It's another episode of Sup Forums sympathizes with a murderer because he's white and alt-right

It's another episode of Sup Forums sympathizes with a murderer because he's white and alt-right.

Sigh, when will you guys learn....

Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forumsacks who support white nationalism are literally just sjw for whites. They're as delusional as WE WUZ fags considering they try to claim egypt as white.

Black Pussy

I sympathize with him because he killed 6 jews.

I don't see anyone sympathizing with him.
I only see kikes behind meme flags trying to paint him as "alt right".
We're not stupid ADL, you kikes glow in the dark.


I'm sorry, but I do user. This kid got shit on by the jews all his life and he fuckin killed some.

Good for him.

>everything bad that ever happens is the jews
wow. Whites aren't atheist. They just believe jews are the gods.

Sure schlomo

The ADL admitted in their article that their source was Sup Forums.


he was a coward
thats why he picked a gunfree zone
you're a kike and that's why I sage


And no one but edgelords are saying this Cuban spic murder is a hero.

The best part of all this that Sup Forums made the media look retarded again.

Top Kek lads.

It wasn't intended to be a joke.
You're either a subversive kike or a fool who can't put two and two together.

Here's an example of ADL integrity.

ok. how do you know which ones are jidf


It’s another useless thread with a meme flag because the OP is a big wet hairy PUSSY who believes in nothing save the shekels his 3” get hard over

I get sympathizing with Roof, but this mutt loser, really?


He's not white or alt-right you idiot

If the teacher didn't try to "break him" and his peers treated him like a human being and not just assuming he was "No good" like the one little twat said maybe his emotional isolation wouldn't have resulted in anyone losing their lives. Maybe he wouldn't have fucking lost it.

The kids treated him like he was a fucking weirdo nobody reached out to him but the teacher who's actions are questionable at best given her fucking weird wording. Who in their right mind goes attempts to open someone up in that way. She flat out says she tried to "break him a little bit" that in itself is cause for some suspicion.

It's obvious the kid was MKultra'd

Well I know that The ADL used a thread from this site to justify their claims that the shooter was a white supremacist.
So I'd say it's safe to assume that they have people using the site right now to continue pushing their narrative.
I can then assume that the people here claiming he's an "alt right" white supremacist are either people who've been fooled or kikes pushing the narrative.
So I went out on a limb and called you a kike.


do amerimutts srsly consider pic related white?

you're spanish and that guy is hispanic
I blame you

I'm dumb but ROF?

This is a new, advanced form of shilling

>republic of Florida
small white nationalist group


Okay thanks

Wrong link.

naughty Spaniard raping tight Indian pussy creating the original descendants of el goblino and la creatura

AHAHAHAHA Hello ADL!!! No one died asshole. We know it was fake.

We are learning to live with terrorism and crime and cut off opportunities like the political leaders are telling us to do.


P.S. Nice Obongo pic where he looks like an ape.

Not once did they invite him to a birthday party or a bar mitzvah...

Such a tragedy...