds in the church and is surrounded by rainbow-colored light. However, the priest of the church seems to be suspicious in hiding something, they are suspicious. A corpse was discovered in this church sooner - the legend of "The Shoddy Clown" remained The mystery hidden in this village! The case book of the Genius Father Combi's third case!

Beautiful good looking scientist, also guy who does books, who care what he looks like.

> first nazis
> then soviets
It kind of makes sense, I guess.

He's the japanese one, you have to understand. But maybe he's also the bigger fujobait. I think Roberto is more handsome, but what does a non-gay guy know.

>what can possibly top Nazis?

Regardless of what happens, I hope the vatican thot slayers finally decide to do their job this time.

I remember a thread some weeks ago, where one user was arguing fiery that this is not fujobait and the most accurate portrayal of catholicizm in anime ever. I wonder if he still thinks that.

I'm sure they will take out all enemies of purity with acid.

Well, it kinda is fujobait, because nothing really gay happened so far.

Of course nothing gay will happen! They're priests!

I don't really think anything is going to be able to fucking top this but I will pray it does.

Hiraga and Roberto are never invited to the Vatican orgies.

They will take out their dicks and make a measurement contest.

Well we did already have them inspect pictures of a vagina so who knows.

>Vatican Kiseki Chousakan - 05 [720p]

it doesnt make sense why would Muller go to Mexico. It would be more reasonable if he hid in Argentina

Here we go.




>i'm a fairy, let me in

Someone please webm this scene
Whenever someone asks if they should watch this show, I'll just post this.

So it's actually commies now. I wonder if Lenin or Stalin is going to show up.

this show should focus on spookiness instead of escalating from christian nazis to african commies to italian lizardpeople then gay niggers


Thank you user.


Okay you piqued my interest.
Is this like Gosick with priests and nazis or something?

>its a breather episode
Well, we get to know something about Lauren I guess.

why do you hate fun
i bet you watched the subbed ghost stories and not the dubbed one

We also found out that Hiraga is at the very least in love with Roberto's cooking.

and god tier ironing.

Marlene was a mail order bride.

It's the little things that count.
The pacing was also slightly less hectic. Must be the lack of a case.
Devil order?

What if he had just used his wishes to help people?
He could have spent all of them without ever doing anything selfish, that would probably really pissed of the demon.

Usually these stories have wishes that backfire.

More like a cross between CLAMP and Moffat's Sherlock but with priests.

>monkey's paw
unless he's autisticly detailed about making sure it's airtight, someone will suffer

Alright, but what if he wished for something completely inconsequential like creating a bubble of air inside a glass of water a thousand times?
But apparently God just approves of you using the devil's magic to pull your waifu into reality, so I guess it doesn't matter that much.

It was obviously Marine though. CR is a bunch of retards.

It's OK if you do it with true love in your heart and you keep loving her and are happy with her

Author will chaos theory the consequence outta his ass.

> How can they top frozen Hitler and drug dealing nazis with Vatican bank support
Beat them in mahjong.

It's Amazon and/or Sentai.

Is this show any fun? I don't care about the quality.

Expecting fun? It wont. No expectation of fun? It might be fun.

>this shitter acts like every single "euphoric" atheist autist on Sup Forums
top kek

Truth is the wishes he made didn't necessarily have consequences. He just convinced himself they did because that's what happened the first times he tried that out. Just like he convinced himself his wishes became true or that his father was a demon. The guy is just a mess.

Did he commit crimes or did they just lock him up for being an edgelord?

Chemical weapons for mudslimes. Caused Syria. Nothing major.


He leaked state secrets, and attempted to traffic bacteriological weapons into third world countries to fund his research

So is Brickett's story true or fake? I think some part of it were fake. Perhaps he had a trauma because of that homicide incident. And that trauma alters his memories

Watch it with absolutely no expectations whatsoever, or expecting a normal mystery show with religion.

If you've been ruined already, you must trick an unsuspecting friend into watching it with you, and delight as they descend into complete and utter confusion. Do NOT tell them about triple baby Hitler, the more in the dark they are, the more fun it will be. You may have to force them through episodes 1 and 2, but I didn't have to because even those have a good degree of what the fuckery in them. Episodes 3 and 4 are where people go wild and either rage quit entirely, or are so baffled they need to see where the wild ride ends.

An Azazel who's actually evil.

Nah it was drugs.

It's true in the sense the guy is telling the truth it's just that everything he believes in and think is the truth is false.

It seemed like his mother had a stroke and changed personalities. I can't think of an explanation for anything else and nothing is translated. This is probably the finale arc.

This was insanely hilarious. But man, their job - when it doesn't involving melting Hitler with acid - must be the most boring fucking thing in the world. Can you imagine?

> "Yep, that's a miracle all right."
> "Sure it is."
> "All right, let's call it an Act of God and call it a day."

If that is the case, then why are those two geniuses with high IQ did not even consider that possibility?

Because their world is fucking batshit, that's why. Just think about the plot arc that just concluded. Logic holds no sway here, after TRIPLE HITLER, THREE TIMES WORSE THAN REGULAR HITLER.


Weren't you listening? They haven't found a real miracle yet.

Watching this back-to-back with Seven Deadly Sins is a fucking trip, I tell you. This reminds me of a World of Darkness campaign, without the goths.

Do you really want to doubt a guy who can potentially fuck you up real bad with a single thought?

I question how you can actually define something as a miracle, as compared to something that you simply don't have an explanation for.

Can't Marine just have a random mental illness? Maybe she's a chronic impostor who lost her sense of self and keeps impersonating people but forget everything about her former persona as soon as she switches to a new one. Much like a goldfish of sorts, whose memory and personality are triggered by her surroundings. But she fell in love with that guy she met during the month she spent as a dolphin tamer so she kept meeting him and her memory finally started recovering a sense of continuity to it and that's when she realized she forgot the stuff she did when he wasn't here and she didn't have to keep up the "Marine the dolphin tamer" persona.
Kinda fucked up and hard to believe, but why not

Are you saying...It's a miracle?

>as compared to something that you simply don't have an explanation for.
That's kind of it. Rule out everything that's not divine and call it divine intervention. Occam's razor and such.


Maybe the REAL miracle was inside us, all along.

Drug-fuelled gay orgy at that. The Vatican is also really into brothels.
>Two years ago it emerged the Vatican had purchased a €23m (£16m) share of a Rome apartment block, 2 Via Carducci, which housed the Europa Multiclub, Europe’s biggest gay sauna.

You don't, that's the very definition of a miracle you just gave.

Take Lourdes for instance. To this day 69 miraculous recoveries are aknowledged by the Church.

>Jean-Pierre Bély - Visited Lourdes: 9 October 1987. Age 51, French. Multiple sclerosis. His cure was recognised on 9 February 1999.

>Serge Perrin - Visited Lourdes: 1 May 1970. Age 41, from Le Lion-d'Angers, France. Recurrent right hemiplegia, with ocular lesions, due to bilateral carotid artery disorders. Symptoms, which included headache, impaired speech and vision, and partial right-side paralysis began without warning in February 1964. During the next six years he became a wheelchair user, and nearly blind. While on pilgrimage to Lourdes in April 1970, he felt a sudden warmth from head to toe, his vision returned, and he was able to walk unaided. His cure was recognised on 17 June 1978.

Personally I just think the placebo effect is a powerful thing. It's the belief that matters.

Some have other explanations though

>"Serge Perrin, 41 years old, claimed that he had recovered from paralysis of one side of the body and recurring blindness in one eye. The Lourdes medical team declared the case “miraculous.” But an American team examined the data and discovered that the necessary tests—a spinal tap and a brain scan—had not been done to properly establish the cause of the condition. In fact, the American doctors said, Perrin’s symptoms are classic signs of hysteria; in the absence of appropriate medical tests, that was a much more probable diagnosis. Furthermore, hysteria is known to respond favorably to highly emotional circumstances like those encountered at religious ceremonies... If Serge Perrin’s case is representative, there are good reasons to be distrustful of officially declared miraculous cures at Lourdes."

Classifying the saving of frenchmen as a miracle seems strange to me anyway.
It's more like a crime against humanity.

Your post made me lose my shit.
Nous ne sommes pas tous si méchants user, promis.


You fuckers better keep this thread alive for at least 4 more hours so I can get home and watch this with you all.


Poor guy, he can't compete from the inside of the cell, with scheduled meetings once a week.

What's the point of making two characters so gay for one another and never have them cross the line into actual homosexuality?

He probably has to listen to Joseph fawning over Roberto like a schoolgirl for hours every day.

You know, when this was announced I thought it was weird that the source material was a LN and not an actual novel, but now everything makes sense.

What's so great about Roberto anyway?
He just seems like the most boring cunt ever,

But they're just good friends, user! This looks like a case of too blatant bait where it stops being fun.

He's good looking, knows how to cook, and he does the laundry, ironing included. Sounds like husband material to me.

Pairing is popular on Pixiv, thought.


I'm not surprised at all really. It could just be me. The blatantness just seems overdone in a way that's no longer extra spice and I like shipping as much as the next fujo

Does anyone have the other pictures of him wielding his cross with "BE GONE, THOT" overlaid?
I remember there were more.

>seems overdone in a way that's no longer extra spice
Yeah, I agree with you. There's no tension or conflict between the two. And it doesn't feel like the narrative is hiding anything from us or they're fucking in the background either. They're just two priests in love with one another but neither of them is willing to cross the line. There would be more spice to it if either was disatisfied with their current relationship and wanted more but obviously neither wants that.

I hope in a future story someone is murdered with a frozen chicken butt but they can't identify the weapon because Roberto's fine cooking skills destroyed the evidence.

It's possible that some tension could be brought in with the power of plot events but I somehow don't see that happening.
> fucking in the background
If they were, I would laugh so hard.

He's studying with books in italian but it's basically the only Italian thing in the whole place.

I guess you could chalk it up to trauma, schizophrenia, or something else that would warp his perception of reality. The truth could have gone something like
>Father was an asshole, possibly abusive, that walked out on his family
>Killer santa skipped his house for one reason or another, maybe the santa was specifically targeting "bad" people
>Mother turned into a bitch when father left
>Mother suffered a stroke or whatever; her personality suddenly changes
>Wife is an amnesiac or a runaway

His power also seemed inconsistent because it activated even when he didn't want it to. Did he just never want anything else in his life, did it activate without him knowing; for example, when he got good grades, he must of thought "I want good grades" (which would have caused his power to activate), or was his desire never strong enough to activate?

This, as for the guy's power, the explanation is simple enough.

Reading these two consecutively made me laugh

there was a Panetteria=Bakery and a Orefice=Goldsmith in the town.

Also, those books looks like real editions of A Little History of the World and a Italian Dictionary