ITT Wasted Potential
ITT Wasted Potential
It was alright
You probably just didn't like that you got cucked at the end
Why didn't he fuck the loli?
That Toyota Tercel wagon really brings me back, I miss the golden era of Japanese auto.
Because he got NTRd
By his friend, no less
I'd have to agree, they should had stuck it out with the manga route
>still believing that was NTR
Airi end was set up from the very start and even that Kayofag director couldn't change it since it was the essential component of the author-self-insert story.
How was the anime different from the manga?
Why couldn't this take the gantz approach? Why make every fucking character a titan?
Why couldn't Eren stay dead?
>Why couldn't Eren stay dead?
If they really wanted to drive home how dangerous the setting is and that everyone can die, killing off the typical shonen "RAGE REVENGE KILL ALL" protagonist would work.
What the fuck
I never noticed she was in the picture. Just like the actual show
I'm pretty disappointed in how little Kokoro Connect used the bodyswapping aspect for drama. It was a far more interesting device than any of the other shit the show pulled. I was hoping there'd be a little more of the characters being forced to act like eachother and gaining an understanding instead of it being purely a means of starting predetermined conversations. I'm guessing/hoping Kimi no na wa will scratch that itch once I watch it.
>I'm guessing/hoping Kimi no na wa will scratch that itch once I watch it.
>I'm guessing/hoping Kimi no na wa will scratch that itch once I watch it.
I've got some bad news for you.
dude forced love triangles lmao
Does it matter? He still saved his mother and got the best girl, though I liked there development better in the first timeline. Dunno how it's gonna work with how they met in the end
Would you date a guy you meet under a bridge looking like an autist?
wouldn't that just make Mikasa the Rage revenge guy instead?
One of two prime examples, the other being Angel Beats.
Also this.
what was the original plan here? Im sure as hell it wasn't what we got.
I never noticed Airi in the foreground until just now, what the fuck
Eh, Angel Beats is just a combination of the Little Busters Refrain and Saya routes. It's Charlotte that really pisses me off.
>barely met
>best girl
Charlotte went full retard
How so?
The absolute epitome of wasted potential
She never had a chance.
It's not over yet, it could be quite a nice surprise in the end
>I'm guessing/hoping Kimi no na wa will scratch that itch once I watch it.
They act absolutely nothing like each other and everyone just has to deal with it.
That never had potential.
can't be wasted potential if it has no potential at all from the get go.
Funny enough I've been thinking of watching Kokoro Connect specifically because I wanted more body swap hijinks out of Kimi no Na wa. Sounds like it might not be what I'm looking for.
Compared to the OVAs, sure it is.
literally cucked to death
They should've adapted this series by the same author instead
the fucked up thing is if those last few episodes just weren't made this would be some sort of cult classic.
This shit was so disappointing, only like 3-4 eps were about body swapping, and even that was quickly overtaken by weird teen drama. I finished the rest of the eps hoping there'd be another scenario as interesting as the body swapping, but they were also boring
after the middle act, they completely shifted on how they would take down the culprit, like i would say it was more involved with planning from all parties
i liked it
>tfw when you realize three episodes before everyone else that a show is going to be shit
dropped at episode 3. Niggas get on my level.
I actually still like Dragon Ball Super but its probably the perfect example for this. Legendary series going through a small resurgence due to two new successful movies that are mostly well received. Lets flush 20 years of goodwill down the toilet and rush out a new series just to fill a time slot. The show is successful and is slowly getting things right, but good lord the first six months were a complete disaster.
I did too, I thought the conclusion was a bit rushed but overall its very enjoyable. The best moments far outweighed any of the negatives for me.
Die in a fire
That show has 0 potential in the making.
suck a dick
nice b8 m8
I honestly thought that the show was gonna be /r9k/ adventures as the guy completely destroys every aspect of the girls life till she was left in shambles, but it was nothing like that at all
Definitely. It started out with a very interesting premise though.
Joker Game was boring as fuck for an anime with an interesting setting and premise
I heard the manga is way better.
Kimi no Na wa was going to be generic shinkaishit no matter what, so it had no potential.
The only ones ITT. The rest were mediocrities since episode 1.
Yeah, definitely COCONA killed the show.
Just watch Yamada-kun.
I win.
>Just read Yamada-kun.
ftfy senpai
What weirds me out is that the series could've ended months ago and I would've been happy. Like, the ending should have been Historia being transformed into a Titan, before everyone breaks in and kills her.
But that means Coordinate, and the only hope of using it, is gone forever because the last member of the Royal family has been killed. We end with Eren being freed, while he thrashes around and begs to fucking die.
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress.
Ep 1 was fucking mindblowingly good, then it got worse by each episode
Yes read until they start introducing the the other sets of witches
This. But still, it wasn't a complete waste.
> Take good premise about feudal Mars waging war on Earth.
> Make Martians with an overwhelming technological advantage into retards that build fisting bots instead of effective war machines.
> Make the protagonist an autistic Gary Stu whose only defining traits are being NTR'd and loving eggs.
Why is this allowed?
Agreed. The "it hurts"-episodes were fucking intense
I still don't get why the one guy agreed to live in a box for over a decade or why she waited so long to show up
The epitome of wasted potential
mc is a cuck LUL
This. It mainly had some nice animation but nothing good else going on.
Tears don't work like that.
The concept was good, the pacing was good, the plot was good, the characters were charming, in their own way, but the last episodes they introduced some "twists" that made all the former things irrelevant and that's when everything went to shit.
She's a girl and that makes it automatically better
I'd still say the bodyswapping is entertaining, and there are some nice dramatic scenes that use the gimmick well. My disappointment is that there wasn't more of it. I think it's still worth watching at least the first few eps.
To this day I've never bothered with the movies because I have never heard a single good work spoken about them.
To this day I've never bothered with the movies because I have never heard a single good word spoken about them.
Because they figured they could get away with it, that's why.
And they did.
>They never made them read their own doujinshi
How could they fuck up so hard?
I liked the first few episodes but they suddenly tried too hard
threads were great
I still love Robutt and Loser though