
Magane spin-off edition
Third special tomorrow

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Shit thread

Go ahead make a better one

Art style is...distinct,to say the least.

Altair spin-off when? She really deserves a story after being promoted as a main character of this one. It could be her traveling through stories and making unintended chaos in their plotlines.

As long as it fits the tone. Will they release it after the special airs or the day after?

She really should get a spinoff manga.

Original image collection of TV animation "Re: CREATORS" is a masterpiece collection recorded with Aokiya directed supervision.
It contains original drawings, layouts and total drawing director's corrections up to episode 13 episodes of shocks.
In this volume, you can enjoy the action scene that was instantaneous and the detailed performance of everyday together with the timesheet.
Cover is a character design · Ryuichi Makino drawing down illustration.
A4 size 224 pages. Full original color full-color recording.

So no new episode tomorrow?

August 6th.

Who is deader

This show

or Mamika?

Alice spin-off when?

Fuck off

The best girl should get a hobo life spinoff

Mamika is alive because her character is still alive. And Altair's holopsicon might even be able to revive her with all the memories until her death.

She will appear again in the epilogue when everyone forgives Altair even though she did nothing wrong.


>kuso no kuso

I expect no less of retarded crossboarding sharkfaggots

C92 product
Anthology Picture Book
It is exactly "Re: CREATORS" anthology art collection that more than 50 writers participated!
[Participating artists]
合鴨ひろゆき/天川さっこ/現津みかみ/An2A/いちば仔牛/wingheart/うたたねひろゆき/うめきち/エイチ/H9/江森美沙樹/おかだアンミツ/緒方剛志/介錯/片山摂州/かのえゆうし/Capura.L/かわく/きみづか葵/桐原いづみ/小梅けいと/小日向ほしみ/左折/士貴智志/珠梨やすゆき/白味噌/谷裕司/とんとろ/凪庵/七/ななろば華/ニリツ/non/萩原凛/爆天童/緋色雪/火浦R/ぴこぴこぐらむ/108号/ファルまろ/フジシマ/藤真拓哉/POKImari/ほし/間垣りょうた/三井トモスミ/もっつん*/もとみやみつき/夜ノみつき/裕/らぐほのえりか/蘭宮 涼/りいちゅ

You guys are gonna play her game yeah?

It's a bit of a stretch but she is fighting with a dagger and has an AoE spell in the video. The dagger makes sense for her character, I wonder if she'll have hangaku to do all the fighting

I wonder why they didn't go for Alice for this event.She has the most various combat moves except hime.

Blunder of the year

Got some good waifus out of it though