anime grils who motivated you to get /fit/. post em. pic 100% related.
Anime grils who motivated you to get /fit/. post em. pic 100% related
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hows a 2d gril gon motivate fitness?
Why not at least post Kanbaru?
The UFOs are canon normalfags. Kumiko wouldn't date a dude who wasn't /fit/.
I got fit to manhandle her better.
You need to be worthy of them, otherwise you can't fap to them
not natty, vampire roids
Araragi was more fit than 90% of Sup Forums even before he got the succ.
He never worked out.
I visualize her face before my last set every time
I was already very fit. My waifu just gave me an extra incentive.
This cutie
>inb4 rezero
I know she's written to pander to lonely virgins like me, but there's got to exist someone her, r-right?
kill yourself
K-kill yourself
I don't have the originals on my phone
Please kill yourself.
I would, a year ago. Now I don't feel like it
Same story, different girl.
>you will never be 2d
its more the boys that do it for me. when the MC is /fit/ and the girls fawn over him that motivates me to lift. So araragis harem helped me too.
also AiE threads where the MC is /fit/ motivates me a lot
nice taste, holo is love
It was some 3D chick before I started watching anime, but Usagi keeps me motivated
Being /fit/ is for normalscum
have you been to /fit/ before?
>Go to the gym
>"Wow user, you're really getting ripped. Is it all to impress some girl."
>"H-haha yeah."
They must never know.
Being "in shape" is normalfag shit
/fit/izenship is a special brand of autism
We need more rainbow striped panties.
You watched Demi-chan wa kataritai ? Webm related
Nah sports is for normies, lifting is the most robot physical activity you could do
no, its still on my backlog. is that just one scene or a recurring thing?
>normal scum
Sweet summer child, it's a place where robots think that muscles will fix their autism
>there are hundreds of them, what are these for!?
The girls think to themselves that his muscles are very attractive at least 3/4 times in the series, if I remember correctly
This is why I like calisthenics better. You can become fit and strong while still retaining your mobility and athleticism. Not to mention you don't have to pay a gym membership.
I lift for /him/.
I also unironically listen to /m/ soundtracks when I run. It's the only thing that keeps my footstrike from going to shit after 10+ miles. Can't listen to music when I lift though, it's distracting.
>two different girls
that better not be you user
im bumping it up in my list
Your allowed one (1) waifu for each plate you can squat.
Definitely normalfags
>letting /fit/ness facilitate your degeneracy instead of using it to hone your one-waifu discipline
Not gonna make it in any sense of the word.
No, no, absolutely not. Are you retarded? How much do you think a plate weighs? You don't get six waifus for a half a year of working out you retarded fucking mess. You better hope I don't find you, you little bitch.
No, you have to look up your waifus weight and if you can OHP that you deserve her. Want another? You have to add her to your OHP too
invest in lolis
>only two waifus
find a better routine, user
that's a belt
>six waifus for a half a year of working out
1 pl8 = 60kg
2 pl8 = 100kg
3 pl8 = 140kg
6 pl8 = 260kg
not a lot of people will get to even 100kg in 6 months.
He's probably not thinking in pl8 notation, just in total number of plates squatted.
He's still implying that most people can reach 1/2/3/4 in six months though, which is almost never done.
yeah, I was just thinking of how many actual plates I was able to squat after 6 months
Maybe but he's not wrong.
A plate is 45 pounds man. It's possible if you were active in sports when you were a teenager, but if you start from skellington like a lot of dudes, you're lucky to break 2pl8 after a year.
No it's not, I had to start with just the bar. Get into anaerobic strength training, the gains are silly.
This is so annoying when talking with people.
met a friend from high-school, talked about gym, I just started back them and could only bench 1.5 plates, tells me how he can bench 4 plate. turns out its 4, 15kgs with like a 5kg bar totaling 65kg. my 1.5 plate is 80kg
the rule is waifu/pl8 of bench you absolute chestlet
Doing shit like one arm pull ups and front lever > lifting weights mate.
Actually if you know martial arts, then yeah simply by the fact that you can target weak points.
>waifu is womanlet
>but also an android
>Get into anaerobic strength training,
almost any strengths routine like SS or the texas method is classified as anaerobic.
is that what you mean, or is this the name of some new meme lifts? googeling just gives me HIIT, which is a bad idea with squats.
the rule is one waifu
more than one waifu will destroy your laifu
Nah bro. You're saying your squat improved 45 pound every month for six months straight. Either your form is trash and you're slowly crippling yourself, or you started with a much stronger base than most guys. Lifting doesn't work that way.
Tearing muscle is tearing muscle. You CAN get strong doing bodyweight shit, but it's a lot less efficient than just doing heavy compound lifts. You have to do planks and bridges for fucking ages to equate to one set of heavy deadlifts.
>not 1/pl8 DL
never going to fill that harem
Holo the wise wolf is 160 cm and 43kg which isn't even a warm up for me. There is a listed weight for Watanabe You but by her size (157cm with an athletic build) she is probably between 40-45 kg as well.
So both of them together would be roughly 83-88kg. The heaviest I've ever hit on ohp was 190lbs which is about 86kg for a set of two which should give me a projected 1rm of 195lbs which should equal to about 88kg so even if You was on the heavier side, I should be able to claim them both.
no it's like the texas method, I just didn't know what to call it
>t. DYEL lightweight
no, if you are strong you do whatever the fuck you want. you can also rape other people's waifus
you can cheat easily by using sumo stance. that doesn't mean you are strong.
>Doing shit like one arm pull ups and front lever > lifting weights mate.
all studies, ever, have shown that the most important thing is volume (weight * reps * sets). And thats hard to increase when you are limited to lifting your own 60kg over and over.
I lift plenty. Being strong means having a strong mind and strong morals too. Being disloyal to your waifu or committing rape are the acts of a weak man.
Why planks and bridges when you can do front and back levers? Throw a couple of sets of dragon flags and you have a pretty solid core workout.
That's if all you care about is size. I'd rather have great relative strength while still looking great unlike those awkward caricature bodybuilders that you see in anime nowadays.
How do girls squat?
When I do it my legs touch my chest, dont boobs get in the way?
I think you're squatting wrong
that's not a squat, that's a good morning you are talking about
Being NEET and /fit/ go together, you have plenty of time to workout. I wish I had a home gym so I could be a true hikki.
my chest doesn't touch my knees when I do good mornings. Have I been doing these wrong?
totally. no gains for you
are you guys manlets? when my ass touches the ground, my knees are at my nipples, and slightly to the side.
>he fell for the low bar meme
wide stance high bar is where it's at, candito style. otherwise your either a DYEL hipster who squats 70kg "atg" or a fat unhygienic powerlifter. these are facts.
You may be going ATG, but I have a feeling the chest touch for the other guy comes from being folded 1000 times over at parallel.
What the hell does height have to do with proper squatting form?
If you are under 6ft and have short stubby legs your knees will only be able to get up to your belly button, so of course it wont tuch your chest.
>when my ass touches the ground
You are squatting too low, my man. Bringing your ass parallel to your knees is the correct depth.
>not bringing your ass down to the depths of the abyss
Red whistle detected.
>Bringing your ass parallel to your knees is the correct depth.
the fuck?
I mean I get poeple saying not to go completely ATG, but paralel? that's a half sqaut bro.
your upper legs should be breaking parallel to the ground
do you consider breaking parallel to be like a 3/4ths squat then?
It's actually harder to stop and go up right after braking parallel. When people go all the way down most bounce back up.
Look at Alan Thrall, I think he deleted his old how to squat video and uploaded new one not too long ago admitting that a2g is a mistake
Some advanced powerlifters support ATG. But for the first fucking decade of your lifting career, it's just another fast lane to snap city.
Big Emps is my waifu
I do it for him
that pic
>StaĆczyk hearing about your one rep maxes
I don't know if it counts as getting /fit/ but I went from 230lbs @ 5'11 to 160lbs because of anime girls. I was watching pic related when I began.
Watching Hibike! Euphonium always encouraged me to stop sitting around and do something with my life.
Just like Kumiko I wanted to to do my best and so I got up and went to the gym.
it's 1 waifu per 1 plate OHP for 5 reps
you gotta earn it and not be a degenerate
Is there any other choice?
This, Tsukihi said in the bathroom scene how Araragi has gotten cocky since he's gained a bit of muscle, implying he had a shit body before.
Are you the dude with the anime tattoo on your chest? I think I've seen you post on /fit/.