Other urls found in this thread:
his mother
fuck off russia
his "wife"
i see russians have their shill control talking points
wrong address leaf, lol
here watch this,
It’s funny watching them CRASH and BURN.
Stop trying to onfulince my political view
Your not part of the US
Someone tip the FBI so we can get OP indicted
>but did it
fucking kek
pic related,lol
his tranny wife
And just like that, Ronan Farrows hot piece on Trump (again, do they ever fucking learn?) is BTFO.
I would rather have based Russia on our side over the fucking dems. How is this even a contest
All you have to do is read the book "Spymaster" by Oleg Kalugin to understand what Russia's game is and how long they've been playing.
Now that they've been exposed for playing both sides of the field on the elections, it's time to dig further and expose their financing of antifa and the other civil unrest in the country.
Look for the pre-printed signs, Look for the times RT just happened to be streaming when the shit hit the fan.
Trust me, it's there, it just needs to be found.
get fucked commie trash
Even though the Russians didn’t meddle in our election I honestly wish they did.
>The Russians are somehow more communist than the left
Okay guy
Fuck all of you naive retards on this board that choke on Trump's dick all day long.
>All you have to do is read the book "Spymaster" by Oleg Kalugin
Kalugin wrote that book under the script of his American masters.
His book is full of lies and BS.
Ivan, you need to increase the quality if your shilling. This will earn you 0 rubles.
Sorry Vlad, your game is up. We're on to you.
You're literally sucking KGB cock and loving it.
GTFO with your plebbit spacing nigger.
Here are your 2 cents
2 scoops
2 balls
2 terms
2 cents per post
Man-lania Trump's tranny doctor did a terrible job on his tits.
>the FBI are russian shills now
make up your fucking mind, lefty
Obamaleaf. So deep down how much are you crying in despair?
everyone get the fuck in here
k kid
I won't accuse you of being a paid russian actor, just being a little dim witted.
What you need to understand is that Russia's goal isn't to get Trump elected, or Hillary elected.
Their goal is destabilization. Their goal is to destabilize the country so much that we stop acting on the world stage.
So, as was pointed out today... they organize a pro-trump rally in New York, and then also organize an anti-trump protest at the same place on the same day.
They finance bernie protests, they finance antifa.
Their goal is chaos. Once you understand this, you understand all.
I'm glad that after spending 2 years trying to explain this to people, the world is starting to catch on.
Deep state russians shouldn't corporations be allowed to fast food mconald
>On one day, Nov. 12, 2016, the defendants organized a rally in New York to "show your support for President-elect Donald Trump" while at the same time organizing a "Trump is NOT my president rally" that also was held in New York.
>get fucked commie trash
but you have no problem buying shit made by commie China?
and you have no problem that your rotten politicians and your rotten greedy business people set up factories in China
and your country lost hundreds of thousands of jobs and now you have to suck Chinese dick. LMAO
see how stupid your fat burger brains are. kek
im laughing
your country in falling a'part and you are on the verge of a civil war. losers. Lol
American soldiers, combat ready faggots,lol
I see how salty your tears are Comrade
>GTFO with your plebbit spacing nigger.
this guy not even trying to hide his hate for america
Trump won and your Illegal aliens(foreign nationals) only helped him. Huzzah.
I'm well aware their goal is destabilization. It's why they went out of their way to more or less support Trump since having an imbecile in charge of the United States would be beneficial to Russia as it weakens the US from the inside. Yes they posted shit supporting other sides than just Trump, but the majority of it was in favor of Trump.
And I'm also well aware that the vast majority of the moody virgins on this board don't care, because their either find Donald Trump funny or they agree with his casually idiotic ways of thinking.
That's a Marine, in case you don't know the difference
Fuck your double spacing.
Not reading your shit in that format.
01100011 01111001 01101011 01100001 00100000 01100010 01101100 01111001 01100001 01110100
why you hidin your flag?
it's not hate it's the truth about faggot America.
same as your homo-pedo leader is, lmao
Meme flaggot has a point here. Someone throw a blanket party for this pos.
homo is a homo.
they are all over your demoralized country
hahaha holy shit
how btfo can you get, this is pathetic
US has been invaded by russians along time ago. here are your russians:
Russian presidential candidate Dianne Feinstein Connected to Clintons and Obama
>from Saint Petersburg, Russia, were of the Russian Orthodox faith
Russian Marc Mezvinsky son in law of Hillary Clinton
son of Edward Mezvinsky, who embezzled more than $10 million from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the advance-fee scams
Russian Monica Lewinsky meddled in Clinton's Presidency
Russian David (Lifshitz) Lauren relative of Pres. George Bush
Russian senator Chuck Schumer affiliated with Obama and Clintons
Russian senator Bernie Sanders and Presidential candidate
Russian senator Jamie Raskin affiliated with Obama and Clintons
Russian Ruth Bader Ginsburg of Supreme Court
Russian Elena Kagan of Supreme Court
Russian Victoria Nuland affiliated with Obama and Clintons
Russian Robert Kagan affiliated with Bush
Russian-Polish Paul Wolfowitz Secretary of Defense affiliated with Bush
Russian-British David Aaronovitch son of communist and affiliated with Bush
Russian William Kristol affiliated with Bush
Russian Michael Chertoff affiliated with Bush
Russian-Polish Mark Zuckerberg potential presidential candidate and affiliated with Obama and Clintons
Russian Jacob Javitz conspired the destruction of US with open borders, immigration, and multiculturalism
>hehe i agree xD upboat!
yes of homos like yourself
>this damage control tho
>not realizing that promoting the idea that Russia could influence our elections is the ultimate Russian shilling
>are you scared
hahaha pussy ass bitch afraid of having pride of his own country?
I wouldn't be proud either, it's ok
When are we going to nuke Russia? I am so tired of their corruption and meddling in our politics.
JFC these fucking degenerate faggots need to be held accountable for their irresponsible actions.
the same time you nuke google and facebook for doing the same thing
the same time you nuke obama for doing it
what? nothing to say to that?
Show us your tits, you fucking fag
Now you get it.
Seriously though, I wish they meddled. Put in and Trump could be great leaders working together.
>what nothing to say to that
you're a faggot though
they did meddle you fucking dense fuck, this is what the news is about
See, this is where you don't understand how America works.
We will be at each other's throats for years, we will disagree with each other on politics until we're ready to tear each other's eyes out.
But as soon as we see an outside threat trying to meddle with us, we join hands long enough to kick their foreign ass back across the ocean.
Here's a secret for you... if the goal of the Russian government was to unite left and right, they couldn't have planned it better.
top kek
>mad another country meddled in election
>still wants illegal aliens to vote on elections
no. but did it?
Yeah we've known this for a while now, I remember a specific info graph about 4th generational warfare being cunducted by trying to inspire civil unrest and revolution through social media.
Thats what the arab spring really was but now its being conducted against us.
google and facebook are just platforms. They are tools being used by the evil Putin regime to undermine our democracy. Time for more sanctions to shut them even more out of the world. Eventually russian citizens will be tired of it... it might take 20 years though with a state-controlled media like russia has.
For the last few years, I've been focusing on the pre-printed protest signs as a symptom of the central planning of the protests.
You may have seen my images floating around here the last few years were I trace back the funder of the sign to the philosophy of the organization paying for them.
Russia =/= KGB or communism
Communist Russia was run completely by the Jewish, we've got charts for that.
Russia today is run by the Russians, and is basically a Tsardom. While I don't agree with it politically, it's generally a sane form of government, so I have to consider them a greater ally then the child fucking disease spreading fetus murdering leftists.
Wow, that effects about 2 people on this board. Congrats
>evil Putin regime
They must be destroyed at all costs.
Now you guys are getting seriously delusional. Nobody has denied that Russia has run political operations inside the US. What you were saying is that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia. The indictment states that isn’t the case, and that in fact, no Americans were aware of the Russian operation. It also states that the Russians were running operations for and against multiple candidates. Sorry, but your impeachment dream just got flushed hard. This is a classic KGB/FSB operation to create political division in the US and involves the Trump campaign in no way. Your hero Robert Mueller has just indicted 13 people who don’t even live in the US.
Yes it is.
Back in the 1970's, KGB agents working out of new york would sneak out at night and paint swastikas on synagogues. They would then show up the next day with a news crew, and broadcast a story back home about how intolerant americans were.
No matter how interesting it might be.
>complaining against Hillary is now meddling
Gtfo, I want real meddling.
POWERFUL RUSSIA with few posters posted few posts on few social sites and took down very weak so called American democracy.
Sign that America is going down.
Why Americans are so emotional and fragile.No balls whats so ever. LMAO
Putin should be the President of the USA and maybe then you would develop balls of courage combined with intelligence.
Because right now you have nothing but aggression in you. No intelligence.
>used false identities
>agitated both sides
I feel so CONTROLLED right now.
I'm literally shaking!
>it didn't (but did it?)
What the fuck lugenpresse
wow she should get a refund
This is very simple
If Russians managed to control your voting choices by few posts that means that Russians are smarter than you.
Simple as that.
You have nothing to defend yourself with. You are a very weak nation. Admitted.