Aho Girl

A-kun-san's a good onii-chan.

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Aho a shit

She's done nothing wrong

Her very existence is wrong.

Then kill your sister too Akkun

daily reminder that the little aho only path is to become a jav actress

She can be a stay at home wife.


tfw no aho christmas cake

Thoughts on this butt?

bretty gud

Doujin when

The heels make this shot ten times as good.

heels make everything better.

not really a milf man, but damn, I would spelunk into her cave of wonders.

So so many good plot possibilities...

Does Aho girl have strabismus? I'm not sure.

milf is a cute. CUTE

>good onii-chan
a shit

He's trying.

>gets mentally owned by a literal retard
>immediately jumps on the closest young dick
this scene was hot

The imouto is a complete aho as well.

the hair pins anguished face makes me giggle every time

>all the women in the anime are stupid
based nippon, realistic

Will oniichan bap her womb

They went too far here. All she wanted to do was go see her favorite movie with her onii-chan. She didn't deserve that.

Isn't she supposed to be terrified? Why is she blushing?

Why does Akkun insist on taking responsibility for an aho like Yoshiko? Is he secretly tsundere for her?

She could insult me everyday


>the closest young dick
He was the only guy in the room if I remember correctly.

I see many baps to her womb in the future.

It doesn't matter what he does, she'll follow him, we see that in flashbacks to childhood later. He attempts to correct her because it's the only thing he can try. He absolutely knows it won't work, but it's better than nothing.

embarrassed that she upset her oniisan

Does he ever show that he actually cares for her? I want them to fall in love and have a violent BDSM relationship.

Why is she such a failure? Aho doesn't try but still has several talents and skills while she can't do anything!

mAHOu shoujo

she has one thing over yoshiko
common sense (sometimes)

But Yoshiko has a purer heart.

I didn't know that imouto was such an asshole!

Never. Biggest display of affection he ever does is place a blanket over her when she's unconscious on his balcony, but he's done that for Sayaka and Oppai Iinchou too. So even that was more of a human decency thing than something special.

I want to anally destroy that butt.

Yoshiko may be an Aho but at least she has her priorities straight.

Thats the correct way to deal with precurefags.

I've never wanted to fuck a lawfag before.

She's just an honest 5th grader.

he tries so damn hard
fucking siscon


Doesn't even know that hopeless musicans make the best music.

>abuses his sister emotionally and physically
>doesn't even let her finish seeing the movie

Gets me every time, does Sayaka even know his name?

It's sad that even if she didn't, she'd still be his best friend.

That's disappointing. I guess I'll just have to wait for the doujins then.

>she can't do anything
it's sad because it's true

It is as if the universe itself was bullying this girl

does imouto have any decent display of intelligence in the manga?
no one seems to mention the parents for similar issues, and akkun supposedly does fine as a student, so i can't really expect imouto to not have a chance at improving her status

She can always be loved by me

this is not ok.

It's even sadder because she tries so hard.

Doujin of Yoshiko femdomming Akkun while her mom guides her into making him creampie her so her retirement can be secured.?

In another world, this girl would be destined to be a domestic servant or a prostitute. She won't be good at those either, but at least she can hold still.


We needs laws to stop imouto bullying!

Never ever

She does make actual progress eventually. But it's over 100 chapters in, the anime probably won't reach there.

She finally learned multiplication after many, many hours of studying with her onii-chan.


Aho's mom is fucking sexy




Thanks for pointing that out, I would never have noticed.

Holy shit that rekt'd on the first strip

>Let me show you my serious mode!!!
This is advanced bullying

i'm going to pick the manga like fucking now


Will she ever win?

The answer is no


akkun x sayaka otp


>my dear Ruri
>repair our relationship
He really is a siscon isn't he?

>give the natural state a name


oh dis good shit


He actually does prepare a futon and pillow for Sayaka one time. Which means he picked her up and placed her in it, so he does go the extra effort for his friends, meaning Yoshiko must be really low in his eyes.

>ahos were watching madoka
What does this mean?

At least it wasn't lego.

Next episode should have some nice Ruri bullying.

I broke 3 toes doing that once. I'll take the Lego every day of the week.

God damn, this is actually making me sad.

At least Aho is stupid to realize how much of an idiot she is. But the imouto is self aware of how much of a fuckup she is that it just makes it all the more pitiable.

>when you're such a great person you get two honorifics in your name
How does he do it?

In the end, it doesn't even matter.

Why isn't Ruri going to the beach?


She can't swim

Why the wheels?


can't wait

no stops on the bully train

they have great chemistry

I came for the bananas I stayed for the bullying

More dangerous

What the fuck. This is not alright.