
I've always been pretty neutral on the vaccine question, but I am naturally skeptical of the government and big pharma.
The thing is that these liberals treat vaccination like a religious cult and get offended and mad if you don't agree with them and gobble up the pharma propaganda.
The fact these people are so hostile, combined with the fact every liberal outlet pushes vaccines makes me naturally believe there's something wrong with them.
Can I get some redpills on the VQ?

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Get vaccinations you fucking idiot. Not everything is a conspiracy.

Why do you care? As long as you have your own vaccination it doesn't matter what I do

Because vaccines have huge positive externalities. By getting vaccinated you do not just protect yourself from the disease, but also everyone you come into contact with.

But as long as those people are vaccinated I am only a threat to fellow non vaccinated people

I'm not an anti-vaccine person but it is disturbing how much leftists get triggered over people not vaccinated.

Yes. So the less non-vaccinated people there are, the less of a threat you (and anyone who isn't vaccinated) will be.

Why do you care? If you're vaccinated you're safe. #mybodymychoice

As long as I get to steal, murder, or commit crime, nobody else will. See also: functional society

some people can't get vaccinated vecause of medical conditions. Do you want to kill them user?

>get vaccine
>get sick none-the-less

That' s your answer right there.

As the number of non-vaccinated people increase, so does the likelihood of a preventable epidemic causing general economic disruption and human distress. Also, there is the theory of altruism, whereby a person cares not only for his own well-being but also the well-being of others.

Group immunity.

what is with the 1 1/2" needle for a childs arm?

As long as I can steal from people who also agree stealing is okay*


Looks like it was already on its way out regardless of the vaccine

>Can I get some redpills on the VQ?
vaccines are just placebos; you're basically giving drug companies free money

You'll need to provide evidence from empirical statistical analysis to prove your statements are correct and not just shit you've pulled out of your ass

Hey OP, I don't really give a fuck if you decide not to vaccinate, but please don't procreate and make babies because I don't want retards to pass on your genes in this world.

Except it can come back, its dieing out because it can't infect anybody, one person gets infected, and that means it will add another decade to its life span

Get vaccinated, and when it dies completely guess what, you won't need them anymore then

Yes, because by 1900 people understood how disease vectors spread and therefore how to best prevent the spread. A vaccine was not required because people had become conscious on how the problem propagated.

Shit i've pulled out of my ass? Look at pic related, there is your observation and empirical stastical analysis

Vaccines are poison. Vaccines didn't eradicate smallpox. A better understanding of sanitation and germ theory did. We no longer see as much tetanus because we no longer have a bunch of horse shit piled up on every single street corner. You cannot even sue a vaccine maker. You have to go to a special court. lol. cuz truth fears no investigation right?

Read Dr. Mary's Monkey. It tells teh crazy story about how the first smallpox vaccines or one of em was infected with a cancer causing virus. And they gave it to millions of boomers anyway. Hahahahaha. Fuck that is great. Please die slow boomers. It is exactly what you deserve for worshipping at the altar of big pharma/big gov.

I haven't been vaccinated since I was 10yrs old. I'm 25 now. Never been really sick except one time I had sinusitus. Usually I get a cold once a year

No, a graph isn't empirical statistical analysis. Just because measles was declining before vaccination was introduced does not mean vaccination is not effective against measles. To prove the latter statement you must use a sufficiently large sample, control and treatment groups, randomised trials etc

Imagine being this stupid

Vaccines prevent diseases, it does not eradicate them

Life is risk. Which risk do you think is more dangerous? Would you rather be vaccinated (and hope that vaccine works) and potentially suffer the side effects of the vaccines or risk getting the disease?

How bad is the disease? Is it something where you are inconvenienced for a week or 2 and then you will recover or are the diseases life threatening?

I don't buy into the herd immunity thing, especially because people who get vaccines still can get the disease. If you are sick, stay home. Then you won't get others sick. Eat healthy, stay fit, wash your hands.

The fact that these vaccine companies are absolved of all liability for the damage that they can cause is worrying. Also, the vaccine schedule in the US has gotten out of control.

no joke this is the scariest topic i've ever come across. i'm a new dad and i have to decide the fate for my bundle of joy. I vaccinate him and I just increased his chances of susceptibility to mental issues and allergies. Don't and go through life scared of immigrants and travel.

Of course the CDC is shady and full of it. But I can't confirm 1,000% that no vax is the way to go.

I'm gonna pump my kid full of literal shit and i'm going to ruin him. Feelsbaddad

No one (hopefully) is arguing that ALL vaccines aren't bad. I think the issue people have is that their children are being pumped with vaccines for every illness under the sun even though there may be no reason for it. See the Flu Vaccine. Every year here in Canada the government has radio ads on every station, on tv and signs everywhere telling you to get a flu shot even though they have a 1/1000 chance of getting the right strain. I think when anti-vax people see how hard it's getting pushed by the government they (rightfully) get suspicious. The problem is they get their information for whack jobs. I have vaccines for a bunch of stuff but when I hear about "mandatory vaccinations" I'm not worried about the vaccinations, I get worried about the doors that type of legislation opens up (involuntary injection of foreign materials into the body). If people want to die let them die, if I also die because of that then well tough shit me I guess I just didn't cut it but I won't complain and interfere with peoples freedom of choice.


>How bad is the disease? Is it something where you are inconvenienced for a week or 2 and then you will recover or are the diseases life threatening?

You are so fucking dumb, the reason the vaccines were created was because the diseases were so fucking bad, thousands of people died

also autism isn't a disease dumb ass, its a disorder

My gf works at a hospital and had madatory vaccination. I of course did not get one as usual because fuck that. She gets sick with the flu anyways and of course i get from her. Both sick af for a few days with fever of 100. mine only 4 days later. So whats the point. Plus im willing to bet that many of the people that have died from the flu recently were taking tamiflu.

> forget to mention that the definition of austims if getting more and more open every year

Andrew Wakefield is a fraud who publish a false paper because of a money laundering scheme.

Are you fucking stupid, IN WHAT WAY did vaccines have ANY correlation with the declining numbers of deaths due to smallpax. If you look at the graph you can clearly see that the reason smallplox was eliminated was by seperate factors.

This theory can be proven by looking at countries that still have smallpox deeaths today, and they are all countries with SEVERE malnutriontion problems (Africa and asia), and since smallpox death is associated with MALNUTRTION. It is therefore safe to say that the graph clearly proves how uselss vaccines are in preventiog ANY deaths, and how NUTRITION/wealth elimenated small pox.

You have been spammed by big pharma to buy their uselss products, just like any other stupid shit you buy as a consumer these days..

Vaccines work but have side effects and should be spaced out in infants.

the same people that brought you terrorism, 9/11, gmo's, financial instability, endless wars, Flint water crisis, niggers and immigrants, feminism etc, etc.... bring you vaccines, but zweistein here says that not everything is a conspiracy theory so you better get your vaccines.

The problem with the flu is that there are thousands of different strains, a flu vaccine only protects you from a few, and changes constantly

thats because the human population is increasing, of course more people with autism will be born

Vaccines to not eliminate diseases, they prevent them from infecting you

>The thing is that these liberals treat vaccination like a religious cult
What, no, it's them doing the anti-vaxx nonsense. Who do you think is responsible for the near-extinct disease outbreaks in California?

The reason lefties have such a hard on for vaccinations is because the conflict perfectly aligns with their mythos of government control being the key to happiness.

That being said, they are genuinely safe (at least the kind used in the US), though less effective then most people seem to believe.

>thats because the human population is increasing, of course more people with autism will be born
I don't think you understand what a rate or percentage is.

To be honest I have never seen a case of a functional government program and I'd rather leave my fate to nature

Blood magic.
Literally and actually.
Taint the blood when they're young so they and their children can never be whole.

It's impossible to see anything clearly just by looking at a graph. With regards to measles: when vaccine was introduced measles was rampant in the poorer strata of society, but afterwards mortality by measles for poor people declined. With regards to third world shitholes: mortality rates fell significantly after vaccination was introduced in those countries

No, your immune system already prevents you from you getting infected, or you might carry the virus but not see any symtoms other than a flu etc.

If your immune system is compromissed by let's say MALNUTRION, then yeah you gonna die but sine it's not a problem unlike places like africa and asia. You(and everyone living in a wealthy country) are and I repeat: INJECTING a USELESS cocktail of expensive SHIT scammed onto you by big phram and their backers like Bill Gates, as the video clearly states HE FUCKING FUNDED IT.

Well its not because of vaccines, alot of it comes from women being much older when they get pregnant

Also autism is like adhd, its a huge umbrella that keeps getting expanded, its not actually a big issue as many people would like to believe

Yah, I have never gotten the flu shot in my adult life and I'm one of the healthiest people I know.

Cool. Makes you an ideal candidate for death in strains like the 1818 pandemic.

Yeah there a rampant outbreaks of polio and rubella here right now
Dumb kraut, go lose another global conflict


autism is just low iq and social ineptness, the definition is overly broad & the things that cause it are women having kids later in life & helicopter parenting, the word autism should be abolished because a diagnosis when you're 4 years old will kill any chance you had at life bcuz people will lump you in the same category as people who need somebody to feed them

Are you fucking blind you retarded sheep, THERE WAS 0 DEATHS of measles in America, NOT EVEN WITH THE POOR BEFORE they introduced the vaccine.

maybe 1 or 2 cases of some fucked up alcholic child that was misstreated and therefor died as a result of malnutrtion to the diesase.

the graph litteraly states it's 1 in a milion that die to it, so impossible to be more than 300 per year. Find me another graph then if you're so blind that you can't the read the 0.1 out of 100000 deaths.

You clearly have no idea of how vaccines work

They inject you with a weak version of the virus, your bodys immune system beats the virus and learns how to defeat it, so when a stronger strain comes across you, your body can beat it

Also vaccines have existed before bill gates, get your head out of your ass, only idiots thing vaccines are a scam

You walk up to any person in the middle of street, and they will tell you how stupid you are for believing some evil corporation is trying to secretly poison society

autism is not low iq, albert fucking einstein had it

People need to learn that autism is not a huge isssue

This. Liberals far and beyond are the ones shrieking about how vaccines are big pharma poisons and they’re just going to live forever on cold pressed juice and probiotic vaginal yeast.

There is a big difference between actual vaccines and "flu vaccines". Getting one time vaccines for actual diseases is a miracle of modern medicine. Getting a flu shot every year is paying money for population control poison.

Know the difference.
t. EMS trained with RN mother.


Fear mongering and the feeling of security at the price of liberty. Such a female mindset

>In the decade before 1963 when a vaccine became available, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. It is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year. Also each year an estimated 400 to 500 people died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 4,000 suffered encephalitis (swelling of the brain) from measles.
full retard

Between 1912 and 1916 there were 26 deaths for every 1000 cases of measles in the US

I'm a pretty firm believer that 90% of disease resistance is in diet, and the other 10% is a combination of genetics, environment and just random chance.

>its a huge umbrella that keeps getting expanded

exactly and one of the reasons for this is doctors don't want to hurt people's feelings by telling them their kid is retarded, there are too many to list but basically anybody who isnt a perfect cookie cutter child is classified as autistic these days, and they will be treated as such and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy .


Do you think he's actually a Swede or a Somalian larping in Malmo?

I don’t know if dear mongering is quite the right word for it, because I’m not super invested in the types of people who refuse to be vaccinated dying from diseases that vaccines are readily available for. If anything it makes me more smug about my own choices.

definitely a swedecuck

>autism is not low iq, albert fucking einstein had it

a 'quirky' personality doesn't make you autistic, but it's pointless to talk about because the word cant even be defined anymore

You can believe anything you want, but don't mistake believe for proof, which requires somewhat more work

Yeah vaccines WORK the problem is that YOU DON'T FUCKING NEED THEM as I explained in my other post you're not going to get "a stronger strain" if you are a HEALTHY individual that virus posses no more threat to you then the FLU or a COLD.

they are scamming YOU by selling you something that WORKS but YOU DON'T NEED.

and holy shit , just because they where invented before the RICHEST PERSON TO HAVE EVER EXIST was born, HE CAN'T MAKE MONEY OUT OF IT????
You're the one not seeing yourself getting scammed by the snake oil salesman my friend, becuse you belive his lies spread by his "companion" onlookers to give the impression he is right.

"some evil corporation is trying to secretly poison society" ohh yeah because COPERATIONS WOULD NEVER DO THAT

except they do all the time, and they do it a lot more in poorer countries where people are too weak and educated to realise what's happening. just like hmmmm, vaccines??

Autism isnt even close to real retardation like down syndrome

There are millions of successful and productive people with autism in society

Autism alone is not the sole reason for any dregs, but from multiple factors that greatly vary

>Getting one time vaccines for actual diseases is a miracle of modern medicine. Getting a flu shot every year is paying money for population control poison.
This makes a tremendous amount of sense. In order to maximize annual profits you have to MARKET the shit out a the product. The marketing campaign is to the point where people feel physically threatened and pressured to obtain the shot. Its just a racket.

Why not just use natural ways to ward off disease? Apple cider vinegar, sauerkraut, etc. Much better alternatives to (((vaccines))).

& i'm not saying everybody with autism is slow i'm just saying slow people are diagnosed with autism rather than mental retardation. even hearing the word autism makes me sick quite frankly

Thats not true, the swine flu pandemic a couple years ago actually is super effective on people who are healthy, it causes the immune system to overreact which causes it to kill its own body

There are plenty of viruses that work like this

ARe you fucking retarded, look at the chart, and read my post.

In 1912 america was a poor rural country with people STARVNING and getting by nothing but POTATOES, so naturally people died like flies, from ANY diease.

this is the kind of shit im referring to

i agree, i would wager that people who do suffer from mental retardation probably do have autism

It's a generalization but I mean at what level of specificity do you draw the line? Testing the individual chemicals in those specific foods vs the specific strain of bacterium?

Vaccines don’t cause autism, Television, Vidya, and Day Care cause autism.

Your correct, but disease can be preventable, and vaccines are a way of preventing it

Its not a scam like you seem to believe

I worry about you, because you truly do not understand how they work, they are not poison you seem to think they are

>harmful chemicals are minuscule compared to daily consumption.
I wonder how much aborted fetal tissue was in my lunch?

You need to end your life seriously, you don't read what I fucking post, DO KNOW how they work, and therefore I KNOW that you don't fucking need them , because to the HEALTHY person the virus will be too weak to penetrade ur immune system ANYWAYS, so if you vaccinete, ur getting a vaccine for something that is 100 % harmless and will not kill you.

>I've always been pretty neutral on the vaccine question, but I am naturally skeptical of the government and big pharma.
Its a huge pseudo intellectual issue for redditors just like the metric system
The truth is the although the risk of complications from vaccines is low so is the risk of the actual diseases they prevent

No, I mean a comparison of measles mortality rates between a large group of people who have received vaccines with another large group which haven't. Usually done by recording statistical changes in mortality rate in an African shithole after the introduction of a vaccine program

>Its not a scam like you seem to believe
paying 1000s of dollars for something you dont need is the definition of a scam

You don't get vaccines as an adult, because you have a healthy immune system, you get them as a child because they DONT

That fetal tissue, it just like stem cells, its not some boogeyman

Those videos were funny as shit.

Do you need police then because your never going to commit a crime right?

The entire point of it is being preventive

You have never suffered from measles or smallpox, so its easy for you to say its a scam

Is that you Dr. Goldstein?

I come across the a lot of anti-vaccs people on both sides. Go to Facebook and look at anyone of the numerous pages for it. You'll find people on both sides of the political spectrum for different reasons. People on the far right because they don't like the government, people on the far left because they don't like industries.

neoliberalism > socialism anyday of the week.

>me, my bro, my sis, my dad, my mom never got vaccinated and never EVER get sick.
When my friends get the flu I laugh at their vaxing faces. I'm thankful my family has brains

Vaccines save your stupid life, quit being a fucking faggot. If you care so much then read the literature.

smallpox is gone
The odds of you getting measles if not vaccinated are extremely low
even before the vaccine it was only killing a few 100 people in the country a year
Giving your daughter the HPV vaccine is the definition of being a good goy

>develop germ theory of disease
>spread is reduced and treatment gets better though measles still exists
>develop measles vaccine
>no one has measles in the US except the odd chink tourist and oregan hippies who don't vaccinate

get vaxed for some confetti strain from somewhere far away. nearly die from local strain. i'm a sick mind though i wish everyone would be vaxed for many things everyyear like
everyone getting shots for almost anything constanly i orgasm on the tought.

you are seriously the DENSENT Person on this fucking thread, end yourself.

They are not a THREAT to you babies either WHICH IS WHY NO BODY DIES FROM IT INCLUDING BABIES. When you are a baby you are SUPPOSED to get all kinds of dieases and skin conditions and diarreah becuase you are BUILDING your immune system and repsonding to all the foregin invades that you get introduced to in early stages of lile.

if a baby grows up in a STERILE enviorment (aka a plastic cube, which has happend)
it's immune system will be too weak when it's older so that if it leaves that sterile enviorment it WILL DIE, unlike a normal child that will build up it's immune system.


>t. Jehovah's Witness

and we all know there is no better source of truth than the normie on the street