Dagashi Kashi

Starting with cover of v8.

s2 announcement
Pretty good designs.

This looks like shit, should have posted that other pic

It's fucking chapter dump, of course I'll post it but I get connection errors half the time I try



Wheres that "crazy dick hungry slut" look on that Hotaru ???
I didnt like it.

will be probably visible in close up







last page
No chapter next week because it's double issue.
v8 comes out on 10th.

Chapter 69 dump

ntr'd by niisan


Is Hotaru the most /fa/ 2D ever created?

Why have they made Hotaru look like shit?
They didn't change the other two, is it so she fits in with them better?

Fat tits

She's very /fa/pable.

We are legion. We are duded. Join us.

This red nose and this square face make her look like a tumblr fanart

She doesn't even look close to a tumblr fanart.

>wanna try my boobs ice cream?

It looks good though

(s07195's TL)
Really big news! Thanks for waiting!!!
A second season has been decided!!! However! (Dagashikashi!) Who's this beautiful girl?!

154th Sweet: Umami-chan

"Kokonotsu-kun, what do you think?"
"Regarding this..."


"'Maan... Yaokin-san sure did something daring', I guess."
TN: Yaokin is the name of the manufacturer of umaibo
"That's right..."
"But that's not it! I wasn't asking you to show me a sigh of admiration for the company's plan!"

"More like... the first impression you get at first sight..."
"How is it, Kokonotsu-kun..."

"She's cute, isn't she."
"Yes! That's it! How can I express this, it's..."

"Hm, I see.. This is most likely that feeling... In other words..."

"That feeling..."

"Hotaru-san... To say 'moe' is a bit..."
"Huh?! Why?! Is she not moe?!"
"No, it's not an issue with her."

"Even though Umami-chan might be a moe character,"
"Saying 'moe' nowadays in real life is... Because it's quite embarrassing..."

"I don't really get it......"
"It's fine if you don't, so..."

"But You-san said that back in middle school you'd say 'Moe is everything these days'".
"It's called 'moe', see."
"Oh my, how indecent..."
"Damn iiit...!! Pops, telling my embarrassing secrets...!!"

"Well anyways, do you know what sort of character Umami-chan is?"
"She's a little sister, right? Of the 'Umaibo' mascot character, 'Umaemon'.
"It's like, 'Whoa, he had a sister...'"

"Wait, in the first place"
"That's what your name's called?! 'Umaemon'?!"

"Huh, you didn't know it?"
"How idiotic. Of course I know that he's called that."

"I know he's called that"
"But I did not know that 'Umaemon' was his official name."

"Then comes in Umami-chan"
"Detailed as 'Umaemon's Imouto', and you think, 'Huh? Umaemon's his actual name...?!'"
"Really, I thought that would also become a hot topic but it didn't really happen..."
"Even though it's such big news..."
"It's because you need some prior knowledge, see..."

"Basically, what's important is that she's a little sister character..."
"An little sister character..."

"Little sister characters are moe, right?!"
"I thought you'd say that... It's dangerous to decide that based on that one trait."
"Saying that, wouldn't you be a little sister character as well?"
"Yutaka-san (Big brother) is around, too."

"Was I a moe character...?"


"I think that's something that shouldn't be decided by just me alone, so..."
"I guess you're right... Sorry for asking such a difficult question...."

"But in the first place, Hotaru-san, you look similar to Umami-chan."
"Eh? Reallyy?"
"Like the style of clothing..."

"What kind of personality does Umami-chan have?"
"True, there should be a profile."

"'A little sister who is confused by her lack of similarity with her cherished older brother but lives life on full throttle.'"
"They suddenly threw everything at us."
"Is it okay to say they aren't similar..."

"She's bright and cheerful and as straightforward as an Umaibo."
"She's so one track minded she loses sight of her surroundings and so is clumsy."
"She basically overreacts most of the time..."

"You're totally the same!!"
"Hm...? Really? Am I really that similar?"

"Don't tell me I was the actual Umami-chan all along...?"
"No, I didn't go that far..."

"Hah! Which means..."
"If I am Umaemon's little sister..."

Then Nii-san is... Umaemon...?!


"Kokonotsu! I came to hang out!"
"Wow, what bad timing..."

"Mm? Oh, it's you, Hotaru..."


"My little sister's creeping me out..."
(That's harsh...)

"Aah, Nii-san! Return back to your chubbier age!"
"You will look somewhat similar then!"
"Arrgh, get off me!"
"You crazy sister!"

"I am... I am not Umaemon...!"

"I am..."
"Beniyutaka Shikada!!"


"Of course."

[It's something Hotaru told me on a later day]
[But having that Yutaka-san who had thrown away the Shidare name]
[Name himself as a Shidare, made her a little bit happy.]

"Was that....moe...?"

THIS red noseand face, her usual pic are normal

Thank you based rune decipherer

This confirms she is 28 yo in current timeline.

It doesn't look that bad, though I'd still prefer her face from v6.

Why 28?

Delete that comment or you won't get your friday night candy.

He's just shitposting, ignore. Her age is unknown.

Granted that it will never go in a rom-com direction, will Coffee ever stand a chance with Coconuts?

Huge tits

and legs

The same zodiac sign as Saya. Saya is 16.

What does that have to do with anything?

Good god

Not that guy but Chinese/Japanese zodiac has a 12-year cycle, so Hotaru is either the same age as Saya (16yo) or 12 year older than her (28yo).
Though I don't remember them saying their zodiac signs.

They literally say in the first chapter of the manga that she's about the same age as Coconuts. This is anime, there are fucking 8 year olds that like they're 18 and have massive tits.

Thanks for the translation based user.