Dragon Ball Super

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Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.

Reminder that Caulifla is beautiful.


Reminder that Dragonball Super is shit and these threats are the worst cancer to ever appear on Sup Forums

Normally trainwrecks have fun threads but that hasn't been the case lately asides from Saturday/leak threads where there's more to discuss then the common shit-flinging.

Leave Jiren to me

Friendly reminder for you retards shitting on Goku over the ep 102 spoilers that he is the one who actually understands the situation they are in better than anyone else.

>everyone at the ToP are but mere pawns for the Zeno's enjoyment
And this is why they absolutely have to be amazed by the whole thing. The more awesome powers and fights that unfold along the way, the better. Goku actually has the kind of strategic vision all of you fucks lack despite being a barely educated fight autist.

One thing is for sure: winning over the Zenos is the best kind of thing that can happen and this is what is eventually gonna allow Goku/U7 to find some way to restore all the gorillions of lives lost in the erasing of 7 universes: be it restoring them altogether, or teleporting them to the winning universe, or some shit like that.

Of course not everything is rosy and he needs to be aware of schemers such as Freeza who can't be allowed to actually win the thing.


What does this have to do with dragon ball?

*sexually frustrated monkey noises*

Caulifags, your day of reckoning is near

>Caulicucks thread
Get in here boys

fuck off

Question for non Caulifags/Gohanfags:

If Caulifla and Gohan fought each other 1 on 1 with no interruptions, who would you want to lose?

fuck off fag


simultaneously knock each other out to trigger both fanbases.

because he struggled against ss2 goku while caulifla was going "equal to goku ss2
caulilfa losing would not make sense right?


No more Mary Sue bullshit please. Caulifla shouldn't be able to hold a candle to Gohan now.



loli saiyans leave
Kale can stay

Both of them should kill each other.


Don't lie user.

Massive Gokufag here. I'd prefer Gohan to win that hypothetical so his build up for this arc can have some kind of payoff

how will vegeta get stronger when he's reaching his limits while goku is breaking his?

>those massive heads

I'm surprised he never considered asking King Kai to teach him the Kioaken so he could catch up with Goku


>goku breaking his
Doesn't that just mean that Goku reach his limits but broke through it? Whats to say Vegeta couldn't do the same? Learn english, retard.


Does Vegeta even know martial arts? King Kai is a martial arts teacher. What style were saiyans on planet Vegeta even trained to fight?

Caulifla. Caulicucks have surpassed Jobhanfags with their cancer.



the most realistic option might be Caulifa since Gohan has had more fighting experience than her and Mystic might have more potential than Cauli's SSJ2 cap. as long as the fights interesting

Leave Son Goku to me

i was a vegeta fag in the 90s this scene hurt so much


>They stop using Yamamuro's SHIT style
>Suddenly DB looks better

Ooh what a surprise

Which was the best "Vegeta gets embarassed" moment?

Gohan would probably win, at least at this point. I think SSJ2 Caulifla > SSJ2 a Goku because the only reason he had the upper hand was because of his knowledge and fighting experience, and she just got SSJ2. We never got the conclusion for Gohan vs Goku, but he was slowly starting to beat 'em.

When he got kicked in the gut by base Black and his punches had no effect on him. Him getting stabbed by Rose was nothing in comparison



>We never got the conclusion for Gohan vs Goku, but he was slowly starting to beat 'em.
Did you not see the part where Goku knocked him out with one punch?

Forgot to mention before he transformed.

SSJ2 Goku fucking around with both Ultimate Gohan and SSJ2 Caulifla was great

Sometimes it feels like SSJ2 Goku is stronger than SSB. Why is the anime so goddamn inconsistent?

Mystic Gohan was not using his full power against SSJ2 Goku though, in fact not even against SSJGSSJ. He only went all out after his dad used the kaioken.

SSB is fucking trash

cause its for the toys


I feel the opposite. Goku doesn't care enough to take fight seriously, so as a viewer, I don't care either.


>SSB hasn't done shit since RoF
>Goku's getting a new form in this arc

What was the point of super saiyan blue?

>goes toe to toe with LSS Kale instead of running
>is now challenging an opponent that was capable of knocking him out in one hit
What is this madman hiding?

This. Goku's best fights in Super happened during the Black arc when he had to fight seriously for once.




>when he had to fight seriously for once.
>doesn't use SSB in his first fight with Black
>doesn't use Kaioken in his later fights against Black and Zamasu

This scene was so heartbreaking as a Vegetafag. I was so hopeful that Goku's Kaioken x10 was just a fluke that Toei pulled out for shock value and would be forgotten about. Vegeta was finally on the same level as Goku, his hard work finally paying off. And what do we get? His first fight after Hit ended with him getting humiliated, his attacks shrugged off, him getting beat back by base black, and then him getting stabbed and left writhing on the ground while Trunks and Goku got a cool fight. It felt like I was getting cucked by Trunks and the writers. Watching helplessly on the ground while Goku and Trunks hogged all the action.


Literally when.
By the way if this in regards to either the Goku X Gohan spar or the present Zamasu vs future Zamasu fights with Goku, for the latter it's foreshadowed that present Zamasu had a lot of room for growth on the very episode Goku fights him, and it is then confirmed the first time Goku goes to the future and fights with the native Zamasu (with more than an extra decade of training plus of course immortality) from there.
Gohan against SS2 Goku is an even fight but it is explicitly told Gohan wasn't fighting at full power yet, he only does so after his father gets serious and goes SSB.

At least you have this right? :^)

so kakarot,

>Saiyans with tails are no longer a thing

Only a hack like Toriyama would think removing it was a good idea.

>runner up

Vegeta was a completely broken ningen after his defeat to 18.

He should be fapping using his tail.

Reminder Son Goku has no muscle

>english dub
>no shitty falconeur crap

i might actually watch dbz in english

Do you honestly believe it would be a good idea to show Goku Black the Kaioken? Think about it for a moment, user.

its sexier to let it loose, nimbly brushing against surrounding area

If senzu beans didn't exist would Vegeta have been wheelchair bound for life after this?


At this point just write Goku like Saitama if Toei doesnt want him to go full power because he is too OP.

I don't get it. How at all do you find it appropriate right now to get into the conversation about how his performance has been and how it affected the show?
That conversation may have been appropriate before we learned just how ill he's been and now what it's led to, but at this point in time? Not in the least. Nothing else matters at all right now other than his healthy recovery.
I'm not a moderator here and I can do absolutely nothing to limit your conversation. Have it. I think it shows a lot about your character, though.
(That being said, with this response I'm already contributing to what I'm against here, and that makes me sick to my stomach.)

>GOku blacks Kaioken is blue

Fuck off Goku, we don't love you anymore.

Just finished watching DB and DBZ for the first time. Is DBS worth watching?

nice lie

Stop being dumb Zamasu already saw Goku vs Hit on Godtube and Goku used Kaioken on Merged Zamasu he didn't use it.

That's Kai

Either watch it or read the manga, see what you like more. If you go the anime route, what the movies Battle of Gods and Resurrection F, and then start at episode 28

Look at this wonderful animation

But Zamasu saw Goku's fight with Hit

Are you retarded? Just seeing him using it during one fight in a video isn't the same thing as experiencing it. If Goku used Kaioken against Goku Black then he would quickly learn how to use it too. In fact, after Goku used Kaioken against Merged Zamasu he quickly powered up again.

>Do you honestly believe it would be a good idea to show Goku Black the Kaioken?
Well yes? Why hold back when he could kill him instantly?

Don't worry Gohan, leave this cutie to me

>cherrypicking some few moments of good animation means the anime has good animation overall

Stop being retarded, user.

Hey, when is the Cauliflafag purge happening?

Both because they are shitty character. I'm hoping for them to kill each other and their fans to kill themselves after.

>being this retarded
Black didn't "experience" Goku using Kamehameha or Instant Instant transmission. Fuck out of here with that dumb headcanon.

>If Goku used Kaioken against Goku Black
he would have been killed, period.

Caulifla a cute!

I did not say anything about the anime as a whole
it happened last thread

>Burgerfag complaining about muh ATATATA again
>As opposed to the epic autistic screeching AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH we get in the dub

Trunks is a better and more interesting character than Vegeta, though. I'm happy he stole Vegeta's thunder, hearing garbage about muh saiyan pride gets tiresome after a while.

royal saiyan krav maga

Daily reminder:

>DNA From Sperm Of Ex Partners Lingers In Female Flies And Influences The Genetics Of Her Offspring