Really makes you think

Is this the only Anime comparable to Kaiji which actually, really makes you think?
Asking because I´m just writing exams in economics

Other urls found in this thread:

Lurk more.

Only acceptable answer



get out, at least start a horo thread with decency.

Horo is old and busted
Myuri is the new hotness

I just wanted to talk about smart Anime. As an economics major this stuff is really well made.

thanks for ruining korbo thread with original post

dumb cunt

>randomly comparing Kaiji to Spice and Wolf instead of just starting a normal thread


Season 3 when?

Here, try and post here:

>economics 101
>makes you think
Maybe if you're absolutely clueless.

gonna watch it, but heard that it teaches more about the economy than actual class

I also love (my wife) Holo.


Stop this right now.

>Maybe if you're absolutely clueless.
Yeah, because small-state derivative trade and gold/silver influencing currency values totally didn´t die out in the 19th century and because of this is not in the curriculum anymore.
Did you ever even take a single class on neo-classic or keynesian themes, you baka ass motherfucker?

>Here, try and post here:

Petro dollar really cemented its coffin

>I have no way of extrapolating past what I already know to learn new things based on different structures of numbers shown to me
Maybe you should back the fuck up.

>Maybe you should back the fuck up.
Oh okay, then maybe you wanna show me your published paper on renaissancian currency trade in upper Italy between the city states or something similar, if you´re so fucking smart?
Get real, nobody teaches that stuff anymore. It´s really not fucking Economics 101.

Yeah, but spending monetary surplus form oil trade on foreign investments is not really comparable to the stuff in SaW, I think


So was that one side colors story where it was from eneks perspective worth anything?
Holo a cute!

I'm really behind in novel news about their daughter.

Wish i would have gotten that LE Light novel collection.


U mad m8