Why is this allowed?
Made in Abyss 5
Other urls found in this thread:
My daughter Riko is so cute
Even though the Abyss should be considered a national park it is not, and it is not the property of any one man, thus it is perfectly fine to destroy it's pristine nature and slaughter the wildlife indiscriminately. It is ancap paradise.
What would happen if one dropped a nuke into the abyss?
You would get even cooler monsters
It shouldn't be.
being so robotzoned that she doesn't care walking around topless
I need loli armpits and feet and tummy and whole body
I'm kind of upset with Ozel's voice
Radioactive Bone Dad.
It would destroy less than a tenth of the Abyss, but it would cause monsters to move into different ecosystems to avoid the nuclear fallout. Most likely a wave of strong lower layers monsters would turn the surface city into their ancap paradise. Kinda like Moria.
>look at all the fucks I give
The real question is, why is this not required?
We cute girls doing cheeki breeki tings
Could we say that Marulk is a Maid in Abyss?
I'm not to sure about that. Nukes do their damage by air concussion mostly. The heat and radiation is more localized. In a confined space the air concussion would turn the abyss into a gigantic air cannon destroying everything inside.
It's also narrower in places. That will have the effect of concentrating the blast even more due to the Bernoulli effect.
Why do you view this scene as sexual OP?
Because edge and pedobait is the only way to distract you from shit story and writing
The way those censor bangs are drawn, it feels like the BD will not have them
Rev up those credit cards if you want to see Riko's tits on TV
give me sweaty, smelly armpits
>no Abyss Big Game Hunt
I want to kill some huge flying snakes and bugs
I want to fuck Pyon-chan.
>blow up a nuke in the abyss
>jettison all of its monsters into the air
This is probably not a good idea
A better way to kill the abyss is investing on off shore drilling stations and drill next to the huge upside down tree's roots
Flood the abyss with water and you kill almost anything inside it
This is the only treasure in the Abyss I desire
author is so obviously into loli guro
>wanting anything from the 5th layer above the 5th layer
>but with abyss monsters instead
Song for you.
that's some +10 perception you got there user
Umaru the Immovable Nugget!
DFC of the season.
That's why I said obviously.
Reminder that they saw each other's everything.
What does Riko look like "down there"?
Uh, I kind of took your daughter's virginity by force. Sorry Torka.
Literally nothing, you meme spouting faggot who wants attention.
that res
user i need you to step inside the van please
What's with all the naked lolis this season?
like a big black floating box you fucking pedo
Fuck off.
Nothing comes close to ecchi level.
So some hair or no?
Reminder, the bunny smells good!
She has no hair, you speedreader
The world needs more tween-age nudity, that's why!
Let's hope for BDs.
Where is this from?
what other shows has cute nekkid lolis?
Tenshi no 3P.
is this a fun show
Is it cannibalism if I eat a Riko that ate a bird that eats humans?
>Ozen the Anteater
You have to see the full picture.
>there are multiple people who think the anime is going to reach chapter 38 and the Bonedad arc
LOL. Just how delusional do you have to be?
I have, it's unsexy as fuck
It's literally Elfen Lied tier, but with shota lead.
It's stated in the first volume by Nat that she has no pubic hair
Please turn yourself in.
Why is Nat sad anons?
>It's stated in the first volume by Nat that she has no pubic hair
I don't remember this.
These creatures really remind me of those apes in a certain Ghibli movie.
Go reread it you fucking speedreader
So those ape things were definitely cgi right? They definitely looked drawn over.
>won't let anyone sniff her nose or mouth
>smelling inside her pants or the underside of the base of her tail is totally fine though
what did she mean by this?
Because the girl he had a crush on is going to kill herself down in the Abyss and he couldn't even find the strength to confess.
What kind of question is that
>Ozen's voice
I don't like it too much, it doesnt feel very natural to me.
Imagine how cool an Abyss videogame would be, playing as Reg, having Bowndred as a multistage boss, using the extending arms etc.
>The whole game is an escort mission with Riko.
Can you provide an example of something more along the lines of what you expected/hoped for?
This adaption is a blessing honestly. It's great.
Because he got cucked by a robot
Ozen is basically a walking relic at this point. I wouldn't expect her to sound natural.
When will Riko grow out of her potato face into Lyza's pretty face?
Sounds too much like Ahagon. Surprised me that they're not the same VA.
fucking kek
>we will never see this animated
Seems pretty in character, trying to act all scary and menacing to hide just how bad she was cucked, like a coping mechanism.
And I'm sure her true voice will be revealed later in the flashbacks
Thanks a lot!
>comes from the deepest layers
>has an insane laser
>memory issues
Reg might as well start looking for the net terminal gene.
>anteater mouth bj
It's not half as edgy as Elfen Lied.
it hurt
The birds were very well delivered
Can't wait for Ozen next week andMitty.
If Elfen Lied is this fun, maybe I should check it out then.
Please dump the rest user, I forgot to save them last time. Have a rare Ozen in exchange
>I also wish to partake in experiencing Nanachi's fluffiness
She looks like a female blond Tarzan.
God was on wanted to give us a little gift.
God wanted*
What the hell is going on behind her?